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Everything posted by BMTSoulja1

  1. I see. I just didn't know your guy's enrollment over here. In 20-4a, we are the biggest school and will see D1 regardless...
  2. I don't believe any of your players can catch our guys from behind unless you are chasing one of our offensive linemen, and they may smoke you! :D
  3. Not gonna happen. These Jags are too focused on trying to prove these 'experts' wrong.
  4. Remember how your boys ran Peevey down from behind? Good. Now, give Peevey another five steps ahead of your cornerbacks. Got that mental image? Good. Now you are looking at Daw. Good luck. Scarey thing is Daw isn't our fastest back.
  5. In a tie breaker senerio, they will go to who won in the head to head battle. If it's a senerio where each team beat the other team, they go by who have the biggest point spread. Also, A - 3a send 3 teams to the playoffs per district while 4a and 5a send 4 teams per district.
  6. It looked like he threw the flag once he saw the Central ball carrier cross the goal line over 50 yards away. ;D That phantom call for the non interception also didn't sit well with me also...
  7. It has to be something the coaches dont like about the Pass..LCM had 8 in the box with Holemen #14 lined up one on one..Coaches should of seen that..But We won..mabe they will sue him more next week vs Lumberton.. Also defense redemed themselves from last week..And i Agree with Slam 14..The Secondary is coming together nicely and other than the one Long Pass..They did a Dang good Job coming up and makeing tackles and takeing away the screen.. Now lets get dem Raiders!! Size difference. Holman 6'3 vs. LC-M defender 5'4. With no safety help over the top. You do the math. Let's exploit that more next week, Jags.
  8. Our running game will definatly be ready for the Lumberton defense. We're run blocking very well. I also saw a new formation from my Jags that went at least 80 yards in 2 plays against LC-M Yesterday. I also seen the defense greatly improved from, the Vidor game. I believe this is the year for us to take the L-Train.
  9. #9 marched in the band at halftime as well and did a good job there as well. Anyway, LC-M have some athletes. I pick the Bears 21-17.
  10. The Indians have seen athletic teams with good offenses before this year, so this will be nothing out of the ordinary. Coach Faircloth will have them ready to go. Indians 24-21.
  11. Do you even need a thread about this one? Channelview will pose NO challenge to Brook.. The Bye week allowed Brook to work on that offense... 42-14 Brook.
  12. We won tonight and only used #25 Daw primarily as a blocker (the kid with the big numbers vs Vidor last week). Heard and O'Neal ran wild. I believe this will help us as we move later in district and Playoffs.
  13. No, it stays the same. I'm actually being generous with the B+ for defense. That Flea Flicker killed me. The conversion on the 3rd and longs killed me. Your RB still had a big night with 7.8 yards per carry. Maybe I'm too hard on them. It took last year's team 8 games to come into their own. I hope this team's defense can start playing to the potential that I know they can...
  14. :o Looks like Angleton is ready for their rematch with Central...
  15. Jags at home. The coaches force the kids to watch game film on the last 2 years and they come out angry. Not a good thing for the L-Train. 35-21 Jags.
  16. Where and when did the Raiders dominate? I think you missed a great game. ;D You can't argue with them. We played our worst offensive game to date and won. Great win Pirates This is exactly it. You won. Who cared about stats.
  17. The score suprises me. Looks like some defense was played on both ends on a hard fought battle. Congrads Pirates for getting past the L-Train. 8)
  18. Yes, Heard is impressive. I have a program from week 0 that shows he is a Jr, not a Soph...
  19. Before I start, I want to give a shout out to the Homecomming King, Brenon (sp) Jackson (Sr. starting Receiver) Congrads, Kid. Shots out to #9 from LC-M. Kid played well and went in at halftime and marched for the band and marched in his uniform and marched flawless. I wonder where he finds time to perfect his football skills and band skills like that. Now, to the game... This have to be up there as the worst officiated game I have ever seen. Long TD runs called back time after time. Long runs called for phantom calls. This game could have been ugly quick, but leave it to the zebras to hold Central back. LC-M caught us with our pants down with the flea flicker (beautiful play) They didn't Kick to our returners on kickoffs or punts (great game plan). # 2 Epps did his thing, no doubt. LC-M had their chances in this game. Overall, Jags tightened up the D and started hitting hard and looks to start intimidating the LC-M players. If we can get our QB to start looking at the whole field and stop eyeballing one receiver, we will be ok. Daw was used as a blocker in this game, giving way to O'Neal and Heard (this kid is a player and glad that we will be returning for us next year). We will need to start exploiting the mismatches when they present themselves. We had #14 holman all by himself with a short defender. Safety started creeping up to stuff the run. You have to find the big receiver. Overall, good game plan. It was a matter of time untill one of our RB's start to run wild. #44 Hale false started several times on the punt team pushing us back. (a central fan that was sitting by me almost bussed a blood vessel yelling at that! lol). Kid made up for it on stopping LC-M on a big 3rd down. We look forward to payback on the L-Train (yea, we haven't forgotten about the last 2 years. This time, at Babe! ;D ) Offense - B+ Defense - B+ Special teams - B- Fan support - A+ (Central Fans were in full force)
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