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Everything posted by BMTSoulja1

  1. I don’t live in and I’m not from Cleveland, but I’m always in that Town either passing through or in that area back and forth to my daughter’s college Sam Houston. I talk to several people there and I think I have a grasp of what’s going on there. Pretty obvious really.
  2. And AAW, I’m definitely not buying when you say MOST of those kid’s parents don’t work.
  3. And someone mentioned North Shore. Y’all do know their demographic makeup is overwhelmingly Latino. But apparently, the football program is fine…. 🤷🏾‍♂️🤷🏾‍♂️
  4. Let’s keep it real. If this is the case and the alien takeover exists, (which indicates several Mexican Illegal imagrants), the. You’d think Cleveland Soccer would benifit. It have not. 🤷🏾‍♂️. And this ‘problem’ with ‘takeover’ is happening all over, not just Cleveland. And I see those communities towns, and/or cities have not suffered a drop off in football productivity. I think the admin and coaches are just not creative enough to garner interest in the football program. They are not catering to the apparent majority crowd. Just like the educational system has had to adjust to this. They’ve hired more bilingual employees and more emphases on ESL classes. I think football programs can adjust as well.
  5. I’m sorry, this is sounding political and this is the football forum. So if anyone seems this inappropriate, let me know and I’ll take it down…
  6. I’ve already discussed this before. And let’s not act like we don’t know what this is really about. What’s the term that was used? ‘Unwanted expansion’? So ridiculous. Those kids are in that district. And some of them do play football. Mostly all of those kid’s parents WORK and PAY TAXES. A win/win for the town, you would think.
  7. Like I said, 🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄
  8. I saw lots of positives in this game. Offense will be fine. We can run and pass the ball. Run blocking is definitely better than the last two years. QB play is probably the best since BU has been in existence. Receivers dropped a few open passes, but I attribute that to the rainy weather. Defense was decent. We’ll need to work on our pass defense. My only concern at this point is getting plays in on time and special teams. Especially special teams. We have trouble fielding kickoffs and punts. And we’ll need to really work on our extra point and FG game. Other than that, we’ll play really well this season.
  9. You said more like the other way around. 🤷🏾‍♂️ But I do agree with you about Jones to United. Honestly, don’t know where that rumor even came from…
  10. And the BU freshman name is Ephraim Moore, 6’8”…
  11. Absolutely zero chance of that happening.
  12. So they're not sharing with the College team anymore?
  13. Yep. And apparently the MC folks hate it…
  14. Bum Phillips bowl….
  15. Why would I complain? Central won. Took down an undefeated BH team…. 🤷🏾‍♂️🤷🏾‍♂️🤷🏾‍♂️
  16. Never had anything against them. The squads I follow has had success against them.
  17. Maybe he threatened her and thought it would suffice. But it may not be good for here since he's still at large...
  18. 4th. Is there a senario where they finish 4th with the list of teams above as wins?
  19. I take that back. PA goes undefeated in district. That’s IF the ultimate equalizer does NOT show their face, @Mr. Buddy Garrity
  20. Mind you I haven’t seen us play yet. So it’s really a stab in the dark…
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