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Everything posted by BMTSoulja1

  1. Nothing personal, man. Although it did bring a slight smile to my face to see Friendswood lose. 8)
  2. Hey guys, no 'beating faces in', 'shriveled up old antiques', calling people 'turds', and no calling people 'jerks'. Yall calm down some, please...
  3. Our boys might be big but i will stand behind them one hundred percent in kicking your sorry butt. Old thread..... :
  4. Friendswood beat Dayton by a score and got beat this weekend. I don't know how Nederland will react. They did play well against Waller. I have to roll with Friendswood. Just a gut feeling about this one...
  5. You forgot about The Big Baryshnikov or (I think this is the new one) Shaqovic...
  6. I think by our team playing athletic teams in Memorial, West Brook, and Galveston Ball, we should be prepared to expect anything that the Pirates can throw at us. (unless they pull out the 'swinging gate'... )
  7. If you are referring to me, Yes I am STILL here ,and always will be here.Yea I remember those same jokes, but I remember a few jag fans cracking jokes about Vidor..So naturally I took up for my town just as you would too.If you got anymore questions let me know. It's gonna be a good game I hope. The Jags shouldn't need much to get up for this one. I just wish we had a game in between. Keep the adrenaline churning. Babe will be packed. Oh and P.S. we'll make sure the clock is service before kickoff ;D :o :D Took the words out of my mouth!!! ;D ;D
  8. No worries there. WB @ Katy is that Saturday Doesn't matter. I'm still not gonna waste my gas driving to Rhodes Stadium just to watch us get killed. I'd rather go to the Central/Vidor game. Is that game being played at the Babe? Yes, at Babe...
  9. If you are referring to me, Yes I am STILL here ,and always will be here.Yea I remember those same jokes, but I remember a few jag fans cracking jokes about Vidor..So naturally I took up for my town just as you would too.If you got anymore questions let me know. Yes, I'm just trying to get a little trash talking in. This is an excellent way to kick district off! ;)
  10. We showed them what Friday night lights were.... on a Saturday... ;D
  11. I remember a few years ago when there were a few Pirate fans that were making wise cracks ( you know, the kind that nobody laughs at) about the Jag players, our stadium, and the neighborbood that the stadium is located. I want to know if those same pirate fans are around... ;D ;D
  12. Yes, #15 Damon Heard is the kid that ran the Kickoff back on Memorial a few weeks ago. I like the way we utilize his speed on offense. I did see where our secondary played crisp in the second half.
  13. I'm not sure what happened in the first half. I missed it because I was late. > Long story, but anyways.... Jags looked like clearly the dominant team. Tors couldn't move the ball on offense. Several tackles behind the line of scrimmage and sacks. On offense we moved the ball pretty well. We take shots downfield by passing. I just wish that we can complete some of those passes. This game could have been uglier, but the starters were pulled early in the 4th quarter. Way to go defense, pitching a shutout in the second half. Yes, Matthews was in attendance and he smiled to a couple of our fans and stated 'man, They're (Jags) good!' (with a suprised undecided grin/smile on his face) ;D ;D Special teams played good, from what I seen. No over the head snaps. We had one muffed punt recovery, but we jumped on it. We had a missed extra point attempt, but overall, special teams are better. Game ball goes to either Ball's QB that broke like 5 tackles twisting and turning and everything for big gain in the 4th, or the Central defender that dove in on Galveston's reverse play. He tackled the RB. When the RB pitched to the WR, he reached out while on the ground and tackled the WR, who would have ran for huge yardage. I look forward to the Game against the Pirates. We will be ready for it!
  14. I just got back from the Central/Ball game. A Matthews sighting. He was quoted to saying, 'man, they will be tough!' (talking about those Jags). I tell you one thing. We played a running team in Galveston Ball that ran the wishbone and had all kinds of tricks and stuff. They have good athletes, and Central held their own. I believe that what Vidor have in size on the line, we can counter it with speed and technique. Central 30 - 21.
  15. yes, amazing Soulja, don't you think most of those stats came in the second half against 2nd and 3rd teamers Yea, your right. I didn't think about that...
  16. I guess them Titans are jelling. Yes, King will play a factor in how the Titans will fare in district...
  17. Amazing! The stats looks pretty even to say that Brook was clearly dominated...
  18. So I've heard......man, back in the day, something like that would have never happened. You ALWAYS go to the game and support you team....NO EXCUSES!!! Not that it would have made much of a difference, but IMO, the band and drill team SHOULD have gone and supported the team. In fact, I can recall a game in 1989 when it rained at Delmar Stadium while playing Jack Yates HS. The band simply removed their uniforms, and marched the halftime show in shorts and t-shirts. Brass and percussion played, and the woodwinds hummed their parts. After halftime, the band loaded the busses and went home. BUT, they were there and supported our team. Very disappointing. Yep, exactly. When I was at Central, if our football team played, our band played. Football team is on the field, the band Marched. The only thing is that the drill teams would not come out to perform...
  19. Stick a fork in them. They're done. If the WF coach allows another TD, you don't shake my hand after the game! ;D
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