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Everything posted by BMTSoulja1

  1. [quote name="the_dude_abides" post="908736" timestamp="1289755724"] Hey Soulja, how about setting up a scrimmage (or a predistrict game) between Central and Dayton next year. [/quote]They don't want me to do the Central schedule...  ;D ;D  I would set up a game with Dayton (for payback from 2006), Brenham (payback from 2005 playoffs), and Friendswood (for obvious reasons)... ;D ;D
  2. [quote name="the_dude_abides" post="908738" timestamp="1289755938"] Parking isn't bad for the home side.  It sucks to be a visitor though.  There are a lot of improvements that can be made.  I guess restrooms, larger visitor stands (even though they are only full about 25% of the home games), and improved locker rooms. Don't know if DISD is looking to get into the Godzillatron game, but I will continue to buy my six dollar ticket either way. [/quote]I know that's right!  That's what I've been saying  for many years!
  3. Did you JUST learn that, rykerx?  I think we all knew that all along!  ;D ;D
  4. The old man from this year and the guy from When Dayton was in this district is not the same.  I do not know who that guy was back then.  And that slow talking George guy? I remember him by listening to it, bu t I have no idea who that guy is either! 
  5. The same stadium that we played Friendswood in 2008.  State of the art stadium.  Very beautiful!
  6. I don't believe so.  HUM398 seems like a good poster who always have a lot of good and sensable things to say.  He's passionate about his team, as I am my Jags...
  7. [quote name="Sgt Rey" post="908694" timestamp="1289753620"] PAM, no stranger to taking on two men....Dicck n Son..... ;D [/quote] :o :o  :D :D
  8. I learned that if we do not turn the ball over 5 or 6 times a game, we can be an unbeatable team since this is the second time that this have happened this season and we were still able to find a way to come away with a win...
  9. [quote name="Newbie" post="908665" timestamp="1289752048"] [quote author=BMTSoulja1 link=topic=76053.msg908659#msg908659 date=1289751802] Ohh  yea, where is that ANGRY WEST BROOK FAN at anyway?   :D :D  That guy is mad and frustrated even during a West Brook blowout.  I just wish that guy would quit being a stiff and losen up.  It was a PLAYOFF WIN.  Be happy, guy!  ( you know who you are!)   :D :D [/quote] The one who called our backup QB weak?  He's just tough on his team that's all.  [/quote]I think by the end of the night, after I convinced him that he's only the backup, he was ok.  Somewhat...  :D :D
  10. Hey Dayton.  I believe it was I that told you that Livingston will give you a real good battle.  And it looks as if they almost pulled  it off.    But at this point, it's all about winning by any means neccessary.  Now I just hope that you Dayton fans (well at least the ones that are cocky and calling out asinine blowout scores) will start respecting your oponent  Trust me, I knew Livingston was not just going to lay down...
  11. [quote name="bh89-2" post="908648" timestamp="1289750876"] [quote author=ndn78 link=topic=76019.msg908555#msg908555 date=1289743533] bh89-2, it's great to know there sre still people out there that can honor their word. You have won my respect. Good luck to ya'll the rest of the year on other sports and hope to face ya'll again in football......by the way what the &%^$ do ya'll feed those guys over there? Ya'll have some big ol boys at the hill. [/quote] Shhhh, don't tell anyone.  We found out that ants are very high in protein and have a natural anibolic steroid in them.  ;D  We have to thank soulja for the discovery...... ;D  While wearing hot pink spandex shorts her was test drivning his new Jaguar chopper and wrecked into an ant mound.  A few of those suckers go in his mouth and before you knew it he was an out-ee instead of an in-ee.   ;D ;D [/quote] :o :o :D :D
  12. This is a shock of the year.  How could this have happened?  Turnovers?  Nevertheless you have to come to play every game.  Good run though...
  13. This was a very good game.  I sat next to an angry West Brook fan and he was a happy camper...  untill the 'backup qb' fumbled in garbage time.  You killing me.  This Brook team looked good on both sides of the ball to stop this option offense.  Brook's defensive line held their own and even dominated the much bigger Dobie O-Line.  I do think that Brook's first offense should put teams away early.  This game could have been over at  halftime.  On defense, with the exception of a few blown coverages 'one of which was a trick play' the pass defense did well. I'm high on this Brook team and I expect them to get those kinks out before a big game with The Oilers.  Great game, Brook!
