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SETXsports Staff
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Everything posted by Bigdog

  1. Then I would encourage you to take that up with that admin or another one.
  2. Tom, you aren't new to the site, but haven't posted much so here is the full rule on Moderators/Admins. I am trying to give you the benefit of the doubt on this. 17) The admins and moderators here are volunteers. They dedicate a portion of their time to helping us with the forums. No abuse or disrespect of any of the admins or moderators will be tolerated.
  3. I am sorry if I wasn't clear as to what I was referring to. But yes, the previous Woodville thread had descended to slandering and attacking a coach who was being discussed as a candidate and it was removed as it should have been. As far as patrolling all of the threads on this board, like I said we can't be everywhere at once. There are hundreds of posters and thread posts on here everyday so we also need the help of the posters on this site. There is a button on the bottom corner of every post that allows it to be reported to the admins/mods. We will review the post and take appropriate action. So I ask you and everyone else to help out keeping this board cleaned up and a place that is enjoyable to all.
  4. My "britches" fit just find thank you very much. If you find that I do something out of line then feel free to point it out to the admins but I stay withing the rules.
  5. Translation: If you don't like or cant' abide by the rules set out by the owner of the site (Not me or any of the other mods or admins) then go somewhere else.
  6. I didn't accuse you of anything, I simply posted the rules regarding slander or rumors and the fact that we are volunteers and don't catch everything due to other obligations (like a real job).
  7. Welcome to the Southeast Texas Sports (SETXsports) Forum We have a few rules that we will ask you to follow: 1) YOU MUST HAVE A VALID E-MAIL ADDRESS PRESENT IN YOUR PROFILE! If we see that you have removed your e-mail - your account will deleted with no hesitation! 2) ONE membership per person! Any caught with 2 accounts will have both of them terminated. Nor will we tolerate any member impersonating other members. If you have, for whatever reason created another account (or 2), don't panic. Just inform an administrator of the duplicates with usernames used and we'll take care of it. 3) THIS BOARD IS RATED "G"! Watch the language! Remember that there are members of all ages reading these forums. If there is any doubt in your mind whether a word may be objectionable ... find another word. Obscenity and profanity are good ways to get you banned. 4) Keep it civil! You can make your point much more attractive to others by remaining calm and intelligent. You will be banned for flaming or attacking another member!! We will not tolerate abuse upon another member. 5) We DO expect you to report any violations of these rules. This helps us keep this board a nice place to hang out. Use the pm button to send a message to any administrator or moderator to tip us off to any objectionable behavior or profanity/obscenity. We consider this to be every members' obligation as a member of SETXsports board. 6) NO SHOUTING!!- (Use of "Caps Lock") The standard practice on most message boards, forums, emails, web pages, etc. is that the use of all caps is regarded as SHOUTING!! 7) No abusive or offensive usernames. If you choose a username that is deemed to be offensive the membership will be terminated. 8 ) Do not make racial or abusive comments 9) Keep to the subject. Post to the section that is most appropriate for the topic being presented. 10) To ensure that copyright laws are observed, post only the link to any articles, photos or other material originating from other websites. DO NOT paste the entire text of an article or photo here as such may violate the originating site's rights. In limited cases, PORTIONS of the text of a article may be allowed, but should be avoided if possible. 11) No pornography/nudity or anything else illegal or of sexual nature. 12) Avatars are allowed in signatures. Please keep these in good taste. Failure to comply to this can result in a permanent ban from the site. 13) No spamming or flooding the forums. Use the pm feature when needed 14)NO ADVERTISING in the forums!!! 15) Please do not post unsubstantiated rumors, suspicions or slanderous comments about anyone - this includes non-members of the forums. 16) We do not allow or tolerate any references or encouragement to using drugs, or any posts that encourage the abuse of alcohol!! Those posts will be removed and you could be banned. Continued posting of this nature will result in your account being deleted. 17) The admins and moderators here are volunteers. They dedicate a portion of their time to helping us with the forums. No abuse or disrespect of any of the admins or moderators will be tolerated. 18 ) The bashing of any particular coach, player, referee, etc will not be tolerated. This includes issues involving their personal lives, coaching/playing style or performance, past experiences, etc. 19) Posting of links or threads from message boards or websites which are not partners of SETXsports.com is strictly prohibited. Any such posting is considered spamming that site here and it will not be permitted. 20) The private messages from one poster to another are exactly that....private! Thus, it posting of the contents of a private message in open forum is not allowed. If you believe that a poster has committed some sort of misconduct, please report the message to an administrator or moderator. 21) Any threats of abuse in either a post in open forum or in a private message to another member is strictly prohibited. Any such threats will be cause for banishment without further notice. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- We reserve the right to: to change or add rules to the forums as and when is required; to ban/reject users from the forum; to edit/delete/move posts if deemed appropriate and to review members' pm messages if strange activity on the forum is suspected. The forum owners reserve the right to edit, reprint, distribute, or delete any posting for any reason and without prior notification or explanation to the author. Moderators and administrators frequently review forum messages for those that are in violation of forum guidelines. Any messages found to be in violation may be deleted without warning or explanation. Failure to abide to these rules may result in a full IP Ban and further action may be taken under discretion of the administrator(s) The forum owners reserve the right to ban any user, at any time, and for any reason. The owners of this website shall not be held liable for content posted on this forum, nor are we responsible for any members behavior or internet practices. Thank you, Management
