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Everything posted by BMTSoulja1

  1. [quote name="TexasHSFootball" post="682663" timestamp="1256176032"] [center][url=[Hidden Content] I[/url] | [url=[Hidden Content] II[/url] | [url=[Hidden Content] III[/url] | [url=[Hidden Content] IV[/url][/center] [/quote]For whatever it's worth, Central is 6-1....4-0 in district...
  2. [quote name="indianforever" post="682581" timestamp="1256169004"] the jags will get a scare or possibly get beat by the panthers this friday ;) [/quote]Me thinks that you are trying to hid your fear of Lumberton by making foolish comments!  ;D ;D
  3. J. White was your only chance to win against us. No White = No win. That simple.
  4. Well, we'll be more than happy to put your fire out Friday... ;D ;D
  5. Nothing. Just wishing I could clone myself friday so I can make yall game and our game! lol
  6. Brook's DBs have been comming into their own. Like a bend don't break type of deal...
  7. I'm a Central fan, but never complained. I don't care or respect the 'Suprise' one bit, so I really don't care what their rankings are. But If you want to show Central something, you will have to face us at the last game ever at Babe. Won't be easy, I tell you that!
  8. I got PN-G on my picks for the week, but deep down want them to lose. I'll sacrafic (sp) my picks for self satisfaction... ;D
  9. Everywhere we go....People want to know...Who we are.. so we tell them. We are the Titans... Mighty mighty Titans... West enders get scared and clear the stadium Carthage shows that they are ready to head back to the State Championships by beating a Good Jasper team Panthers show up at Babe with a wierd pregame hype dance. Jags not intemidated and forget this is a rival game and take care of business. Earn a playoff spot. With the cold weather, Pirates show off new wardrobe.. Bear fur jackets Lion bite is very painful for Bulldogs PN-G Derail's the L-Train and seen shortly after that in a group circle chanting 'We want the Jags! We want the Jags'.
  10. Dang Soulja, how come you didn't say that two weeks ago. : ;D ;D ;D
  11. It's good to be confident, but you have to respect your oponents, even if it is Ozen. They have playoffs on the line and really, we do as well. We can clinch with a win. This is how we should see it. Stay humble, BeeJay. Stay Humble. BTW, nice TD Catch Friday, Kid!
  12. This is nothing new, Scooter. as long as I remember, Central don't get any respect. I personally think that polls have something against inner city schools. We marched 4 rounds deep in the playoffs and we didn't get any respect. You never know. Maybe in due time.
  13. Ohh. ok.. I'm trying to look at it on my phone. I didn't notice that, AAW. So, are we 18?
  14. We won this week and move down from #19 to #20. That's alright though. We'll take it! 8)
  15. When an Indian fan or any fan makes a remark about my Jags, you better believe I will come and set them straight. With that said... Goooo L-Train! ;D
  16. Ohh. Just as I figured. It's 'who cares' now. 8) 8)
  17. Here it goes. Another shot at the Sup. And what a heck of a first post there, buddy. : :
  18. Name them! West Brook and Memorial. Yes, we lost to Brook, but that game could have went either way... Wow, Memorial has one sloppy win where they held a ranked team to 6 points in the swamp...Come on man, did you see what they did this week? I know its a scrimmage, but PNG moved through Memorials D like it was Sabine Pass in regulation. Brook may be close, but doubt they are better. I know it was a scrimmage, but they beat you 21-0 in the controled part with them breaking long runs for paydirt. You came back and dominated them on the game conditions scrimmage. Yall dominated them and they dominated y'all.
  19. Even though I picked the Indians to win, GO L-TRAIN!!! CHOOOO CHOOOOO! ;D ;D
  20. I don't know the kid's name off the top of my head, but he is amazing. He have no arms and 1 leg, and still holds his own on the drums.
  21. Name them! West Brook and Memorial. Yes, we lost to Brook, but that game could have went either way...
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