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Everything posted by drewlsu

  1. BC took first game by about 8. BC took tight second game. HJ perseveres and takes game 3. Start of game 4.
  2. Message me if you see errors. 23 bullets13 22 Uknowit2 AggiesAreWe 21 Fathead Pepper Brooks Bobcatfan4life DP#1Fan Wo-s#1 Navydawg31 Raider24 20 Exsoftballplayer Austin1985 Chester86 aTmfan06 Yeoj 19 Broncos2447 RetiredFan1 TXHorn_et Mr. Buddy Garrity Mrtomcat Texaslonghorn14 Workbootz Stangfan#1 RaiderGirl2010 WOSdrummer99 18 Bleacher_bum Ty Cobb Longhorn63 Refuse2lose 17 Lightning/Eagle Raideroldtimer PDAWG119 Bigdaddy79 No-look skipmeister 16 One4All REBELCAT Cumulative Season Standings (if not listed your total hasn’t changed since week five): AggiesAreWe 200 Uknowit2 198 Bobcatfan4life 197 Wo-s#1 193 Pepper Brooks 193 WOSdrummer99 192 Navydawg31 192 Fathead 191 No-look 190 Chester86 190 One4All 189 Bleacher_bum 189 Bullets13 184 aTmfan06 183 Longhorn63 182 TXHORN_ET 182 Workbootz 181 Lightning/Eagle 180 Texaslonghorn14 180 RETIREDFAN1 179 RaiderGirl2010 179 Mr. Buddy Garrity 179 Ty Cobb 178 Mrtomcat 178 Yeoj 178 Bigdaddy79 177 Pdawg119 176 Austin1985 172 Raideroldtimer 169 D3zii 165 Prepballfan 159 Broncos2447 159 Refuse2lose 151 Guitar Man 145 Hook’EM 141 Stangfan#1 138 EaglesFootball 132 Ozens fastest@1906 122 Exsoftballplayer 118 DP#1FAN 116 The Lake 116 Gonelsons 116 Setx fan 115 86hawk 100 LSU9 86 Dme1111 69 RAIDER24 62 Rebelcat 34 KF89 19 Skipmeister 17
  3. Message me if you think there’s errors: 23 Longhorn63 Texaslonghorn14 22 Stangfan#1 AggiesAreWe Navydawg31 21 Bleacher_bum Lightning/Eagle bullets13 Uknowit2 No-look One4All WOSdrummer99 20 Pepper Brooks Bobcatfan4life D3zii DP#1Fan Raider24 19 TXHorn_et Mr. Buddy Garrity PDAWG119 Chester86 Bigdaddy79 Workbootz RaiderGirl2010 18 Fathead Austin1985 Prepballfan Yeoj REBELCAT 17 Broncos2447 Ty Cobb Raideroldtimer aTmfan06 Wo-s#1 16 RetiredFan1 15 Mrtomcat Refuse2lose Cumulative Season Standings (if not listed your total hasn’t changed since week five): AggiesAreWe 178 Bobcatfan4life 176 Uknowit2 176 One4All 173 No-look 173 WOSdrummer99 173 Wo-s#1 172 Pepper Brooks 172 Bleacher_bum 171 Navydawg31 171 Fathead 170 Chester86 170 D3zii 165 Longhorn63 164 Lightning/Eagle 163 TXHORN_ET 163 aTmfan06 162 Workbootz 162 Bullets13 161 Texaslonghorn14 161 Ty Cobb 160 RETIREDFAN1 160 RaiderGirl2010 160 Bigdaddy79 160 Mrtomcat 159 Prepballfan 159 Mr. Buddy Garrity 159 Pdawg119 159 Yeoj 158 Raideroldtimer 152 Austin1985 152 Guitar Man 145 Hook’EM 141 Broncos2447 140 Refuse2lose 133 EaglesFootball 132 Ozens fastest@1906 122 Stangfan#1 119 The Lake 116 Gonelsons 116 Setx fan 115 86hawk 100 Exsoftballplayer 98 DP#1FAN 95 LSU9 86 Dme1111 69 RAIDER24 41 KF89 19 Rebelcat 18
  4. Message me if you think there’s errors: 21 Texaslonghorn14 Uknowit2 Bigdaddy79 AggiesAreWe Wo-s#1 Raider24 20 Lightning/Eagle Bobcatfan4life bullets13 Yeoj DP#1Fan Hook’EM No-look EaglesFootball Navydawg31 One4All WOSdrummer99 19 Fathead Broncos2447 Pepper Brooks TXHorn_et Mrtomcat aTmfan06 Stangfan#1 KF89 18 Bleacher_bum RetiredFan1 Raideroldtimer Prepballfan Chester86 D3zii Guitar Man gonelsons RaiderGirl2010 17 PDAWG119 Longhorn63 Workbootz Dme1111 16 Ty Cobb Austin1985 Mr. Buddy Garrity 15 Exsoftballplayer 13 Ozens fastest@1906 Refuse2lose Cumulative Season Standings (if not listed your total didn’t change from prior week(s): Bobcatfan4life 156 AggiesAreWe 156 Uknowit2 155 Wo-s#1 155 Pepper Brooks 152 Fathead 152 Pepper Brooks 152 Fathead 152 One4All 152 No-look 152 WOSdrummer99 152 Chester86 151 Bleacher_bum 150 Navydawg31 149 D3zii 145 Guitar Man 145 aTmfan06 145 RETIREDFAN1 144 TXHORN_ET 144 Mrtomcat 144 Workbootz 143 Ty Cobb 143 Lightning/Eagle 142 Longhorn63 141 Prepballfan 141 RaiderGirl2010 141 Hook’EM 141 Bigdaddy79 141 Mr. Buddy Garrity 140 Pdawg119 140 Yeoj 140 Bullets13 140 Texaslonghorn14 138 Raideroldtimer 135 Austin1985 134 EaglesFootball 132 Broncos2447 123 Ozens fastest@1906 122 Refuse2lose 118 The Lake 116 Gonelsons 116 Setx fan 115 86hawk 100 Exsoftballplayer 98 Stangfan#1 97 LSU9 86 DP#1FAN 75 Dme1111 69 RAIDER24 21 KF89 19
