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Everything posted by rykerx144

  1. I am not. I know him very well and respect him. I do know a few people from that community that is close to the program. I am just going by what they have told me and how well I know him
  2. Yes Barbay is not a politically correct coach. Last names mean nothing to him. Titlments and politics do not work in his system of putting the best kids where they need to be and expecting hard work. I bet Newton is kicking themselves right now.
  3. And it appears, Tatum lIke so many East Texas teams are overrated. If you really thought Tatum was not that good why come over here with tent remark and bashing setx?
  4. This one surprised me too. Good job HJ
  5. The owner of this site wouldn't approve of what I really want to say to you so I'll just post the score. Jasper 41 Tatum 17. Now go back to Eastex!
  6. Final 41-17 Congrats Dawgs!!
  7. 41-17 Jasper. 3rd
  8. 35 17 jasper half
  9. 35-17 Jasper. 2:00 2nd
  10. 28-17 jasper 2nd. 4:00
  11. 14-7. Jasper 300 1st
  12. Tatum might win but your still a Troll!
  13. broken ankle or no broken ankle the intent was still there to harm the kid, in a stadium with cameras everywhere in front of thousands of people. We can debate the punishment for ten years and will never come to an agreement, but if this kid is not punished and held accountable for his actions (intentionally or reckless) then Winter I hope its not you or your daughter standing next to him in a dark alley when he has another judgment lapse or bone head move.
  14. To be honest it looked like a little of both, it was pretty tough to watch. I do not know if the talent is not there in Warren or just not playing football. Agree with him also though, alot of the not getting plays in, time outs at end of 1st Quarter when could have been saved and just let Q end, snapping problems, 12 men on field and several times 10 men on field, not just a talent gap. They seem young and hoping they can find a way to turn things around. Good luck to the Warriors.
  15. I think most people are more surprised by how close this game was versus a PAM sweep of mid County Be humble and proud of the win but does not warrant some of this rant because honestly shouldn't even have been close.
  16. Kville with an about 35 yard field goal makes it 11-0 Yep not a typo, kville with a field goal lol
  17. And starting a 14 year old freshman at qb
  18. Kville down to suiting up 22 total lol
  19. I think jasper vs Silsbee is more of a rivalry than jas vs wos
  20. If you get more than 3 threads locked in the week it's probably a rivalry
  21. All injuries and 1 suspension
  22. I've seen both play and I do think Woodville is two scores better but that's just my opinion. How games have you seen either play?
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