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Everything posted by BMTSoulja1

  1. We rushed for 368 as a team. Daw and O'Neal rushed for 100+. The 'suprise' had those stats all bundled up. Even I was somewhat confused when I saw the Newspaper. But, you know, typical 'suprise'...
  2. I remember #25 having success against us last year along with the other big Back they had last year, Reynolds...
  3. I believe that #30 got hurt and sat out a few plays and came back in. Those are some conditioned kids. They got hit hard and kept getting back up and performing like nothing happened. They were not intimidated.
  4. Wilkerson with 3 TD passes and no INT's. Nice game, kid. Just another day in the park for O'Neal and Daw...
  5. I mean, outside Diggs (I believe that was the sophmore QB from last year) and the Josey (I think that was his name), what do they have?
  6. I don't understand this. LaMarqe goes toe to to with NS last week. Now they get blown away by Angleton... What's going on?
  7. 85, Ball won last week also... They are now 2-2...
  8. What????!!!! It's a great privilege to play another high school??? It's a great privilege to play against some 16-18 year old boys??? Get a grip! And why does everyone starting to call us Da Brook? Da isn't a word. Da' Brook makes us sound like either a bunch of illiterate hicks or a bunch of gang bangers. How about calling us West Brook??? : : You need to go back under that rock you crawled out of... :
  9. Good win, Panthers! Yall are making my picks look so good! ;D
  10. I messed up. This will be a lower scoring game. Vidor played near flawless ball last night against us. The chances of that happening again is slim. 35-28 Pirates.
  11. Let me stop my heart from racing first before I make a prediction... (you keep doing it to me every year, Vidor! ;D I feel 10 years older after last night. horse voice and all! )
  12. Your supposed to root for your fellow Beaumont school! ;D
  13. So I guess this Negates the alleged 2 point conversion. There would have never been OT.
  14. Congrads to my Jags. You showed me a lot. No bundle ups on special teams except the onside kick you let them recover. This is a game we needed to rely on offense to win in order to keep up with them. I'm not used to seeing high scoring games like this, but hey, this was one of my top 5 games that I have witnessed. It may even be No. 2 next to the Angleton game last year and the Pflugerville Connaly game in 2003. We're glad to be 1-0 in district. Enough of all that. Let's talk about those Pirates... What more can I say. You saw (heard them on the webcast) them. They are big on the O-line. They don't miss blocks, they are mean, they pancake, they seal the corner. I'm VERY impressed. Pittman, Peevey, and Tate are Men. They consistantly got between 5 and 8 yards a pop. They took a hit and got back up and came back at you. Their special teams played good. There was 2 passes thrown, but one was for big yardage. Coaching was good for them. Jags couldn't stop it, so why go to something else? They drew us offsides at key points of the game. I'm sorry. If Vidor can move the ball against a battle tested defense like ourself, They will not lose another district game. Good luck the rest of the way. Special shouts out to RustedCutlass. Classy of you to come chat with me at halftime. Remember, Pirates. Do not hold your head down. You excecuted the game plan all but one play. Good luck next week. Jags, thank you for showing me another level tonight. Thanks to Vidor for bringing it out...
  15. I'll go on record to say that Vidor have my respect. I'll give my entire game summary on the other Vidor/Central thread....
  16. The 'Beaumont Suprise' strikes again. Hello?! We won an outright district championship in 2005!
  17. You feel like you've earned some stripes on here for making a comment and implying that we are acting 'like we're in elementary' because I think they are making excuses? This is good discussion. Me and my fellow Jag fans and the Pirate fans have been having fun all week with this. We know it will be settled on the field as we don't need you to say this. You need more post under your belt before you start generalizing me or any other respected posters...
  18. Soulja that is just 1 of many to come from the vidor fans. I am sure u already know this though, it is never their fault, blame always has to fall elsewhere in vtown, when thinks don't go their way. I cant wait to hear more excuses as the day goes on, and then especially after the game. Exactly what I was thinking.
  19. Hold on a minute, don't lump me into the "excuse" makers. Both teams have to play on the field, regardless of conditions. I never once said it was or wasn't an advantage for any team. Let's make that perfectly clear. My concern was that it looked like BISD just let that field go since they will not be playing there after this year. I have seen many a playing field in my time, that is one of the worst. Plain and simple. Nobody has St. Augustine grass playing fields, c'mon. Not lumping you. I was lumping the Vidor fans since he rang in the first excuse. (well, maybe you, AAW, since you picked Vidor to beat us. ;D )
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