  8. Welcome to the Southeast Texas Sports (SETXsports) Forum We have a few rules that we will ask you to follow: 1) YOU MUST HAVE A VALID E-MAIL ADDRESS PRESENT IN YOUR PROFILE! If we see that you have removed your e-mail - your account will deleted with no hesitation! 2) ONE membership per person! Any caught with 2 accounts will have both of them terminated. Nor will we tolerate any member impersonating other members. If you have, for whatever reason created another account (or 2), don't panic. Just inform an administrator of the duplicates with usernames used and we'll take care of it. 3) THIS BOARD IS RATED "G"! Watch the language! Remember that there are members of all ages reading these forums. If there is any doubt in your mind whether a word may be objectionable ... find another word. Obscenity and profanity are good ways to get you banned. 4) Keep it civil! You can make your point much more attractive to others by remaining calm and intelligent. You will be banned for flaming or attacking another member!! We will not tolerate abuse upon another member. 5) We DO expect you to report any violations of these rules. This helps us keep this board a nice place to hang out. Use the pm button to send a message to any administrator or moderator to tip us off to any objectionable behavior or profanity/obscenity. We consider this to be every members' obligation as a member of SETXsports board. 6) NO SHOUTING!!- (Use of "Caps Lock") The standard practice on most message boards, forums, emails, web pages, etc. is that the use of all caps is regarded as SHOUTING!! 7) No abusive or offensive usernames. If you choose a username that is deemed to be offensive the membership will be terminated. 8 ) Do not make racial or abusive comments 9) Keep to the subject. Post to the section that is most appropriate for the topic being presented. 10) To ensure that copyright laws are observed, post only the link to any articles, photos or other material originating from other websites. DO NOT paste the entire text of an article or photo here as such may violate the originating site's rights. In limited cases, PORTIONS of the text of a article may be allowed, but should be avoided if possible. 11) No pornography/nudity or anything else illegal or of sexual nature. 12) Avatars are allowed in signatures. Please keep these in good taste. Failure to comply to this can result in a permanent ban from the site. 13) No spamming or flooding the forums. Use the pm feature when needed 14)NO ADVERTISING in the forums!!! 15) Please do not post unsubstantiated rumors, suspicions or slanderous comments about anyone - this includes non-members of the forums. 16) We do not allow or tolerate any references or encouragement to using drugs, or any posts that encourage the abuse of alcohol!! Those posts will be removed and you could be banned. Continued posting of this nature will result in your account being deleted. 17) The admins and moderators here are volunteers. They dedicate a portion of their time to helping us with the forums. No abuse or disrespect of any of the admins or moderators will be tolerated. 18 ) The bashing of any particular coach, player, referee, etc will not be tolerated. This includes issues involving their personal lives, coaching/playing style or performance, past experiences, etc. 19) Posting of links or threads from message boards or websites which are not partners of SETXsports.com is strictly prohibited. Any such posting is considered spamming that site here and it will not be permitted. 20) The private messages from one poster to another are exactly that....private! Thus, it posting of the contents of a private message in open forum is not allowed. If you believe that a poster has committed some sort of misconduct, please report the message to an administrator or moderator. 21) Any threats of abuse in either a post in open forum or in a private message to another member is strictly prohibited. Any such threats will be cause for banishment without further notice. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- We reserve the right to: to change or add rules to the forums as and when is required; to ban/reject users from the forum; to edit/delete/move posts if deemed appropriate and to review members' pm messages if strange activity on the forum is suspected. The forum owners reserve the right to edit, reprint, distribute, or delete any posting for any reason and without prior notification or explanation to the author. Moderators and administrators frequently review forum messages for those that are in violation of forum guidelines. Any messages found to be in violation may be deleted without warning or explanation. Failure to abide to these rules may result in a full IP Ban and further action may be taken under discretion of the administrator(s) The forum owners reserve the right to ban any user, at any time, and for any reason. The owners of this website shall not be held liable for content posted on this forum, nor are we responsible for any members behavior or internet practices. Thank you, Management
  9. Welcome to the Southeast Texas Sports (SETXsports) Forum We have a few rules that we will ask you to follow: 1) YOU MUST HAVE A VALID E-MAIL ADDRESS PRESENT IN YOUR PROFILE! If we see that you have removed your e-mail - your account will deleted with no hesitation! 2) ONE membership per person! Any caught with 2 accounts will have both of them terminated. Nor will we tolerate any member impersonating other members. If you have, for whatever reason created another account (or 2), don't panic. Just inform an administrator of the duplicates with usernames used and we'll take care of it. 3) THIS BOARD IS RATED "G"! Watch the language! Remember that there are members of all ages reading these forums. If there is any doubt in your mind whether a word may be objectionable ... find another word. Obscenity and profanity are good ways to get you banned. 4) Keep it civil! You can make your point much more attractive to others by remaining calm and intelligent. You will be banned for flaming or attacking another member!! We will not tolerate abuse upon another member. 5) We DO expect you to report any violations of these rules. This helps us keep this board a nice place to hang out. Use the pm button to send a message to any administrator or moderator to tip us off to any objectionable behavior or profanity/obscenity. We consider this to be every members' obligation as a member of SETXsports board. 6) NO SHOUTING!!- (Use of "Caps Lock") The standard practice on most message boards, forums, emails, web pages, etc. is that the use of all caps is regarded as SHOUTING!! 7) No abusive or offensive usernames. If you choose a username that is deemed to be offensive the membership will be terminated. 8 ) Do not make racial or abusive comments 9) Keep to the subject. Post to the section that is most appropriate for the topic being presented. 10) To ensure that copyright laws are observed, post only the link to any articles, photos or other material originating from other websites. DO NOT paste the entire text of an article or photo here as such may violate the originating site's rights. In limited cases, PORTIONS of the text of a article may be allowed, but should be avoided if possible. 11) No pornography/nudity or anything else illegal or of sexual nature. 12) Avatars are allowed in signatures. Please keep these in good taste. Failure to comply to this can result in a permanent ban from the site. 13) No spamming or flooding the forums. Use the pm feature when needed 14)NO ADVERTISING in the forums!!! 15) Please do not post unsubstantiated rumors, suspicions or slanderous comments about anyone - this includes non-members of the forums. 16) We do not allow or tolerate any references or encouragement to using drugs, or any posts that encourage the abuse of alcohol!! Those posts will be removed and you could be banned. Continued posting of this nature will result in your account being deleted. 17) The admins and moderators here are volunteers. They dedicate a portion of their time to helping us with the forums. No abuse or disrespect of any of the admins or moderators will be tolerated. 18 ) The bashing of any particular coach, player, referee, etc will not be tolerated. This includes issues involving their personal lives, coaching/playing style or performance, past experiences, etc. 19) Posting of links or threads from message boards or websites which are not partners of SETXsports.com is strictly prohibited. Any such posting is considered spamming that site here and it will not be permitted. 20) The private messages from one poster to another are exactly that....private! Thus, it posting of the contents of a private message in open forum is not allowed. If you believe that a poster has committed some sort of misconduct, please report the message to an administrator or moderator. 21) Any threats of abuse in either a post in open forum or in a private message to another member is strictly prohibited. Any such threats will be cause for banishment without further notice. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- We reserve the right to: to change or add rules to the forums as and when is required; to ban/reject users from the forum; to edit/delete/move posts if deemed appropriate and to review members' pm messages if strange activity on the forum is suspected. The forum owners reserve the right to edit, reprint, distribute, or delete any posting for any reason and without prior notification or explanation to the author. Moderators and administrators frequently review forum messages for those that are in violation of forum guidelines. Any messages found to be in violation may be deleted without warning or explanation. Failure to abide to these rules may result in a full IP Ban and further action may be taken under discretion of the administrator(s) The forum owners reserve the right to ban any user, at any time, and for any reason. The owners of this website shall not be held liable for content posted on this forum, nor are we responsible for any members behavior or internet practices. Thank you, Management
