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Everything posted by BMTSoulja1

  1. This is the youngest team we've ever had.  Our starting linup consisted of 1 fish, 3 sophomores, and a junior that's fresh off the football field.  If  can't manage to keep a game in hand when you have the superior coach and when your best player is a senior, maybe you need to question your staff or the upperclassmen on Your team.  Last year, no one said anything  when Prudhome ate us for lunch.  Sound like sour grapes to  me.  That's alright.  H-J won't have to face Central again..
  2. [quote name="freeze 1914" post="1340679" timestamp="1353781080"] Honestly I wasn't impressed last night at all. I saw a good game plan to box and 1 #3 which they did last year and lost but worked this year because HJ don't have Prudhomme. How many teams will the box work on this year. Offensively they have major weapons. Still didn't see no kind of offense. It was whoever wanted to shoot could. Run and gun can't work on everybody [/quote] It's funny that you're the only one that wasn't impressed.  Even the H-J faithful was impressed.  What Central did was impressive and not only did it work, it appeared to be a brilliant move.  Let's not forget that not only did we bear H-J, but destroyed them.  Did you actually watch the game to make such an asinine comment?
  3. In our district, either Weisbrod (Nederland), Wileridge (Central), or  Hunter (Ozen).
  4. We still have some things to work on.  The season is still a long one.  I still reserve my judgment on this team.  Maybe a good performance at the YMBL tourney will change that...
  5. [quote name="KingJames123" post="1340352" timestamp="1353736107"] [quote author=Stephen A Smith link=topic=106666.msg1340303#msg1340303 date=1353733374] [quote author=ballup link=topic=106666.msg1340208#msg1340208 date=1353729841] This game was not close at all. Kountze played alot of kids that will never get to play. This is the worst I have seen Silsbee play all year. [/quote] Kountze players will all play this year they are deep..... as for Silsbee how many games have you seen they only played 3 [/quote] I saw 3 players play tonight for Kountze that were on jv against Lumberton ..but played well.. I didn't see Central play but jw how Silsbee beat them? [/quote] I wish I could tell you how Central lost to Silsbee.  I'm assuming that Silsbee's quick guards was the key.  Or maybe it was the fact that 2 fish started that game vs. Silsbee. 
  6. [quote name="AggiesAreWe" post="1339318" timestamp="1353677370"] [quote author=BLUEDOVE3 link=topic=106632.msg1339198#msg1339198 date=1353633120] [quote author=AggiesAreWe link=topic=106632.msg1339163#msg1339163 date=1353629736] [quote author=BLUEDOVE3 link=topic=106632.msg1339161#msg1339161 date=1353629483] I think HJ may give a Central "a run for their money." [/quote] I think HJ will beat Central, soundly. [/quote]Why? [/quote] Guard play and in game adjustments. ;) [/quote] How about this.... The H-J coach has the actual ability to call office sets and plays as for our staff...  :-X
  7. If a clean house isn't done, then you'll pretty much get the same results as this year, followed up with an annual 'excuse'.
  8. [quote name="Mr. Buddy Garrity" post="1338376" timestamp="1353473540"] [quote author=BMTSoulja1 link=topic=106579.msg1338374#msg1338374 date=1353473459] [quote author=AggiesAreWe link=topic=106579.msg1338352#msg1338352 date=1353470823] I saw the 2nd half of this game. [b](some of us had to do a show tonight,soulja [/b]::)) From what I saw in that 2nd half of play was pretty simple. West Brook is just the better team. West Brook will make waves for sure this season. [/quote] Well, what had happened was.... ;D [/quote]dont worry, we had a better 2nd man with the headset on tonight, he knew a tadbit more than you as far as small-school  ;D [/quote] ...and this is the same guy that said that a rematch Steele was inevitable...
  9. [quote name="AggiesAreWe" post="1338352" timestamp="1353470823"] I saw the 2nd half of this game. [b](some of us had to do a show tonight,soulja [/b]::)) From what I saw in that 2nd half of play was pretty simple. West Brook is just the better team. West Brook will make waves for sure this season. [/quote] Well, what had happened was.... ;D
  10. [quote name="BmtTopFlight2017" post="1338344" timestamp="1353469658"] Central cannot be serious with starting 2 fresh and 3 soph...there will be too many growin pains to live with. I'm not saying they won't improve during the season...but you have A.Wells..G.Mitchell sitting on the bench..how long will it take centrals coach to realize that he needs to starts those guys. And unless this is something new when u call timeouts u can't huddle by yourselves while the kids sit and look at u. Smh....no adjustments ...NOTHING...what type of offense do they run ...I'll wait.... Defense is being played wrong....when someone finds out what's going on let me know [/quote] I completely second this.  Smh
  11. [quote name="Stevenash" post="1338195" timestamp="1353453919"] I have heard that Westbrook wil be a formidable opponent for most teams [/quote] That's the same thing that I've heard.
  12. [quote name="BLUEDOVE3" post="1338149" timestamp="1353450326"] All eyes are on Central tonight. Can they show up tonight and redeem themselves, or fade into basketball history as a team " that could have won it all?" [/quote] The only one that will be watching this game closely is you and I (and I don't know why this game well be watched closely by you.  One would think Ozen would be the team of interest to you).
  13. [quote name="freeze 1914" post="1337897" timestamp="1353428611"] Bosha and Johnson will lead HJ this year. Johnson is just a natural shooter. His cousin is former Central player Ed Garriet so you can see why shooting the ball comes natural. Expect big things from them 2 this year. They have a lot to prove. [/quote] Ok.  That's Dubie's little cousin.    Interesting.  I knew there was something about this kid.
  14. [quote name="Stevenash" post="1337852" timestamp="1353426497"] [quote author=BMTSoulja1 link=topic=104501.msg1337462#msg1337462 date=1353370548] [quote author=BLUEDOVE3 link=topic=104501.msg1337401#msg1337401 date=1353365404] RcsSports predicting a double digit win for Yates over Ozen Wednesday night. Well, watching Silsbee whip Central has definitely given me *hope* that anything can happen, if you click your shoes three times. Phi Panther Jamma!!! [/quote] A 3 point win is a 'whipping' nowadays?  ::) [/quote] Soulja- Have you installed a dunk-o-meter at Central gym yet?  I am very concerened about HJ- 8 consecutive quarters without even an attempted dunk- [/quote] Nope.  Not yet, although I'm thinking one will be needed at Ozen's gym Friday. 
  15. [quote name="Honest Abe" post="1337613" timestamp="1353380108"] [quote author=setxslam link=topic=106552.msg1337612#msg1337612 date=1353379972] Nice convincing win in the Dog Pound for the High-Flying HJ Hawks. [/quote]No doubt. We have lots of work to do. Fortunately this game has no meaning but bragging rights. Shooting 5/22 from 3 land wont win many games for you, especially when the opposing team makes 10 in the 1sf half alone! [/quote] Bingo.
  16. [quote name="BADSANTA" post="1337607" timestamp="1353379825"] Guys, it looks like once again Silsbee and HJ will be the bread & butter of SETX! Can't wait till district. Good luck Hawks! [/quote] After the 2nd or 3rd game of the season, we come to the conclusion that Silsbee and H-J are the bread and butter of southeast Texas?  Yea, whatever.  You really don't even have much respect or credibility with your fellow tiger fans, let alone anyone else. 
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