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Everything posted by Bigdog

  1. Mrs. Nau founded Ned & Company in the late 70's and ran it until 2009 when she retired.  She also taught German for many other students.  She was recently diagnosed with colon cancer.   Over 50 former Ned & Co students from all over put together a tribute video for her on You Tube using the closing song that they did at every performance.  I think this is a very cool tribute to a teacher who put so much time into her students.  I didn't have her ,  but I always heard positive things about her.   [Hidden Content]   [media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tsreSJYCThM[/media]
  2. They charge so dang much for season tickets I don' t blame them for selling them.  Much cheaper to watch it on the tube.   And its not just Dallas, its becoming a trend all over the NFL.  That's why its so important for the NFL to get those distribution rights sold to the networks.
  3. not too surprising, FSU has played like crap the last two weeks.
  4.   Depends.  If the refinery prefers in-house maintenance and I&E techs, they will hire them.  Some stuff is contracted out.  But look at PA's and Beaumont's unemployment rates , they haven't gone down much since the last expansions ( Motiva, ATOFina, etc.)  The PA council is still mad at them for not hiring local, but there are not enough qualified people!
  5. Not trying to be a downer, but if you look at these expansions they bring in alot of construction jobs while they are going on but not a whole bunch of permanent jobs.  It does expand the tax base however.   They might build two whole new units in a refinery but they only need maybe 10-15 operators to run it.
  6.   Unless you live in Katy, Cinco Ranch, or Cypress.
  7. That is true.  If you look at the areas with a high amount of industrial jobs, there are a lower amount of 4 year degrees.  Doesn't mean they don't make pretty good money though.
  8. There is not really any pics on their site.  Here is the company that built it.   Surprised it is only 8K seat stadium.   [Hidden Content]
  9. It seems that although some schools have high High School followings that it is not translating to Lamar, even when local players are playing there.  That would point to the product on the field and also to people who are loyal to "their" college school.    A&M , UT, LSU and even SFA have large followings down here, even among LU grads.
  10. Pretty cool, but I have tried those virtual keyboards before.   They are not that easy to type on, because you don't have the tactile response to your brain by typing on keys.
  11. The suspects have been caught in Louisiana and will be extradited back to Jefferson County.   [Hidden Content]
  12.   Hmmm, maybe the people being murdered, beheaded ( Americans) and raped by them.  Get your head out of the sand!
  13. Separate offense.  Even though it was about her "probation"  the act of lying to the court should be prosecuted separately.  It wouldn't matter if I were on probation or not, if I lied to the court about anything that is perjury.
  14. Ah, but you missed the most important part:   [Hidden Content]     Following the jury trial and conviction of Jessie Haynes earlier this year for Obstructing a Passageway, she timely filed a notice of appeal.  While her appeal is pending, she is not subject to conditions of probation under Texas law.  Documents were filed in accordance with standard procedure in her case concerning an alleged violation of her probation.  Due to the fact that her appeal is still pending and has not been finalized, the District Attorney’s Office promptly filed a motion to dismiss her alleged violations of probation and the court granted the motion.  Any alleged criminal activity contained within the probation violation will be investigated as a separate matter. 
  15. Looks like they had to fire her twice just to make sure...   [Hidden Content]
  16. The game as explained by Grover from Sesame Street:   [Hidden Content]
  17. Well it looks like old Clint was right:   [Hidden Content]
  18. In 1900, Hawaii was granted self-governance and retained Ê»Iolani Palace as the territorial capitol building. Despite several attempts to become a state, Hawaii remained a territory for sixty years.
  19. And most of the Louisiana and the center of the country from the French.
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