  10. Welcome to the Southeast Texas Sports (SETXsports) Forum We have a few rules that we will ask you to follow: 1) YOU MUST HAVE A VALID E-MAIL ADDRESS PRESENT IN YOUR PROFILE! If we see that you have removed your e-mail - your account will deleted with no hesitation! 2) ONE membership per person! Any caught with 2 accounts will have both of them terminated. Nor will we tolerate any member impersonating other members. If you have, for whatever reason created another account (or 2), don't panic. Just inform an administrator of the duplicates with usernames used and we'll take care of it. 3) THIS BOARD IS RATED "G"! Watch the language! Remember that there are members of all ages reading these forums. If there is any doubt in your mind whether a word may be objectionable ... find another word. Obscenity and profanity are good ways to get you banned. 4) Keep it civil! You can make your point much more attractive to others by remaining calm and intelligent. You will be banned for flaming or attacking another member!! We will not tolerate abuse upon another member. 5) We DO expect you to report any violations of these rules. This helps us keep this board a nice place to hang out. Use the pm button to send a message to any administrator or moderator to tip us off to any objectionable behavior or profanity/obscenity. We consider this to be every members' obligation as a member of SETXsports board. 6) NO SHOUTING!!- (Use of "Caps Lock") The standard practice on most message boards, forums, emails, web pages, etc. is that the use of all caps is regarded as SHOUTING!! 7) No abusive or offensive usernames. If you choose a username that is deemed to be offensive the membership will be terminated. 8 ) Do not make racial or abusive comments 9) Keep to the subject. Post to the section that is most appropriate for the topic being presented. 10) To ensure that copyright laws are observed, post only the link to any articles, photos or other material originating from other websites. DO NOT paste the entire text of an article or photo here as such may violate the originating site's rights. In limited cases, PORTIONS of the text of a article may be allowed, but should be avoided if possible. 11) No pornography/nudity or anything else illegal or of sexual nature. 12) Avatars are allowed in signatures. Please keep these in good taste. Failure to comply to this can result in a permanent ban from the site. 13) No spamming or flooding the forums. Use the pm feature when needed 14)NO ADVERTISING in the forums!!! 15) Please do not post unsubstantiated rumors, suspicions or slanderous comments about anyone - this includes non-members of the forums. 16) We do not allow or tolerate any references or encouragement to using drugs, or any posts that encourage the abuse of alcohol!! Those posts will be removed and you could be banned. Continued posting of this nature will result in your account being deleted. 17) The admins and moderators here are volunteers. They dedicate a portion of their time to helping us with the forums. No abuse or disrespect of any of the admins or moderators will be tolerated. 18 ) The bashing of any particular coach, player, referee, etc will not be tolerated. This includes issues involving their personal lives, coaching/playing style or performance, past experiences, etc. 19) Posting of links or threads from message boards or websites which are not partners of SETXsports.com is strictly prohibited. Any such posting is considered spamming that site here and it will not be permitted. 20) The private messages from one poster to another are exactly that....private! Thus, it posting of the contents of a private message in open forum is not allowed. If you believe that a poster has committed some sort of misconduct, please report the message to an administrator or moderator. 21) Any threats of abuse in either a post in open forum or in a private message to another member is strictly prohibited. Any such threats will be cause for banishment without further notice. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- We reserve the right to: to change or add rules to the forums as and when is required; to ban/reject users from the forum; to edit/delete/move posts if deemed appropriate and to review members' pm messages if strange activity on the forum is suspected. The forum owners reserve the right to edit, reprint, distribute, or delete any posting for any reason and without prior notification or explanation to the author. Moderators and administrators frequently review forum messages for those that are in violation of forum guidelines. Any messages found to be in violation may be deleted without warning or explanation. Failure to abide to these rules may result in a full IP Ban and further action may be taken under discretion of the administrator(s) The forum owners reserve the right to ban any user, at any time, and for any reason. The owners of this website shall not be held liable for content posted on this forum, nor are we responsible for any members behavior or internet practices. Thank you, Management
  11. Welcome to the Southeast Texas Sports (SETXsports) Forum We have a few rules that we will ask you to follow: 1) YOU MUST HAVE A VALID E-MAIL ADDRESS PRESENT IN YOUR PROFILE! If we see that you have removed your e-mail - your account will deleted with no hesitation! 2) ONE membership per person! Any caught with 2 accounts will have both of them terminated. Nor will we tolerate any member impersonating other members. If you have, for whatever reason created another account (or 2), don't panic. Just inform an administrator of the duplicates with usernames used and we'll take care of it. 3) THIS BOARD IS RATED "G"! Watch the language! Remember that there are members of all ages reading these forums. If there is any doubt in your mind whether a word may be objectionable ... find another word. Obscenity and profanity are good ways to get you banned. 4) Keep it civil! You can make your point much more attractive to others by remaining calm and intelligent. You will be banned for flaming or attacking another member!! We will not tolerate abuse upon another member. 5) We DO expect you to report any violations of these rules. This helps us keep this board a nice place to hang out. Use the pm button to send a message to any administrator or moderator to tip us off to any objectionable behavior or profanity/obscenity. We consider this to be every members' obligation as a member of SETXsports board. 6) NO SHOUTING!!- (Use of "Caps Lock") The standard practice on most message boards, forums, emails, web pages, etc. is that the use of all caps is regarded as SHOUTING!! 7) No abusive or offensive usernames. If you choose a username that is deemed to be offensive the membership will be terminated. 8 ) Do not make racial or abusive comments 9) Keep to the subject. Post to the section that is most appropriate for the topic being presented. 