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Everything posted by BMTSoulja1

  1. So this happened a couple of days ago. Theres a video floating all over social media. If you do a search for it on FB, you can see it. Anyway, I’m glad they arrested these thugs… [Hidden Content]
  2. For whatever it’s worth, when Vidor was in the same district as Ozen and Central (majority Black team), Coach Matthews used to orchestrate a combined team prayer before the game. Was an awesome sight to see. That act alone made me gain respect for Matthews and the Pirate athletic program…
  3. I just seen it. Seems more like an opinion segment. I would have like to see some quotes from that other team or maybe even an article from their news outlet…
  4. I question the validity of this post. What’s the source? Is there a media link?
  5. Well, no. Jackson was moved to principal of United during that hire. There was another AD that held that title for 1 year..
  6. [Hidden Content]
  7. I see this post don’t have that same energy and fire from a few weeks ago. What happened? And how do you get 4th if you lose to NS, King, ‘Cita, AND SC? Can I expect you to be here after each one of those games (same energy of course)…
  8. I just screamed….
  9. Bruh…. 🤦🏾🤦🏾
  10. Angleton? That’s two classifications up. Does Vidor really want that?
  11. Great point.
  12. Don’t save him. I’m looking for that same energy that he exhibited a few weeks ago.
  13. So, @wbfanyou grow quite quiet in the week of the woodshed beating. I expected you to be just as talkative as you were a few weeks ago. What happened? Also, what’s you’re thoughts on the strong possibility of y’all missing the playoffs? Remember I told you to keep that same energy…
  14. If you really want to use that site as your reference, that tells me everything I need to know. but I can give you several links to many towns and areas around SETX that shows crimes. But most don’t understand that you’ll have more crimes in the biggest city with the biggest population of people. Anyway, back to Pirate football. I agree with the previous poster. The style of play for Vidor would probably deter most teams from scheduling them. But then again, that does not explain about the Vidor home games. Can’t use poor facilities as an excuse anymore…
  15. I mean , that’s understandable. Cops have firearms on their hips. Last thing they need is the perp taking that and shooting the officer. So if the circumstances are correct, then absolutely.
  16. I understand your stance now.
  17. 😂😂😂😂. That was funny, but not funny. Because mental health is pretty serious…
  18. My opinion …. If you’re snooping around on someone’s property, in this case, a woman, probably was there by herself , you deserve to get shot. The fear is that he was not on the street. He was on the property. Don’t you have the right to defend your property?
  19. Yea, it was Crosby’s close minded previous administration…
  20. wrong. The chances are about even. Crime happens all over SETX…. 🤷🏾‍♂️
  21. Is PG even GOOD good this year?
  22. I believe you. My sources are not any of the coaching staff or any current player’s parents.
  23. Looks like someone’s sources are severely misinformed. Because my source(s) were there…. nonetheless, if true, I hope both can hash it out and focus on a district championship…
  24. Question, Tiger fans. It was said that Brisbane’s Dad and Coach Smith got into a chest to chest nose to nose verbal altercation. What’s all that about?
  25. Someone said it best. You have no game breakers on offense like in years past. No Riggs, Nelson, or Sullivan type Players…
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