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Everything posted by Bigdog

  1. Very true. Usually when Vidor loses their RB and QB to graduation they regress.
  2. Yes, and that will make a big difference between last year and this year.
  3. Anyone know what happened here? [Hidden Content]
  4. Some of it had to do with the numbers fading into the background color. They weren't readable by the officials or the people in the booth.
  5. Well, most likely Ozen and Livingston will not be in 5A after the next alignment. It would depend on who is moved into the district to replace them.
  6. I'm not against him getting a raise, don't misunderstand. Maybe he gets the lowest stipend but as I am trying to get team first to understand that is only part of the equation, it doesn't feed the bulldog so to speak.
  7. BMT coaches only get paid $7500 dollars a year? How do they pay their bills? Lol. i like how you changed it to only the stipend when I gave you the numbers to prove you wrong, especially when you said nothing about it until it was your only argument. You really think any coach is depending on thier stipend to feed their families? I'm sure they are glad to have it but that's not what pays the bills.
  8. *Sigh* I am getting tired of a pointless argument and this is way off topic, but here it goes. The BB coach at Central was making 53k (salaries and stipend) at Ozen in 2012. Assuming a modest increase, (Although BISD went through a salary freeze a couple of years ago) He is probably making around 60k at Central. If English has 20 years service( at least) as a teacher and even a modest stipend he is making more. Saveat was making 62k. Either way even if its a little less, English is still making around what BISD is paying. [Hidden Content] [Hidden Content]
  9. Do you think that they hire from within? Ned's job was only open for less than a month, really less than that actually.
  10. Wow, you really need to re read the post. Coaches receive stipends on top of their teaching salaries, which partially goes by years of experience and advanced degrees. I don't know about BISD, but unless you are the AD every other coach has to teach classes and that is a large part of their salary.
  11. Difference between the government and a private company. A lot less bureaucracy and more results driven.
  12. Yeah, you posted that right before I did. The salary schedules are above.
  13. Well, as far as teacher's salaries goes, Nederland is about the same as BISD. Coaching wise, we know that the football coaches aren't paid as much at least the HCs. [Hidden Content] [Hidden Content]
  14. Yeah, and teacher's salaries are computed by years of service, so he probably has at least 20 years in by now including the time that he was at Vidor.
  15. If by bump you are referring to pay, that is usually handled in the summer when they do the budget. This meeting was just to hire the AD/HC.
  16. The highlighted part pretty much covers most of the comments on this thread. The last thing most of the district wanted to see was a continuation of the same program.
  17. See, all that hand wringing and rumor starting for nothing!
  18. Amen, everyone needs to calm the heck down. And BTW , I don't see NISD splitting the AD and HC positions. Whoever gets one will get the other. As far as the board goes, Neumann rubbed some people the wrong way for years, but none of the current board were around for most of that. -Also, as far as one person's comment about the assistant supers not getting moved up to super vs an outside hire, there were probably other reasons for that, none that I will talk about on here.
  19. Still need to find some defense or the Warrior /Spurs are going to knock them out of the playoffs.
  20. New fun with the BISD Audit: [Hidden Content]
  21. [Hidden Content] Good ole "Mad Dog" Mattingly trying to make a return. For those of you who remember him. Chris Stump too.
  22. Nope. But how many seasons like that has Nederland had since Neumann was hired? One bad season doesn't make a bad program. Whoever is hired will inherit a good program, and Leday should be back this year.
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