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Everything posted by Bigdog

  1. Well, I think we hit the over I posted about . As in over 5 MCM threads this week.
  2. Lol. Like I said , keep hanging your hat on that game. How many points did PAM put on yall again?
  3. Good for you. Second team won't be on the field Friday. It was 38-17 going into garbage time (4th quarter) and 31-7 at half. So hang you hat on that final score all you want.
  4. None from me, if they lose I will say good game and move on. but I guarantee their will be plenty of excuses if PNG loses with thier "all world " QB!
  5. Still doesn't help the Texans. And there no guarantee that Watt will come back anything like he was a couple of years ago. The injuries are adding up.
  6. Its funny hearing PNG fans making parking comments, lol.
  7. So Png is the only one allowed to live in the past when it benefits them? Gotcha. Seems like there was a whole lot a whining going on from the purple people when that streak was going, and the last 20 or so years too.
  8. Lol. There were two full classes at PNG that didn't beat Nederland. More than that really .
  9. Sure, look at the last 23 years Neumann was there and go at it.... He had fun playing PNG.
  10. Legend Killer? two wins in 7 years with a 6 year streak in the middle is a legend killer? That's funny right there!
  11. Par for the course. There will probably be multiple threads by next week, I put the over /under for threads at 5 and take the over on that. As far as the indians juggarnaught, I have seen Ned teams derail them before when they looked unbeatable. Didn't have that 6 years in a row run for nothing.
  12. I was going by the projected cutoffs for this year. Unless they gained 50 or so students, they would be 4A next year. I know BISD didn't opt them up last time, but I don't know if they would do that this year to keep both Ozen and Central in the same class.
  13. They will possibly end up 4A with Livingston unless BISD opts them up to 5A.
  14. Lol! Let me know how much bank and when those checks start coming... Great job Grad, btw.
  15. We know what Crosby's ceiling is, the second round. Winning a weak district doesn't impress anyone. Neumann was hired in 93 not the late 90's. And since you wanted to take a stadium shot, there was a State Championship won in that stadium, can Crosby say the same?
  16. Funny how you choose to only include the years when Crosby was making noise and not all of the mediocre years before when they were sitting at home. Nederland was in the playoffs and making third round trips consistently when Crosby was doing good to get three or four wins. Kinda hard to win or lose a playoff game when your not there.
  17. They don't really. Ned has missed the playoffs only twice in the last 20 years and have made multiple runs in the playoffs
  18. Are you saying in general or was that directed at Nederland?
  19. Lol. Good job Dogs, week off and then on to Lumberton!
  20. yep. He has been holding them up as the "Gold standard" but those second round exits don't hold up long.
  21. Just a Vidor fan bitter that they lost to Nederland, again.
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