10) To ensure that copyright laws are observed, post only the link to any articles, photos or other material originating from other websites. DO NOT paste the entire text of an article or photo here as such may violate the originating site's rights. In limited cases, PORTIONS of the text of a article may be allowed, but should be avoided if possible. 11) No pornography/nudity or anything else illegal or of sexual nature. 12) Avatars are allowed in signatures. Please keep these in good taste. Failure to comply to this can result in a permanent ban from the site. 13) No spamming or flooding the forums. Use the pm feature when needed 14)NO ADVERTISING in the forums!!! 15) Please do not post unsubstantiated rumors, suspicions or slanderous comments about anyone - this includes non-members of the forums. 16) We do not allow or tolerate any references or encouragement to using drugs, or any posts that encourage the abuse of alcohol!! Those posts will be removed and you could be banned. Continued posting of this nature will result in your account being deleted. 17) The admins and moderators here are volunteers. They dedicate a portion of their time to helping us with the forums. No abuse or disrespect of any of the admins or moderators will be tolerated. 18 ) The bashing of any particular coach, player, referee, etc will not be tolerated. This includes issues involving their personal lives, coaching/playing style or performance, past experiences, etc. 19) Posting of links or threads from message boards or websites which are not partners of SETXsports.com is strictly prohibited. Any such posting is considered spamming that site here and it will not be permitted. 20) The private messages from one poster to another are exactly that....private! Thus, it posting of the contents of a private message in open forum is not allowed. If you believe that a poster has committed some sort of misconduct, please report the message to an administrator or moderator. 21) Any threats of abuse in either a post in open forum or in a private message to another member is strictly prohibited. Any such threats will be cause for banishment without further notice. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- We reserve the right to: to change or add rules to the forums as and when is required; to ban/reject users from the forum; to edit/delete/move posts if deemed appropriate and to review members' pm messages if strange activity on the forum is suspected. The forum owners reserve the right to edit, reprint, distribute, or delete any posting for any reason and without prior notification or explanation to the author. Moderators and administrators frequently review forum messages for those that are in violation of forum guidelines. Any messages found to be in violation may be deleted without warning or explanation. Failure to abide to these rules may result in a full IP Ban and further action may be taken under discretion of the administrator(s) The forum owners reserve the right to ban any user, at any time, and for any reason. The owners of this website shall not be held liable for content posted on this forum, nor are we responsible for any members behavior or internet practices. Thank you, Management
  12. Welcome to the Southeast Texas Sports (SETXsports) Forum We have a few rules that we will ask you to follow: 1) YOU MUST HAVE A VALID E-MAIL ADDRESS PRESENT IN YOUR PROFILE! If we see that you have removed your e-mail - your account will deleted with no hesitation! 2) ONE membership per person! Any caught with 2 accounts will have both of them terminated. Nor will we tolerate any member impersonating other members. If you have, for whatever reason created another account (or 2), don't panic. Just inform an administrator of the duplicates with usernames used and we'll take care of it. 3) THIS BOARD IS RATED "G"! Watch the language! Remember that there are members of all ages reading these forums. If there is any doubt in your mind whether a word may be objectionable ... find another word. Obscenity and profanity are good ways to get you banned. 4) Keep it civil! You can make your point much more attractive to others by remaining calm and intelligent. You will be banned for flaming or attacking another member!! We will not tolerate abuse upon another member. 5) We DO expect you to report any violations of these rules. This helps us keep this board a nice place to hang out. Use the pm button to send a message to any administrator or moderator to tip us off to any objectionable behavior or profanity/obscenity. We consider this to be every members' obligation as a member of SETXsports board. 6) NO SHOUTING!!- (Use of "Caps Lock") The standard practice on most message boards, forums, emails, web pages, etc. is that the use of all caps is regarded as SHOUTING!! 7) No abusive or offensive usernames. If you choose a username that is deemed to be offensive the membership will be terminated. 8 ) Do not make racial or abusive comments 9) Keep to the subject. Post to the section that is most appropriate for the topic being presented. 10) To ensure that copyright laws are observed, post only the link to any articles, photos or other material originating from other websites. DO NOT paste the entire text of an article or photo here as such may violate the originating site's rights. In limited cases, PORTIONS of the text of a article may be allowed, but should be avoided if possible. 11) No pornography/nudity or anything else illegal or of sexual nature. 12) Avatars are allowed in signatures. Please keep these in good taste. Failure to comply to this can result in a permanent ban from the site. 13) No spamming or flooding the forums. Use the pm feature when needed 14)NO ADVERTISING in the forums!!! 15) Please do not post unsubstantiated rumors, suspicions or slanderous comments about anyone - this includes non-members of the forums. 16) We do not allow or tolerate any references or encouragement to using drugs, or any posts that encourage the abuse of alcohol!! Those posts will be removed and you could be banned. Continued posting of this nature will result in your account being deleted. 17) The admins and moderators here are volunteers. They dedicate a portion of their time to helping us with the forums. No abuse or disrespect of any of the admins or moderators will be tolerated. 18 ) The bashing of any particular coach, player, referee, etc will not be tolerated. This includes issues involving their personal lives, coaching/playing style or performance, past experiences, etc. 19) Posting of links or threads from message boards or websites which are not partners of SETXsports.com is strictly prohibited. Any such posting is considered spamming that site here and it will not be permitted. 20) The private messages from one poster to another are exactly that....private! Thus, it posting of the contents of a private message in open forum is not allowed. If you believe that a poster has committed some sort of misconduct, please report the message to an administrator or moderator. 21) Any threats of abuse in either a post in open forum or in a private message to another member is strictly prohibited. Any such threats will be cause for banishment without further notice. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- We reserve the right to: to change or add rules to the forums as and when is required; to ban/reject users from the forum; to edit/delete/move posts if deemed appropriate and to review members' pm messages if strange activity on the forum is suspected. The forum owners reserve the right to edit, reprint, distribute, or delete any posting for any reason and without prior notification or explanation to the author. Moderators and administrators frequently review forum messages for those that are in violation of forum guidelines. Any messages found to be in violation may be deleted without warning or explanation. Failure to abide to these rules may result in a full IP Ban and further action may be taken under discretion of the administrator(s) The forum owners reserve the right to ban any user, at any time, and for any reason. The owners of this website shall not be held liable for content posted on this forum, nor are we responsible for any members behavior or internet practices. Thank you, Management
