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Everything posted by Bigdog

  1. I guess by this criteria Nederland would be in the good category: 2006- Beat Galena Park lost to Kilgore 2nd round. 2007- No playoffs (First time in 11 years, including 10 straight 2nd rd or better before 2007) 2008 - Beat CE King, lost to Magnolia 2nd round 2009- Lost to Crosby 1st rd 2010- Lost to Crosby 1st rd 2011- Beat GCM ,Beat Stratford, Lost to Pearland Dawson in 3rd rd 2012 - Beat Dayton, Beat Connally, Beat Dawson, lost to Georgetown in the 4th rd 2013 - Beat KP, Lost to Georgetown 2nd rd 2014 - Lost to KP in 1st rd 2015 - Beat New Caney, Lost to George Ranch 2nd rd. 6 of 10 years past the second round. 2 3rd or better appearances.
  2. moving kids to lower performing schools just to boost ratings or test scores doesn't fix the issue. It is smoke and mirrors. The problem needs to be addressed at the campus that is having problems and with the kids who are falling behind.
  3. Nope. PNG missed the playoffs in '94 and '95 but were in 22-5A at the time (Ned was 20-4A). They made the playoffs in 2007. Since Neumann started, PNG has been to the playoffs 11 of 22 years.
  4. No, I don't think so. I will go back and look. Neumann's teams have been in the playoffs 19 out of 22 years. Only years missed were 1994,1995 and 2007.
  5. The part of the bond that proposed new schools wouldn't have been a big hit. We just have a bunch of older people that are against anything new even though if they are over 65 they wouldn't see a tax increase. Once those people move on I think we will see the bonds pass. The last one was within a 100 votes or so of passing as far as new schools. They did pass issues that reworked all of the HVAC and windows in the schools and paid for better security among other things.
  6. If the rumors of the current BOM being replaced sooner than expected are true, we will just have to see if rezoning happens or not.
  7. well, they did say they used 7 on 7 as one of the criteria.
  8. For now , yes. But TCISD has the option to close LM after a couple of years if the test scores and the rest of the situation doesn't get any better. I don't know if they will or not, but they would have to absorb LM into TC High School or build another school. [Hidden Content]
  9. Man, you really need to find the period key on your keyboard. It is the same key that has the > on it.
  10. I didn't bring it up, I just responded to his statement.
  11. Crosby seems to be the only fans really concerned about rankings, even when they don't live up to them. If Dayton and Ned just do their thing and make a run in the playoffs the rankings don't matter.
  12. I never said I was against new schools, I am not. I went through those schools and also worked for the ISD for a few years. I know what condition they are in. But the fact of the matter is, it doesn't seem to affect the students grades judging by how the ISD performs in relation to the rest of the state. Now as far as the kids (and teachers) health goes, that is a different matter. I have been in all the crawl spaces and back areas of the schools that the public never sees. There is no more asbestos in the schools, but the mold, mildew and water damage is definitely not helping people that have to breathe that crap all day. The current bond that was passed a couple of years ago helped with some of that but its time for new schools. But that wont happen until the "old heads" as you say either move off, die off or change their minds. I will say that the bond issues for new schools that were part of the 2012 vote were much closer than previous years, indicating that maybe the tide is turning.
  13. Same as winning games, new schools don't help kids get good grades. Ned does pretty well with that as well.
  14. They must of used up the full allotment after Ridge Point got through with them. Might need to stock up some more for Manvel and maybe Dayton .
  15. Like I said, thank GCM or you wouldn't have to a DC to claim. Since you can't actually beat the team who won the DC.
  16. picked #1 by several sites , expected to be in the state championships and then donkey stomped in the second round. Sounds like someone else needs the Vaseline.
  17. Ok, so Crosby was their #1 pick last year....
  18. You should thank GCM for that, since at MCM ...
  19. I have said for years, they should use some of that field next to the stadium, but oh well. Turf and parking lots don't win games, so...
  20. Mine reminds of all the grey I have, I told her I didn't have any until I had her, and I have the pictures to prove it!
  21. And arrogance got you KO'ed in the 2nd round. I wasn't talking about the whole state. Being ranked #1 (or top 5) and actually living up to it are two different things, Crosby should know all about that.
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