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Everything posted by Bigdog

  1. Two of the three coaching positions open and the other just filled this year for the third or fourth time in as many years, so yeah I would say so. Not to mention the AD position.
  2. it is out on other sites as well, including Old Coach.
  3. Like I said, the interview process probably started as soon as Neumann announced his retirement, not when it went into effect, which would be almost a month ago now.
  4. I figured they would move fast. I'm glad its not going to drag out to give the new coach time to start spring training stuff and install whatever he needs to install as far as a system.
  5. I am willing to bet that the interviews have already started.
  6. You would think everyone would. But I won't be surprised if it happens.
  7. He will probably end up in juvenile detention.
  8. The really bad thing is that some of the people that were on the board that allowed all of that to go on will probably be re-elected back onto the school board in May.
  9. I was agreeing with you and referring to the other people who are off topic.
  10. Way off topic. I would suggest starting another thread for the Silsbee 6a discussion.
  11. He went to jail, as he should have. End of story.
  12. Looks like there might be some more people potentially going to jail, including one big name. [Hidden Content]
  13. I have no problem with kids getting athletic scholarships to college, as long as they finish their degree to have something use when their athletic days are done. FYI, I saw that Adrian Foster is going back to get a degree in Physics now that he is retired from the NFL which I am all for, as the statistics show that the average NFL career is 3 years and most players don't make enough money to last them the rest of their life. Especially since most are in their late 20's or early 30's when the NFL ride ends.
  14. Especially since for about 99% of kids playing college ball this as far as they will go in football. Here are some interesting numbers: [Hidden Content]
  15. You can recruit all the 5 stars you want, if you don't develop them it doesn't matter.
  16. I imagine that the process started as soon as Neumann informed them of his retirement. Just because the job isn't posted doesn't mean that they aren't already looking at candidates. They have to post the job for at least 10 days I think, but most likely they will already have their hire ready when that time is up. [Hidden Content]2016.pdf PERSONNEL  Board's Employment Policies (Texas Education Code, §21.203 (a)-(b))  Group Health Coverage Report and Plan (Texas Education Code, §22.004(d)) o The annual report submitted to TRS and a copy of the group health coverage plan.  Posting of Vacancies (Texas Education Code, §11.1513(d) (1) (B)) o Post vacant position for which a certificate or license is required or post the position at certain physical locations in the district.  Vacancy Posting (Texas Education Code, §11.1513(d) (1) (B)) o Ten day notice of vacant position requiring a certificate of license. [Hidden Content]
  17. Personally, I don't like his play calling style sometimes, but I guess a new OC would handle that.
  18. Not sure about the Titans, the Cowboys have a chance if they get some help on defense either through the draft or free agency.
  19. The Cowboys will be back with a great starting QB and the best RB in the NFL, How about you?? LOL
  20. Gotta love the Cowboys haters, especially delusional Texan fans. You got that far because you play in the worst division in the NFL and beat a third team rookie QB in his first start. If Carr had been playing or you were playing the Chiefs or Steelers it would been another first round exit. LOL. How is that high dollar QB working out for you?
  21. I'm sure coaches know that the position is about to come open..
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