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Everything posted by Bigdog

  1. From the looks of the last few years, neither could PAM.
  2. or just cherry pick the stats that fit your narrative.. lol
  3. Jealousy does not become you my friend.
  4. Looks like they have narrowed it down to 6 candidates. Suggs pay is listed on here to for those that were wondering. [Hidden Content]
  5. We are in the process of building out the Southeast Texas Rivalries thread as well under the team histories page. Please check this out as well!
  6. Here is Nederland vs Port Arthur. I will update this after this season since PA Memorial is now in the district. Nederland vs Port Arthur Nederland leads series 46-43-4 overall vs PA Nederland vs Port Arthur Memorial 2016 PA Memorial 42 14 2017 PA Memorial 13 6 Nederland vs. Port Arthur Jefferson PA Jefferson wins series 24-18-3 1927 TIE 6 6 1928 PA Jefferson B Team 0 21 1929 PA Jefferson B Team 0 2 1929 PA Jefferson B Team 0 25 1937 Nederland 12 0 1942 Nederland 7 0 1943 Nederland 6 0 1964 Nederland 28 7 1965 Nederland 14 0 1966 TIE 28 28 1967 Nederland 39 35 1968 Nederland 21 8 1969 Port Arthur Jefferson 6 26 1970 Port Arthur Jefferson 7 40 1971 Port Arthur Jefferson 0 26 1972 Port Arthur Jefferson 16 17 1973 Nederland 15 14 1974 Port Arthur Jefferson 14 31 1975 Nederland 7 0 1976 Nederland 20 14 1977 Port Arthur Jefferson 6 16 1978 Nederland 14 12 1979 Port Arthur Jefferson 6 31 1980 Port Arthur Jefferson 6 55 1981 Port Arthur Jefferson 0 36 1982 Port Arthur Jefferson 7 41 1983 Port Arthur Jefferson 0 34 1984 Port Arthur Jefferson 10 28 1985 Nederland 21 19 1986 Port Arthur Jefferson 3 7 1987 Port Arthur Jefferson 23 62 1988 Port Arthur Jefferson 9 21 1989 Port Arthur Jefferson 15 17 1990 Port Arthur Jefferson 13 30 1991 Port Arthur Jefferson 23 31 1992 Port Arthur Jefferson 22 50 1993 Port Arthur Jefferson 0 21 1994 Nederland 21 7 1995 Port Arthur Jefferson 6 21 1996 TIE 12 12 1997 Nederland 26 6 1998 Nederland 49 7 1999 Nederland 62 35 2000 Nederland 31 3 2001 Nederland 36 7 Nederland vs Port Arthur Lincoln Ned wins series 15-12-1 1967 TIE 20 20 1968 Nederland 41 0 1969 Port Arthur Lincoln 19 21 1970 Port Arthur Lincoln 0 22 1971 Port Arthur Lincoln 14 47 1972 Port Arthur Lincoln 0 41 1973 Port Arthur Lincoln 7 20 1974 Nederland 30 16 1975 Port Arthur Lincoln 0 27 1976 Nederland 34 27 1977 Port Arthur Lincoln 0 13 1978 Nederland 9 8 1979 Port Arthur Lincoln 14 21 1980 Port Arthur Lincoln 9 33 1988 Nederland 28 13 1989 Port Arthur Lincoln 27 32 1990 Port Arthur Lincoln 6 25 1991 Nederland 19 6 1992 Nederland 34 21 1993 Nederland 36 27 1994 Nederland 43 15 1995 Nederland 14 6 1996 Nederland 28 7 1997 Nederland 54 13 1998 Nederland 50 21 1999 Nederland 59 12 2000 Nederland 24 21 2001 Port Arthur Lincoln 8 42 Nederland vs Port Acres/Stephen F. Austin Nederland wins series 13-5-1 1938 Nederland 19 0 1939 Nederland 31 7 1940 TIE 6 6 1941 Port Acres 0 6 1943 Port Acres 6 7 1944 Nederland 7 0 1945 Nederland 42 6 1946 Nederland 25 0 1947 Port Acres 6 14 1948 Nederland 7 0 1949 Port Acres 0 18 1950 Nederland 67 0 1951 Port Acres 7 12 1952 Nederland 13 6 1953 Nederland 40 6 1954 Nederland 56 0 1955 Nederland 19 2 1996 Nederland 40 8 1997 Nederland 41 0
  7. A little more history, Nederland vs Beaumont. Just a fun fact, Nederland was in district 22-5A with Beaumont West Brook from 1982-1987. Nederland and Ozen played twice in 1998 and 1999 when Ozen was a member of district 19-4A. Ozen and Central merged to form Beaumont United in 2018. Nederland vs Beaumont Ned leads Beaumont 30-19 overall Nederland vs Beaumont United 2018 Nederland 33 14 Nederland vs Beaumont Central Nederland wins series 9-8 1986 Beaumont Central 7 21 1987 Beaumont Central 3 27 2002 Beaumont Central 7 47 2003 Beaumont Central 0 20 2004 Nederland 58 8 2006 Beaumont Central 24 63 2007 Nederland 40 29 2008 Nederland 10 20 2009 Beaumont Central 14 35 2010 Beaumont Central 26 29 2011 Nederland 42 0 2012 Nederland 45 14 2013 Nederland 21 7 2014 Nederland 39 36 2015 Nederland 35 20 2016 Nederland 28 21 2017 Beaumont Central 21 17 (Beaumont Central merged with Beaumont Ozen in 2018 to form Beaumont United) Nederland vs Beaumont Ozen Nederland wins series 17-4 1998 Nederland 32 12 1998 Nederland 60 21 Bi-district Playoffs 1999 Nederland 35 14 1999 Nederland 31 0 Bi-district Playoffs 2001 Nederland 42 28 Bi-district Playoffs 2002 Beaumont Ozen 14 26 2003 Nederland 16 13 2004 Beaumont Ozen 37 40 2005 Beaumont Ozen 7 21 2006 Nederland 35 16 2007 Nederland 31 14 2008 Nederland 31 22 2009 Beaumont Ozen 10 17 2010 Nederland 41 35 2011 Nederland 44 41 2012 Nederland 35 0 2013 Nederland 27 14 2014 Nederland 45 21 2015 Nederland 34 25 2016 Nederland 28 8 2017 Nederland 56 6 (Beaumont Ozen merged with Beaumont Central in 2018 to form Beaumont United) Nederland vs Beaumont WestBrook WB leads 7-3 1982 Beaumont West Brook 9 33 1983 Beaumont West Brook 28 37 1984 Beaumont West Brook 21 41 1985 Beaumont West Brook 20 35 1986 Beaumont West Brook 7 14 1987 Beaumont West Brook 7 41 2002 Nederland 32 16 2003 Nederland 17 14 2004 Nederland 14 13 2005 Beaumont West Brook 28 49