  13. Welcome to the Southeast Texas Sports (SETXsports) Forum We have a few rules that we will ask you to follow: 1) YOU MUST HAVE A VALID E-MAIL ADDRESS PRESENT IN YOUR PROFILE! If we see that you have removed your e-mail - your account will deleted with no hesitation! 2) ONE membership per person! Any caught with 2 accounts will have both of them terminated. Nor will we tolerate any member impersonating other members. If you have, for whatever reason created another account (or 2), don't panic. Just inform an administrator of the duplicates with usernames used and we'll take care of it. 3) THIS BOARD IS RATED "G"! Watch the language! Remember that there are members of all ages reading these forums. If there is any doubt in your mind whether a word may be objectionable ... find another word. Obscenity and profanity are good ways to get you banned. 4) Keep it civil! You can make your point much more attractive to others by remaining calm and intelligent. You will be banned for flaming or attacking another member!! We will not tolerate abuse upon another member. 5) We DO expect you to report any violations of these rules. This helps us keep this board a nice place to hang out. Use the pm button to send a message to any administrator or moderator to tip us off to any objectionable behavior or profanity/obscenity. We consider this to be every members' obligation as a member of SETXsports board. 6) NO SHOUTING!!- (Use of "Caps Lock") The standard practice on most message boards, forums, emails, web pages, etc. is that the use of all caps is regarded as SHOUTING!! 7) No abusive or offensive usernames. If you choose a username that is deemed to be offensive the membership will be terminated. 8 ) Do not make racial or abusive comments 9) Keep to the subject. Post to the section that is most appropriate for the topic being presented. 10) To ensure that copyright laws are observed, post only the link to any articles, photos or other material originating from other websites. DO NOT paste the entire text of an article or photo here as such may violate the originating site's rights. In limited cases, PORTIONS of the text of a article may be allowed, but should be avoided if possible. 11) No pornography/nudity or anything else illegal or of sexual nature. 12) Avatars are allowed in signatures. Please keep these in good taste. Failure to comply to this can result in a permanent ban from the site. 13) No spamming or flooding the forums. Use the pm feature when needed 14)NO ADVERTISING in the forums!!! 15) Please do not post unsubstantiated rumors, suspicions or slanderous comments about anyone - this includes non-members of the forums. 16) We do not allow or tolerate any references or encouragement to using drugs, or any posts that encourage the abuse of alcohol!! Those posts will be removed and you could be banned. Continued posting of this nature will result in your account being deleted. 17) The admins and moderators here are volunteers. They dedicate a portion of their time to helping us with the forums. No abuse or disrespect of any of the admins or moderators will be tolerated. 18 ) The bashing of any particular coach, player, referee, etc will not be tolerated. This includes issues involving their personal lives, coaching/playing style or performance, past experiences, etc. 19) Posting of links or threads from message boards or websites which are not partners of SETXsports.com is strictly prohibited. Any such posting is considered spamming that site here and it will not be permitted. 20) The private messages from one poster to another are exactly that....private! Thus, it posting of the contents of a private message in open forum is not allowed. If you believe that a poster has committed some sort of misconduct, please report the message to an administrator or moderator. 21) Any threats of abuse in either a post in open forum or in a private message to another member is strictly prohibited. Any such threats will be cause for banishment without further notice. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- We reserve the right to: to change or add rules to the forums as and when is required; to ban/reject users from the forum; to edit/delete/move posts if deemed appropriate and to review members' pm messages if strange activity on the forum is suspected. The forum owners reserve the right to edit, reprint, distribute, or delete any posting for any reason and without prior notification or explanation to the author. Moderators and administrators frequently review forum messages for those that are in violation of forum guidelines. Any messages found to be in violation may be deleted without warning or explanation. Failure to abide to these rules may result in a full IP Ban and further action may be taken under discretion of the administrator(s) The forum owners reserve the right to ban any user, at any time, and for any reason. The owners of this website shall not be held liable for content posted on this forum, nor are we responsible for any members behavior or internet practices. Thank you, Management
  14. Welcome to the Southeast Texas Sports (SETXsports) Forum We have a few rules that we will ask you to follow: 1) YOU MUST HAVE A VALID E-MAIL ADDRESS PRESENT IN YOUR PROFILE! If we see that you have removed your e-mail - your account will deleted with no hesitation! 2) ONE membership per person! Any caught with 2 accounts will have both of them terminated. Nor will we tolerate any member impersonating other members. If you have, for whatever reason created another account (or 2), don't panic. Just inform an administrator of the duplicates with usernames used and we'll take care of it. 3) THIS BOARD IS RATED "G"! Watch the language! Remember that there are members of all ages reading these forums. If there is any doubt in your mind whether a word may be objectionable ... find another word. Obscenity and profanity are good ways to get you banned. 4) Keep it civil! You can make your point much more attractive to others by remaining calm and intelligent. You will be banned for flaming or attacking another member!! We will not tolerate abuse upon another member. 5) We DO expect you to report any violations of these rules. This helps us keep this board a nice place to hang out. Use the pm button to send a message to any administrator or moderator to tip us off to any objectionable behavior or profanity/obscenity. We consider this to be every members' obligation as a member of SETXsports board. 6) NO SHOUTING!!- (Use of "Caps Lock") The standard practice on most message boards, forums, emails, web pages, etc. is that the use of all caps is regarded as SHOUTING!! 7) No abusive or offensive usernames. If you choose a username that is deemed to be offensive the membership will be terminated. 8 ) Do not make racial or abusive comments 9) Keep to the subject. Post to the section that is most appropriate for the topic being presented. 10) To ensure that copyright laws are observed, post only the link to any articles, photos or other material originating from other websites. DO NOT paste the entire text of an article or photo here as such may violate the originating site's rights. In limited cases, PORTIONS of the text of a article may be allowed, but should be avoided if possible. 11) No pornography/nudity or anything else illegal or of sexual nature. 12) Avatars are allowed in signatures. Please keep these in good taste. Failure to comply to this can result in a permanent ban from the site. 13) No spamming or flooding the forums. Use the pm feature when needed 14)NO ADVERTISING in the forums!!! 