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Everything posted by BIGDADDYDAVEHJ

  1. Well how did you do there?
  2. Nah I dont think that its rained enough to make a difference in the lake, maybe up in bessy heights or futher up in the neches river it has
  3. HAHAHA! Good one! ;D.....hahah loser!
  4. hah alot of people but im preety shure everyday at shcool BIGROBES would get on and smite me every day...i think thats how it got that low
  5. man ive herd stories about it but me and my buddy whent and we didnt even get a bite...i guess you have to know where to fish
  6. me and my boss went out the other night in the ship channel by pleasure island and caught 15 specks 1 red and 2 BIG flounders, he went 2 nights later and caught 3 limits, and then me and my buddy went to the north end of sabine lake and we caught 14 craoker, 6 gaftop, and a drum and we seen a couple small groups of birds but there was people allready fishing there pulling up trout... so saltwater fishing is preeety good!
  7. HAHAH you think yours is bad, take a look at mine! ha ;D
  8. I really dont know who would win...it would be a good match up! but gotta stand by my team...hawks would win
  9. Well she recovered not to long after that...shes ok
  10. all i see is dinner! ;D
  11. Has anyone ben fishing keith lake? i know its really hard to get into but i imagine if you can get in there you will catch fish because no one has fished it...so has anyone heard of anybody catching fish there?
  13. I think that we can do it again or at least im hopeing that we can cus the road trip up there was preety fun!
  14. Ok i believe i got all of my pictures in...is there any way to where we can see all of the other photos entered by other people?
  15. hey i got sum pictures that i want upload but i dont know how to do it help me please
  16. that your not as good as HJ! ;D
  17. Ok buddy well you tell me what scholl you go to or what school your are cheering for and we will compare them to in everysport and HJ will be on top!
  18. Man well at least most of the stuff I say makes sense and is true! You keep trying to tell everyone that HJ got lucky and that silsbee is better and that next year silsbee is goin to dominate everyone! Facts are facts and HJ outplayed Silsbee this year and they are going to continue to do it! So I believe that you dont know what you are talking about!
  19. Hey man you need to back off and quite trying to start stuff! >
  20. HAHAHAHAHAH! ;D you guys are hillarious! but yea STATE CHAMPS are not one man teams, one man can not win a state championship it is a team effort...your gunna lose this argument so just quit trying to start crap. RUB-A-DUB SAYS- " YOUR DUMB!"
  21. Please just leave...i feel more ignorant from hearing wat you just said! facts are facts and HJ BEAT silsbee and thats all it is to it so just stop make you self look stupid and retarded! you are dumb and everything you say is DUMB! Not to mention your making yourself look like a doosch! AND ONCE AGAIN...HJ STATE CHAMPS AND DONT FORGET IT!!!! >
  22. Nah manz youz didnt spells nutten rong! ;D ......and wats the deel with the shoebox? ???
  23. hey just cus they are on steriods doesnt meen you have to tell the world about it!
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