  8. Yep. Voted one of the top 10 highschool rivalries in Texas and one of the older ones although not the oldest.
  9. This year marks the 91st year since the first game but will be the 93rd meeting. The teams didn't play from 1949-1953 and played twice a year from 1925-1930. The year 2023 will mark the 100th game between these two teams and 2025 will be the 100th year since the first game. Just an FYI in case someone was wondering.
  10. Well, I guess we should have MCM on here. This year will be the 93rd meeting (the game wasn't played from 1949-1953), and the 94th year since the first one was played. 2023 will be the centennial (100th) game and 2025 will mark 100 years since the first game was played. The teams played twice a year from 1925-30. MID-COUNTY MADNESS - Nederland vs. PNG PNG leads 50-38-7 1925 PN-G 13 7 1926 PN-G 6 0 1926 PN-G 6 0 1927 PN-G 22 0 1927 TIE 0 0 1928 Nederland 25 0 1928 Nederland 31 0 1929 PN-G 20 0 1929 PN-G 26 0 1930 PN-G 6 0 1930 TIE 0 0 1931 PN-G 32 0 1932 PN-G 21 0 1933 PN-G 7 0 1934 PN-G 20 0 1935 PN-G 27 6 1936 Nederland 20 19 1937 Nederland 13 0 1938 PN-G 14 0 1939 Nederland 6 0 1940 TIE 0 0 1941 PN-G 2 0 1942 Nederland 14 0 1943 TIE 7 7 1944 Nederland 18 0 1945 Nederland 39 12 1946 PN-G 35 3 1947 PN-G 71 0 1948 PN-G 38 7 1949 No game NG NG 1950 No game NG NG 1951 No game NG NG 1952 No game NG NG 1953 No game NG NG 1954 Nederland 27 24 1955 Nederland 34 6 1956 Nederland 19 6 1957 Nederland 40 14 1958 PN-G 36 22 1959 Nederland 14 0 1960 Nederland 27 6 1961 PN-G 14 12 1962 Nederland 21 12 1963 PN-G 22 21 1964 Nederland 22 6 1965 TIE 0 0 1966 PN-G 16 15 1967 PN-G 6 0 1968 TIE 35 35 1969 PN-G 20 19 1970 PN-G 15 14 1971 PN-G 51 13 1972 PN-G 38 0 1973 PN-G 29 6 1974 PN-G 20 17 1975 PN-G 28 6 1976 PN-G 20 3 1977 PN-G 35 14 1978 PN-G 22 3 1979 PN-G 14 9 1980 PN-G 35 0 1981 PN-G 12 0 1982 PN-G 49 0 1983 PN-G 28 7 1984 Nederland 13 7 1985 PN-G 3 0 1986 Nederland 21 12 1987 TIE 14 14 1988 Nederland 29 0 1989 PN-G 41 7 1990 PN-G 27 0 1991 PN-G 23 6 1992 PN-G 54 0 1993 Nederland 28 14 1994 Nederland 13 7 1995 Nederland 28 25 1996 PN-G 17 14 1997 Nederland 28 7 1998 PN-G 28 7 1999 PN-G 31 8 2000 Nederland 21 19 2001 Nederland 42 10 2002 Nederland 22 19 2003 PN-G 23 14 2004 Nederland 19 13 2005 Nederland 35 28 2006 Nederland 31 24 2007 PN-G 28 16 2008 Nederland 41 21 2009 PN-G 23 7 2010 Nederland 39 32 2011 Nederland 24 21 2012 Nederland 37 12 2013 Nederland 21 17 2014 Nederland 35 28 2015 Nederland 30 27 2016 PNG 42 21 2017 Nederland 36 35 2018 PNG 34 21
  11. Question, are you going to put this in the team histories thread as well?
  12. Its not quite on the level of Penn State but close.
  13. Me either. X Box might have to take the first bus out of town if he loses to Ned.
  14. And I can say 5 outright or co DCs since 2011. We will see if Ned makes it six.
  15. If something like that happens at Bama , Saban kicks the kid off the team. Same for the UT coach. Look what happened to the kid from Ozen last year and that wasn't near what's going on with Baylor.
  16. Depends on on the other teams . MB is one of the smaller teams in the district.
  17. We will see if X-box out coaches Neumann. I assume you saw the article on who the starting QB for PAM is.
  18. Ahh, look who's returned. Welcome back sir.
  19. Your right, Lol I fixed it
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