15) Please do not post unsubstantiated rumors, suspicions or slanderous comments about anyone - this includes non-members of the forums. 16) We do not allow or tolerate any references or encouragement to using drugs, or any posts that encourage the abuse of alcohol!! Those posts will be removed and you could be banned. Continued posting of this nature will result in your account being deleted. 17) The admins and moderators here are volunteers. They dedicate a portion of their time to helping us with the forums. No abuse or disrespect of any of the admins or moderators will be tolerated. 18 ) The bashing of any particular coach, player, referee, etc will not be tolerated. This includes issues involving their personal lives, coaching/playing style or performance, past experiences, etc. 19) Posting of links or threads from message boards or websites which are not partners of SETXsports.com is strictly prohibited. Any such posting is considered spamming that site here and it will not be permitted. 20) The private messages from one poster to another are exactly that....private! Thus, it posting of the contents of a private message in open forum is not allowed. If you believe that a poster has committed some sort of misconduct, please report the message to an administrator or moderator. 21) Any threats of abuse in either a post in open forum or in a private message to another member is strictly prohibited. Any such threats will be cause for banishment without further notice. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- We reserve the right to: to change or add rules to the forums as and when is required; to ban/reject users from the forum; to edit/delete/move posts if deemed appropriate and to review members' pm messages if strange activity on the forum is suspected. The forum owners reserve the right to edit, reprint, distribute, or delete any posting for any reason and without prior notification or explanation to the author. Moderators and administrators frequently review forum messages for those that are in violation of forum guidelines. Any messages found to be in violation may be deleted without warning or explanation. Failure to abide to these rules may result in a full IP Ban and further action may be taken under discretion of the administrator(s) The forum owners reserve the right to ban any user, at any time, and for any reason. The owners of this website shall not be held liable for content posted on this forum, nor are we responsible for any members behavior or internet practices. Thank you, Management
  15. Welcome to the Southeast Texas Sports (SETXsports) Forum We have a few rules that we will ask you to follow: 1) YOU MUST HAVE A VALID E-MAIL ADDRESS PRESENT IN YOUR PROFILE! If we see that you have removed your e-mail - your account will deleted with no hesitation! 2) ONE membership per person! Any caught with 2 accounts will have both of them terminated. Nor will we tolerate any member impersonating other members. If you have, for whatever reason created another account (or 2), don't panic. Just inform an administrator of the duplicates with usernames used and we'll take care of it. 3) THIS BOARD IS RATED "G"! Watch the language! Remember that there are members of all ages reading these forums. If there is any doubt in your mind whether a word may be objectionable ... find another word. Obscenity and profanity are good ways to get you banned. 4) Keep it civil! You can make your point much more attractive to others by remaining calm and intelligent. You will be banned for flaming or attacking another member!! We will not tolerate abuse upon another member. 5) We DO expect you to report any violations of these rules. This helps us keep this board a nice place to hang out. Use the pm button to send a message to any administrator or moderator to tip us off to any objectionable behavior or profanity/obscenity. We consider this to be every members' obligation as a member of SETXsports board. 6) NO SHOUTING!!- (Use of "Caps Lock") The standard practice on most message boards, forums, emails, web pages, etc. is that the use of all caps is regarded as SHOUTING!! 7) No abusive or offensive usernames. If you choose a username that is deemed to be offensive the membership will be terminated. 8 ) Do not make racial or abusive comments 9) Keep to the subject. Post to the section that is most appropriate for the topic being presented. 10) To ensure that copyright laws are observed, post only the link to any articles, photos or other material originating from other websites. DO NOT paste the entire text of an article or photo here as such may violate the originating site's rights. In limited cases, PORTIONS of the text of a article may be allowed, but should be avoided if possible. 11) No pornography/nudity or anything else illegal or of sexual nature. 12) Avatars are allowed in signatures. Please keep these in good taste. Failure to comply to this can result in a permanent ban from the site. 13) No spamming or flooding the forums. Use the pm feature when needed 14)NO ADVERTISING in the forums!!! 15) Please do not post unsubstantiated rumors, suspicions or slanderous comments about anyone - this includes non-members of the forums. 16) We do not allow or tolerate any references or encouragement to using drugs, or any posts that encourage the abuse of alcohol!! Those posts will be removed and you could be banned. Continued posting of this nature will result in your account being deleted. 17) The admins and moderators here are volunteers. They dedicate a portion of their time to helping us with the forums. No abuse or disrespect of any of the admins or moderators will be tolerated. 18 ) The bashing of any particular coach, player, referee, etc will not be tolerated. This includes issues involving their personal lives, coaching/playing style or performance, past experiences, etc. 19) Posting of links or threads from message boards or websites which are not partners of SETXsports.com is strictly prohibited. Any such posting is considered spamming that site here and it will not be permitted. 20) The private messages from one poster to another are exactly that....private! Thus, it posting of the contents of a private message in open forum is not allowed. If you believe that a poster has committed some sort of misconduct, please report the message to an administrator or moderator. 21) Any threats of abuse in either a post in open forum or in a private message to another member is strictly prohibited. Any such threats will be cause for banishment without further notice. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- We reserve the right to: to change or add rules to the forums as and when is required; to ban/reject users from the forum; to edit/delete/move posts if deemed appropriate and to review members' pm messages if strange activity on the forum is suspected. The forum owners reserve the right to edit, reprint, distribute, or delete any posting for any reason and without prior notification or explanation to the author. Moderators and administrators frequently review forum messages for those that are in violation of forum guidelines. Any messages found to be in violation may be deleted without warning or explanation. Failure to abide to these rules may result in a full IP Ban and further action may be taken under discretion of the administrator(s) The forum owners reserve the right to ban any user, at any time, and for any reason. The owners of this website shall not be held liable for content posted on this forum, nor are we responsible for any members behavior or internet practices. Thank you, Management
