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Everything posted by Bigdog

  1. Yeah, and then they went out of the area and got Bobby August. So whats your point again?
  2. I imagine that adding the AD responsibilities would be be a pretty good bump in pay..
  3. I guess he wouldn't have to, he would just have more responsibilities. I guess it would come down to if he wants the extra workload.
  4. I don't think NISD will split the AD and HC positions, the main reason being money and the fact that Nederland is not really big enough to require that. Also, I don't think English would be interested in an AD job and give up coaching BB.
  5. Did Ned hire a coach? I notice he isn't listed anymore.
  6. Its happened before, just not in football. Brian English was there before coming to Nederland and Green (Vidor baseball coach) is a Nederland guy as well although he is still in Vidor. *Edit* Green is now at Lamar.
  7. Why does he owe the press anything ? He has informed the people who need to know. Beyond that it really is no one else's business. You don't see press releases when a classroom teacher retires. I know the press feels they need to be in on every little story, but the over saturation of news and reporting on everything that happens to celebrities or public people is getting ridiculous.
  8. I don't know how old he is exactly, but I know how old his oldest child is. Just an estimation on my part as I know how old my mom is. Also, I was just replying to someone else's comment on Spell and Crommet.
  9. As for Spell and Crommet retiring, Spell has coached for over 40+ years and is at least in his 70s. All of his kids are grown with their own families and one coaches with him. I don't know how old Crommet is but generally a new coach is going to bring in some of his own staff and he probably decided it was time to hang it up.
  10. Things change. As I and KA Brother stated there might be some family issues involved that won't be discussed here.
  11. Bite your tongue, although he could coach at the college level. LOL.
  12. I'm sorry, that was rude of me. Let me rephrase, please never speak that mans name again on this board.
  13. They actually missed the last three years in 4A, '01-03. They made the 3A state semifinal game in '05. The first time to the 3A finals was in 2014.
  14. Not sure where you saw that, but this is the first for Richland Springs.
  15. Yeah, that's probably too many points for a SC game.
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