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Everything posted by BMTSoulja1

  1. Confirms my comment of what’s the majority here according to the political forum.
  2. Just as well as the last 5 years…. 🤷🏾‍♂️
  3. I guess her or her classmates just never heard her bark….
  4. Ok, gotcha. Softened. Can’t bark loud…. But can bark nonetheless. Still, PETA and other animal rights groups had a big issue with that…
  5. Maybe the previous one. Maybe IX or a previous one. But I know they do not want her to bark and remove vocal cords. Information comes from a daughter that just graduated from there this past winter.
  6. That’s their thought on it. You can see by reading their articles…
  7. I’m the only one with this stance here. Because we all know all we have to do is look on the politics forum and see what the majority is. So judging the majority and minority here is a bad justification.
  8. Y’all (detractors) come up with anything to justify this. I understand your logic, but in my opinion, it’s a weak one.
  9. And on a side note, I’m glad that the Washington post and Forbes have both picked this story up. Then along with Disney and TMZ seems to be calling this racist. Getting major traction now. Like I said before, interested to see how that halftime performance looks in the fall…
  10. Alright. Selective comprehension at its best. But it’s cool. I’ll continue this debate with someone more intellectually capable.
  11. Before I answer that question… Do you feel offended when they run Reveille X out at football games for your beloved A&M, or would you not care either way? Just adding extra even though this has nothing to do with our topic, how do you feel about the A&M folks removing her vocal cords so that she can’t bark? Now I personally am offended with that…. 🤷🏾‍♂️
  12. Nah. I’m good. I wouldn’t rob you of that opportunity…
  13. I feel some kind of way to even entertain this asinine comparison, especially since you and I both know there’s a huge difference between a culture of people vs. animals.
  14. I’m not going to do the legwork for you. Do a quick google search and read some reputable articles.
  15. The png folk justified using the mascot, the fight song , ect that the previous Chief gave the blessing. However, the current Chief showed his displeasure and non approval for it, but it’s a different situation now since it does not fit their narrative. All based on tradition. They e been doing it so long that it must be right, RIGHT? Horrible logic.
  16. That’s definitely NOT what I was talking about. And I don’t even think context clues leads up to that assumption…
  17. This might be the craziest post I’ve ever seen on this website….
  18. But when the previous Principal Chief gave his blessings to use the mascot, I bet folks didn’t think he was a ‘tender footed snowflake’. I get it. Whatever fits people like your self’s narrative I guess.
  19. So to prevent from educating yourself, you’ll just throw the ‘I don’t care’ thing out there. I’m used to that type of rebuttal from elementary aged kids.
  20. So the Cherokee Principal Chief himself is a tender footed snowflake? So that’s your logic.
  21. You’re opinion, I get it. But it’s based on….. what?
  22. Might want to do a little research and gather information prior to deflecting.
  23. Are we really deflecting? It was more than Disney that said something. Like the Principal Chief, TMZ, ect…
  24. Yes, but over the years, Disney has owned up to them and have moved on for the better. They’ve been slowly evolving toward what they are now.
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