  16. Welcome to the Southeast Texas Sports (SETXsports) Forum We have a few rules that we will ask you to follow: 1) YOU MUST HAVE A VALID E-MAIL ADDRESS PRESENT IN YOUR PROFILE! If we see that you have removed your e-mail - your account will deleted with no hesitation! 2) ONE membership per person! Any caught with 2 accounts will have both of them terminated. Nor will we tolerate any member impersonating other members. If you have, for whatever reason created another account (or 2), don't panic. Just inform an administrator of the duplicates with usernames used and we'll take care of it. 3) THIS BOARD IS RATED "G"! Watch the language! Remember that there are members of all ages reading these forums. If there is any doubt in your mind whether a word may be objectionable ... find another word. Obscenity and profanity are good ways to get you banned. 4) Keep it civil! You can make your point much more attractive to others by remaining calm and intelligent. You will be banned for flaming or attacking another member!! We will not tolerate abuse upon another member. 5) We DO expect you to report any violations of these rules. This helps us keep this board a nice place to hang out. Use the pm button to send a message to any administrator or moderator to tip us off to any objectionable behavior or profanity/obscenity. We consider this to be every members' obligation as a member of SETXsports board. 6) NO SHOUTING!!- (Use of "Caps Lock") The standard practice on most message boards, forums, emails, web pages, etc. is that the use of all caps is regarded as SHOUTING!! 7) No abusive or offensive usernames. If you choose a username that is deemed to be offensive the membership will be terminated. 8 ) Do not make racial or abusive comments 9) Keep to the subject. Post to the section that is most appropriate for the topic being presented. 10) To ensure that copyright laws are observed, post only the link to any articles, photos or other material originating from other websites. DO NOT paste the entire text of an article or photo here as such may violate the originating site's rights. In limited cases, PORTIONS of the text of a article may be allowed, but should be avoided if possible. 11) No pornography/nudity or anything else illegal or of sexual nature. 12) Avatars are allowed in signatures. Please keep these in good taste. Failure to comply to this can result in a permanent ban from the site. 13) No spamming or flooding the forums. Use the pm feature when needed 14)NO ADVERTISING in the forums!!! 15) Please do not post unsubstantiated rumors, suspicions or slanderous comments about anyone - this includes non-members of the forums. 16) We do not allow or tolerate any references or encouragement to using drugs, or any posts that encourage the abuse of alcohol!! Those posts will be removed and you could be banned. Continued posting of this nature will result in your account being deleted. 17) The admins and moderators here are volunteers. They dedicate a portion of their time to helping us with the forums. No abuse or disrespect of any of the admins or moderators will be tolerated. 18 ) The bashing of any particular coach, player, referee, etc will not be tolerated. This includes issues involving their personal lives, coaching/playing style or performance, past experiences, etc. 19) Posting of links or threads from message boards or websites which are not partners of SETXsports.com is strictly prohibited. Any such posting is considered spamming that site here and it will not be permitted. 20) The private messages from one poster to another are exactly that....private! Thus, it posting of the contents of a private message in open forum is not allowed. If you believe that a poster has committed some sort of misconduct, please report the message to an administrator or moderator. 21) Any threats of abuse in either a post in open forum or in a private message to another member is strictly prohibited. Any such threats will be cause for banishment without further notice. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- We reserve the right to: to change or add rules to the forums as and when is required; to ban/reject users from the forum; to edit/delete/move posts if deemed appropriate and to review members' pm messages if strange activity on the forum is suspected. The forum owners reserve the right to edit, reprint, distribute, or delete any posting for any reason and without prior notification or explanation to the author. Moderators and administrators frequently review forum messages for those that are in violation of forum guidelines. Any messages found to be in violation may be deleted without warning or explanation. Failure to abide to these rules may result in a full IP Ban and further action may be taken under discretion of the administrator(s) The forum owners reserve the right to ban any user, at any time, and for any reason. The owners of this website shall not be held liable for content posted on this forum, nor are we responsible for any members behavior or internet practices. Thank you, Management
  17. Welcome to the Southeast Texas Sports (SETXsports) Forum We have a few rules that we will ask you to follow: 1) YOU MUST HAVE A VALID E-MAIL ADDRESS PRESENT IN YOUR PROFILE! If we see that you have removed your e-mail - your account will deleted with no hesitation! 2) ONE membership per person! Any caught with 2 accounts will have both of them terminated. Nor will we tolerate any member impersonating other members. If you have, for whatever reason created another account (or 2), don't panic. Just inform an administrator of the duplicates with usernames used and we'll take care of it. 3) THIS BOARD IS RATED "G"! Watch the language! Remember that there are members of all ages reading these forums. If there is any doubt in your mind whether a word may be objectionable ... find another word. Obscenity and profanity are good ways to get you banned. 4) Keep it civil! You can make your point much more attractive to others by remaining calm and intelligent. You will be banned for flaming or attacking another member!! We will not tolerate abuse upon another member. 5) We DO expect you to report any violations of these rules. This helps us keep this board a nice place to hang out. Use the pm button to send a message to any administrator or moderator to tip us off to any objectionable behavior or profanity/obscenity. We consider this to be every members' obligation as a member of SETXsports board. 6) NO SHOUTING!!- (Use of "Caps Lock") The standard practice on most message boards, forums, emails, web pages, etc. is that the use of all caps is regarded as SHOUTING!! 7) No abusive or offensive usernames. If you choose a username that is deemed to be offensive the membership will be terminated. 8 ) Do not make racial or abusive comments 9) Keep to the subject. Post to the section that is most appropriate for the topic being presented. 10) To ensure that copyright laws are observed, post only the link to any articles, photos or other material originating from other websites. DO NOT paste the entire text of an article or photo here as such may violate the originating site's rights. In limited cases, PORTIONS of the text of a article may be allowed, but should be avoided if possible. 11) No pornography/nudity or anything else illegal or of sexual nature. 12) Avatars are allowed in signatures. Please keep these in good taste. Failure to comply to this can result in a permanent ban from the site. 13) No spamming or flooding the forums. Use the pm feature when needed 14)NO ADVERTISING in the forums!!! 15) Please do not post unsubstantiated rumors, suspicions or slanderous comments about anyone - this includes non-members of the forums. 16) We do not allow or tolerate any references or encouragement to using drugs, or any posts that encourage the abuse of alcohol!! Those posts will be removed and you could be banned. Continued posting of this nature will result in your account being deleted. 17) The admins and moderators here are volunteers. They dedicate a portion of their time to helping us with the forums. No abuse or disrespect of any of the admins or moderators will be tolerated. 