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Everything posted by BIGDADDYDAVEHJ

  1. Freshwater- i would have to say Rat-L-Trap Saltwater-silver spoon
  2. HAHAHAH Who writes in pink? ;D ;D HAHAHAH HHAHAHA
  3. not quite...i know that we are owning in basketball right now!...and we have ben owning all of texas in golf!
  4. now listen here...we aint bad fans...i beleve yall were the ones shooting us the finger and sending yalls friend over to sit with us thinking that hes bad or sumthen! so before you call us bad fans you need to go look at yalls student section!
  5. WOW! your are really dumb....next time you talk you really should think about what you are saying....no reason to be upset that yall lost....
  6. Yea we staight up blew them out! great crowd OF was!... NOT!
  7. HJ baseball owns ALL this year!
  8. WOW!!! thats reallly horrible...i think they should just take away his grion!
  9. ima have to say HJ by 21!
  10. I havnt seen any one come close to HJ.
  11. yea man...youve got NO IDEA!!! >
  12. Hey OFBALLA you gunna be at the HJ game Friday?
  13. Its allrite boys you cant win them all!
  14. hey man im not gunna get angry bout who you put on there or who you didnt...but you should look into Jarvis Benard from HJ...the kid is preety dang good at b-ball....all im asken is to just check him out! thanks!
  15. GOOOOOOO! man thats kinda emberassing!
  16. I definetly want to go catch sum peacock bass!!! and then go down in the gulf and catch tarpon on light tackle that would be the best!
  17. it really depends if HJ gives it there all....according to sunshine we will dominate the world if southerland will put him in the game instead of donahoe, the best player in south east texas, and Durly who he claims to be WEAK! but ima have to call HJ by 11!
  18. Oh yea the next game we are gunna give it our all!!! and we aint going down like no punks! and tubbs your the man!
  19. yea alil bit...i had nothing else to do!
  20. Nah bout 23....but all we need is bout 5!
  21. Yea it very messed up that sumone would do that! but i was talking bout all of the red letters...check it out!
  22. Nows not the time to run your mouth to anyone...cus if your messin with BIG ROBES than your messin with me and the rest of HJ so watch it!
  23. finally sumone agrees with me!!!
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