  14. Congrads on the win, Titians.  See how a playoff win makes you forget about those hard times?  I'm proud of those boys.  Now, go get another W!  Shoot, made me almost want to sing the 'Mighty, Mighty Titans' song!  ;D ;D
  15. Ohh  yea, where is that ANGRY WEST BROOK FAN at anyway?  :D :D  That guy is mad and frustrated even during a West Brook blowout.  I just wish that guy would quit being a stiff and losen up.  It was a PLAYOFF WIN.  Be happy, guy!  ( you know who you are!)  :D :D
  16. From what I saw at the Brook playoff game yesterday, Brook 35- 29. 
  17. Ok.  A secondary with 14 picks for the season.  Impressive.  I don't know if that's from pressure INT's or just great coverage INT's.  Either way, great defenses will cause interceptions.  We will have our work cut out for us.  But these Jags will be ready to rise for the challenge...
  18. [quote name="WBbear" post="908617" timestamp="1289748712"] [quote author=Cheermom4 link=topic=76075.msg908569#msg908569 date=1289745806] I am excited we are playing at the Butch and on a Saturday.  It is a great facility and I for one love that we are playing there. [/quote]And as a Beaumonter we appreciate those very nice comments about our new sport facility. I, like others was tired of having to go to Houston for every playoff game. [/quote]Ditto!  ;) ;)
  19. [quote name="baddog" post="908604" timestamp="1289748276"] [quote author=NDN79 link=topic=76075.msg908591#msg908591 date=1289747591] Thanks baddog! I hope we can have another PN-G / Nederland double header play-off in the future. The last time we did that, our game wasn't over until 1:15 am. That brings back some memories of playing in the dome. [/quote] Was that the year when you played for state against Stephenville? We had won our game and came ove to the PNG side (which wasn't easy because the ushers wouldn't let us at first) and y'all were already killing that team you were playing. Mid County teams like ''The Butch''. PNG is 2-0 and Nederland is 1-1 [b](should have been 2-0) [/b]  ;D Jags play Friday and y'all play Saturday. I might catch one of those. [/quote] ::) ::)  ;D ;D
  20. [quote name="HUM398" post="908628" timestamp="1289749349"] [quote author=Jackthehammer link=topic=76020.msg908622#msg908622 date=1289748994] Humble no offense. LOL. This prediction is going to be very close. Sorry. Central is that good. [/quote] whatever you say boss.  from everything i have seen i have not seen any indication that central is capable of hanging 48 point on us.  I see a team that has a solid running attack, and a shaky passing attack prone to INT's.   The Run-Pass ration is about 64-36, and that plays heavily into our defensive strength.   I know that the coaching staff is going to look at our defense and say "Hey, its a 4-2-5...we can run on this all day...just have to get to the second level".   But i am telling you, we aren't GP.  This Defense is going to swarm to the ball, and its EXTREMELY unlikely that they will be able to stick to a 64-36 Run-Pass split and hang 48 on us. They very may well win, but i just don't see a blowout happening hoss. I know where we are as a team, and know that we won't get respect in this region.   If we beat Friendswood, we will be favored to lose..  Hey, im cool with it.  Just trying to understand the total lack of knowledge being "served" here in regards to the Wildcats. [/quote]Most of our INT's this year have been accurate passes to the reciever.  It bounces off their hands or chest and bounces in the air and it is picked off.  If our recievers are catching passes, Humble may be in trouble.  Our young gun QB have been pretty solid this year in passing with accuracy.
  21. [quote name="NDN79" post="908623" timestamp="1289749017"] Easy fwstangs--I do not get on here and brag or bash others. I think it's great that people get excited over their teams and are passionate about them. I do not, and will not make disrespectful, or class-less personal attacks on anyone. I think this should all be just in fun. If you have taken offense, then please accept my most humble apologies. But I must pull for the Central Jaguars because they are the 20-4a champs and will represent southeast Texas [b]in D-2.[/b] I do hope that if Central meets you--they beat you, and proceed through to the state game!! :) [/quote]We're in D-1..
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