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Everything posted by BMTSoulja1

  1. I don't know, Jaguar-J. We've won at the Babe before and it was with a much less talented team. But whatever the outcome, I'm looking forward to this one. Come on, Rusted! You beat probably one of the most least talented Jag teams in 2004. That team only one 1 game against Lumberton that year. We didn't score our first points untill game 4. You better not hang your hat on that! ;D
  2. I went out on a limb and said Vidor would top 400 yards in at least three games in district. I believe we will top 300 in the Central game! You know what? Vidor may get 300 yards being that all they will do is run the ball. This is very unlikely. So far, with the games that we played (Memorial and Galveston Ball) there were points during these games were they were able to effectively move the ball on us. We normally call time outs or when the quarter ends, we come out fired up and shut everything down. We will be able to make adjustements. My question is will Vidor be able to adjust to what we will do? We will see soon enough. For the record, personally, I don't think Vidor will top the 300 total yardage mark. 250 at best...
  3. I tell you one thing. They are impressing the heck out of me. I'll let you know where they stand depending on the margin of defeat vs The Highlanders...
  4. I want a recall on AAW's picks! No way these are correct... ;D ;D :D
  5. ;D ;D ;D ;D Well that too, but will really be pulling for any one from our region who is still playing in DECEMBER!! 8) 8)
  6. Best idea yet. He better hope that's not all the Brook shirts he have. They'll be good Central Bonfire material... ;D
  7. I'm not trying to hear non of that mess yall talking! Besides, Picture B and D are inaccurate. This is 2009 and Yall won't be district champions anytime soon as long as NS is in district... ;D ;D
  8. I would not allow myself the embarrasment of being seen at work with that garbage on!
  9. we'll back it up BMTSoulja ;D .If we los then I'll get Peerats tatooed on my backside. Thats how confident I am . I'm confident as well. I'm trying to get the Pirates take on your statements. 8) Soul man do you know this new guy? Are you going to get a new Tat also? ;D I don't know him, but I'm always down for a Jag fan/player. At one point, Jag fans were scarce around these parts, now we are in in full force! Heck no, I refuse get a tat anywhere below the waist.... ;D
  10. There is a Central Shirt in one of those pics. Don't let him fool you! He's an undercover Jag fan. No need to be ashamed. :D
  11. we'll back it up BMTSoulja ;D .If we los then I'll get Peerats tatooed on my backside. Thats how confident I am . I'm confident as well. I'm trying to get the Pirates take on your statements. 8)
  12. Just shoot me now, because I ain't wearing no cowgal attire. :D
  13. Hey man, we never shook hands on this wager! ;D ;D ... I think I'm going to puke with those girly colors showing up on my computer screen! :-X :-X ... Since you said that, I think I'll go to the Silsbee/Newton! Ha ha! ;D
  14. They won't like it if they keep fumbling and turning over the rock... Soul Man you know they have not had a fumbling problem this year! Last game was in wet conditions and the other team put the ball on the ground six times. Just keep hoping we are just allot of talk! ;D Players tend to fumble the ball after being hit hard. I was saying that because the ball carriers will be taking punishment coming out of that backfield. I only hope they see the hit comming so they can brace for it... ;D ;D
  15. They won't like it if they keep fumbling and turning over the rock...
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