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Everything posted by BIGDADDYDAVEHJ

  1. HJ by 25.6......yes i sed it 25.6
  2. in kirbyville on 5000 acres of temple land...its a great lease with really great deer i just didnt see no deer my dad had seen a buck that he claims to be the biggest buck in setx but you know how that goes, everyone had pictures of nice 8 points and great 10 points on there trail cam but i guess when it came to deer around my stand they didnt want to come! ???
  3. i said worst ever...i seen a sum total of 4 deer this year and thats hunting all through out bow season and rifle season...last year i seen at 6 or 7 deer on opening day...i had a bad year.
  4. or you can use sum ivory soap
  5. Yea i know a great spot to go catch catfish...just pick any LNVA canal in china when the gates are open and you can catch just about anything from big blues, bass, crappie and even sum gators! and you can also catch sum soft shell turtles if your in to that sorta thing!
  6. This dude can honestly say that he has put a dint in the duck population!
  7. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA Thats GREAT stuff....longlivedavis you should be comedian!!!
  8. I would really like to see HJ play Kounze cus in the past years befor they got moved out of our district they were our bigest oponets!
  9. Hey lay off my man, no need to get angry for wat sumone said bout yall! but golf though...thats a different story
  10. HAHAHAHAH thats hillarios!
  11. we lost by 1 to LCM....i think the score was like 8-9 or sumthing like that, but i am shure we lost by 1
  12. Congrats coach!
  13. well i know the best on our team is Dylan Londe, boy has sum hands, either hes gunna play 2nd or short.
  14. ok you got me there...i wouldnt be sleeping in that
  15. i dont care what yall say if its rainging, 20 degrees outside or if its snowing, one way or another ima get sum sleep!
  16. Where you going to school at man?
  17. Donahoe fo sho....im tellen ya this kid can ball like no other! and yes he is a senior
  18. hahaha thats funny...best thing about it is that no matter what you see your away from everyrthing and everyone and you dont have a care in the world!
  19. yea i understand that, but my year was slow, i meen real slow...possibly the worse year i have ever seen. Our lease in kirbyville there is like 38 guns i think and only 3 does where shot in the first 2 weeks of the season....usually we have like 17 does and about 12 bucks within the first week.
  20. congrats BH...where did yall play at? aint it eagle point.
  21. Yea we have got a bunch...im not real shure why we do...i guess its cus all that we do is practice everyday except for mondays which the golf course is closed, but like most of our good kids the parents help them out by getting them lessons and stuff and new clubs which really makes a big difference...but other than that, thats really the only explanation that i can give ya.
  22. haha yea...wen i went to my stand i carried 2 guns with me..my 30-06 and my 12 gauge.. i managed to kill one wood duck late in the deer season and there was like 12 more ducks flyin but i couldnt get them to come close enough.
  23. yea i know....aint nothing worse when its cold outside and you blade one! it hurts...but today our girls got 2nd in our tournament and i aint shure who won.
  24. haha great answer!
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