  5. Tougher week this week! If you see an error, message me. 20 RetiredFan1 Bobcatfan4life The Lake AggiesAreWe RaiderGirl2010 19 Fathead Chester86 Navydawg31 18 Exsoftbalplayer TXHorn_et Raideroldtimer Pepper Brooks PDAWG119 Texaslonghorn14 Yeoj Uknowit2 Stangfan#1 Wo-s#1 17 Bleacher_bum aTmfan06 bullets13 Guitar Man Workbootz No-look EaglesFootball One4All 16 Ty Cobb Austin1985 Longhorn63 Prepballfan D3zii Mrtomcat Ozens fastest@1906 Hook’EM Setx fan WOSdrummer99 15 Lightning/Eagle Broncos2447 Mr. Buddy Garrity Bigdaddy79 Refuse2lose Dme1111 14 86hawk 11 gonelsons Cumulative Season Standings (if not listed your total didn’t change from prior week): Bobcatfan4life 136 AggiesAreWe 135 Uknowit2 134 Wo-s#1 134 Pepper Brooks 133 Fathead 133 Pepper Brooks 133 Fathead 133 Chester86 133 One4All 132 Bleacher_bum 132 No-look 132 WOSdrummer99 132 Navydawg31 129 Ty Cobb 127 D3zii 127 Guitar Man 127 Workbootz 126 aTmfan06 126 RETIREDFAN1 126 TXHORN_ET 125 Mrtomcat 125 Mr. Buddy Garrity 124 Longhorn63 124 Prepballfan 123 Pdawg119 123 RaiderGirl2010 123 Lightning/Eagle 122 Hook’EM 121 Bigdaddy79 120 Yeoj 120 Bullets13 120 Austin1985 118 Raideroldtimer 117 Texaslonghorn14 117 The Lake 116 Setx fan 115 EaglesFootball 112 Ozens fastest@1906 109 Refuse2lose 105 Broncos2447 104 86hawk 100 Gonelsons 98 LSU9 86 Exsoftballplayer 83 Stangfan#1 78 DP#1FAN 55 Dme1111 52
  6. BC recovers onside kick
  7. 2-pt no good BC 21 HJ 20 1:16
  8. HJ lines up for 2, BC calls TO
  9. HJ return kickoff for TD XP try no good but BC offsides TO HJ try to come…
  10. 0-0 start of 2nd pretty sloppy football by both sides.
  11. For some reason I couldn't edit, but I did have a few errors. These are corrected.
  12. Here are the results for Week 6 pick ‘ems, lots of high scorers this week! If you think there's an error, message me. 24 Guitar Man One4All 23 Bleacher_bum Fathead Setx fan D3zii 22 Pdawg119 Bobcatfan4life DP#1FAN Uknowit2 AggiesAreWe 21 Ty Cobb Longhorn63 The Lake Stangfan#1 Wo-s#1 No-look Navydawg31 20 Pepper Brooks TXHORN_ET Prepballfan Hook’EM Refuse2lose WOSdrummer99 Chester86 19 RETIREDFAN1 Raideroldtimer Mr. Buddy Garrity Mrtomcat Gonelsons Workbootz 18 Exsoftballplayer Austin1985 Bullets13 Yeoj aTmfan06 17 Lightning/Eagle Broncos2447 LSU9 Bigdaddy79 RaiderGirl2010 Ozens fastest@1906 Texaslonghorn14 16 EaglesFootball 15 86hawks Cumulative Season Standings (if not listed your total didn’t change from last week): Bobcatfan4life 116 Uknowit2 116 AggiesAreWe 115 One4All 115 Bleacher_bum 115 Wo-s#1 115 No-look 115 Pepper Brooks 115 Fathead 114 WOSdrummer99 114 Ty Cobb 111 D3zii 111 Guitar Man 110 Navydawg31 110 Mrtomcat 109 Mr. Buddy Garrity 109 Workbootz 109 aTmfan06 109 Longhorn63 108 TXHORN_ET 107 Prepballfan 107 Lightning/Eagle 107 RETIREDFAN1 106 Chester86 106 Pdawg119 105 Hook’EM 105 Bigdaddy79 105 Yeoj 104 Bullets13 103 RaiderGirl2010 103 Austin1985 102 Setx fan 99 Raideroldtimer 99 Texaslonghorn14 99 The Lake 96 EaglesFootball 95 Ozens fastest@1906 93 Refuse2lose 90 Broncos2447 89 Gonelsons 87 LSU9 86 86hawks 86 Exsoftballplayer 65 Stangfan#1 60 DP#1FAN 55
  13. Liberty 49 HJ 0 final
  14. Long TD run for liberty. Liberty 49 HJ 0 4:35 4th
  15. Caught it and edited. But not now!
  16. Liberty 42 HJ 0 start of 4th
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