18 ) The bashing of any particular coach, player, referee, etc will not be tolerated. This includes issues involving their personal lives, coaching/playing style or performance, past experiences, etc. 19) Posting of links or threads from message boards or websites which are not partners of SETXsports.com is strictly prohibited. Any such posting is considered spamming that site here and it will not be permitted. 20) The private messages from one poster to another are exactly that....private! Thus, it posting of the contents of a private message in open forum is not allowed. If you believe that a poster has committed some sort of misconduct, please report the message to an administrator or moderator. 21) Any threats of abuse in either a post in open forum or in a private message to another member is strictly prohibited. Any such threats will be cause for banishment without further notice. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- We reserve the right to: to change or add rules to the forums as and when is required; to ban/reject users from the forum; to edit/delete/move posts if deemed appropriate and to review members' pm messages if strange activity on the forum is suspected. The forum owners reserve the right to edit, reprint, distribute, or delete any posting for any reason and without prior notification or explanation to the author. Moderators and administrators frequently review forum messages for those that are in violation of forum guidelines. Any messages found to be in violation may be deleted without warning or explanation. Failure to abide to these rules may result in a full IP Ban and further action may be taken under discretion of the administrator(s) The forum owners reserve the right to ban any user, at any time, and for any reason. The owners of this website shall not be held liable for content posted on this forum, nor are we responsible for any members behavior or internet practices. Thank you, Management
  18. Welcome to the Southeast Texas Sports (SETXsports) Forum We have a few rules that we will ask you to follow: 1) YOU MUST HAVE A VALID E-MAIL ADDRESS PRESENT IN YOUR PROFILE! If we see that you have removed your e-mail - your account will deleted with no hesitation! 2) ONE membership per person! Any caught with 2 accounts will have both of them terminated. Nor will we tolerate any member impersonating other members. If you have, for whatever reason created another account (or 2), don't panic. Just inform an administrator of the duplicates with usernames used and we'll take care of it. 3) THIS BOARD IS RATED "G"! Watch the language! Remember that there are members of all ages reading these forums. If there is any doubt in your mind whether a word may be objectionable ... find another word. Obscenity and profanity are good ways to get you banned. 4) Keep it civil! You can make your point much more attractive to others by remaining calm and intelligent. You will be banned for flaming or attacking another member!! We will not tolerate abuse upon another member. 5) We DO expect you to report any violations of these rules. This helps us keep this board a nice place to hang out. Use the pm button to send a message to any administrator or moderator to tip us off to any objectionable behavior or profanity/obscenity. We consider this to be every members' obligation as a member of SETXsports board. 6) NO SHOUTING!!- (Use of "Caps Lock") The standard practice on most message boards, forums, emails, web pages, etc. is that the use of all caps is regarded as SHOUTING!! 7) No abusive or offensive usernames. If you choose a username that is deemed to be offensive the membership will be terminated. 8 ) Do not make racial or abusive comments 9) Keep to the subject. Post to the section that is most appropriate for the topic being presented. 10) To ensure that copyright laws are observed, post only the link to any articles, photos or other material originating from other websites. DO NOT paste the entire text of an article or photo here as such may violate the originating site's rights. In limited cases, PORTIONS of the text of a article may be allowed, but should be avoided if possible. 11) No pornography/nudity or anything else illegal or of sexual nature. 12) Avatars are allowed in signatures. Please keep these in good taste. Failure to comply to this can result in a permanent ban from the site. 13) No spamming or flooding the forums. Use the pm feature when needed 14)NO ADVERTISING in the forums!!! 15) Please do not post unsubstantiated rumors, suspicions or slanderous comments about anyone - this includes non-members of the forums. 16) We do not allow or tolerate any references or encouragement to using drugs, or any posts that encourage the abuse of alcohol!! Those posts will be removed and you could be banned. Continued posting of this nature will result in your account being deleted. 17) The admins and moderators here are volunteers. They dedicate a portion of their time to helping us with the forums. No abuse or disrespect of any of the admins or moderators will be tolerated. 18 ) The bashing of any particular coach, player, referee, etc will not be tolerated. This includes issues involving their personal lives, coaching/playing style or performance, past experiences, etc. 19) Posting of links or threads from message boards or websites which are not partners of SETXsports.com is strictly prohibited. Any such posting is considered spamming that site here and it will not be permitted. 20) The private messages from one poster to another are exactly that....private! Thus, it posting of the contents of a private message in open forum is not allowed. If you believe that a poster has committed some sort of misconduct, please report the message to an administrator or moderator. 21) Any threats of abuse in either a post in open forum or in a private message to another member is strictly prohibited. Any such threats will be cause for banishment without further notice. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- We reserve the right to: to change or add rules to the forums as and when is required; to ban/reject users from the forum; to edit/delete/move posts if deemed appropriate and to review members' pm messages if strange activity on the forum is suspected. The forum owners reserve the right to edit, reprint, distribute, or delete any posting for any reason and without prior notification or explanation to the author. Moderators and administrators frequently review forum messages for those that are in violation of forum guidelines. Any messages found to be in violation may be deleted without warning or explanation. Failure to abide to these rules may result in a full IP Ban and further action may be taken under discretion of the administrator(s) The forum owners reserve the right to ban any user, at any time, and for any reason. The owners of this website shall not be held liable for content posted on this forum, nor are we responsible for any members behavior or internet practices. Thank you, Management
  19. 15) Please do not post unsubstantiated rumors, suspicions or slanderous comments about anyone - this includes non-members of the forums. 17) The admins and moderators here are volunteers. They dedicate a portion of their time to helping us with the forums.
  20. I would advise keeping this thread civil and on topic or it will be locked again.
  21. Thanks, any word on scrimmages? And also if you have the dates for the WOS and Dayton games I would appreciate it.
  22. Here is what I have for Nederland's schedule so far, did someone ever get confirmation on non-district games? Week Home Away 3 Nederland Livingston 4 Baytown Lee Nederland 5 Nederland Vidor 6 PAM Nederland 7 Nederland Central 8 Ozen Nederland 9 *BYE* 10 Nederland Lumberton 11 PNG Nederland
  23. OK, I'm going to say this once. These are kids. Kids make mistakes just like adults do but do not deserve to have them aired out on social media, which this board is. The ejection is part of the public domain, but all of the other wild accusations are not. Locked.
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