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Everything posted by Bigdog

  1.   Similar to the Paveway that the US uses, although I don't know if the paveway has a back up in case of GPS jamming.   As far as showing on the internet, you see the same thing with US technology kind of a warning that "we can get you no matter where you are".
  2. Ok, I have to tell this story, and my wife will kill me if she knows I put it on here.   My wife and I were dating (not even engaged yet) and were riding around in the truck with two of her cousins.  We got into an argument about something ( I think she was side seat driving).  I told her "If you don't like it you can walk" !  Well, she decided to take me up on it and told me to stop the truck and she got out, trying to make a point.  What she didn't think was that I would drive off.  :)   Both of her cousins were wide eyed and silent when I did it.   I made the block and came back and picked her up and she was pissed as it was cold and she had nice shoes on.   When I brought her back to her parents I thought I was going to be in for it when she told her dad.   He thought it was the funniest thing he had heard and said " I knew I liked you. "  FYI that was 16 years ago and I been married to her for 14 so I guess it worked out.   :D
  3.   It was a bad call, but not a complete game changer.  When you are up 20-7 and choke it away that's the game changer.
  4.   Although I don't think I would give that many points.  It will probably be a touchdown or less game.
  5.   Lol, how many times has she locked you out of the truck for that??
  6. No surprise here, this has been coming for several weeks now.  If you have to barely squeeze past bad teams and keep making excuses there was a butt whooping coming against a real contender.
  7. I agree with that, I think it will be a shootout but Oregon should come out ahead.
  8. This is an interesting way to get people to slow down..   [Hidden Content]
  9. Not confirmed, but really???   [Hidden Content]
  10. So basically to summarize TVC and use myself as an example:   I received a ticket two weeks ago, (i actually did)  and I intend to do defensive driving so the officer would not collect a fine on the road.   IF I do not turn in my paperwork or make my court date and a warrant is issued, if I am pulled over I can pay the officer at that point and the whole thing is done correct?
  11.   I'm sure that was nerves being in the game for the first time.  He looked pretty good after that.
  12.   Yeah,  Weeden looked pretty good while he was in.  He has a real strong arm!  And even I could go in and hand it off to Murray.  LOL
  13.   They also missed a couple of PI penalties on that last drive and holding all second half on the skins.   Dosen't matter.  Dallas should have run the ball down their throats all night and kept throwing screens to catch them on the blitzes.  Poor play calling on both sides of the ball for Dallas.
  14.   I know, that's why I rarely respond to her posts.  Sometimes I can't help myself.
  15.   Put him in jail for deliberately endangering his partners.  There is precedent for this.
  16.   Look up WWI  and WWII and see how it was used there.  Also , look up on how Saddam used it on the Kurds and Iranians.  Of course  I know that won't change your opinion, but having a little historical context might enlighten you a little.
  17. Another tribute from former students,  including Tim Foust from Home Free.   [media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6u6EdtX_hPI[/media]
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