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Everything posted by Bigdog

  1. He has been suspended from USC indefinitely.   [Hidden Content]
  2.   Lol.  Nice analogy.  I would have loved to tell them where to stick it but I couldn't until I got the new job.
  3.   Yep you do what you have to provide for your family.  Collecting an unemployment check was not an option.   My old job wanted me to stay until Jan. to "train" the offshore people that were taking my job and offered 3 months pay after I was laid off.  My response to that was "then what?"  I was going to miss out on a couple of months of looking for a job while still employed for 3 months of pay after I am laid off?  And then what would I do?  I told them if I get an offer I am gone.   Got a job about a month after I was notified that I was being laid off. They were pissed but I could care less.
  4.   Me too, in January but I bailed in December before the position was gone .  Got a good job (luckily without a pay cut) now that I am happy with, because I am not going to sit on a line with my hand out!
  5. They have quit looking for jobs because there aren't any available.  Or, move to Texas where there are jobs available.
  6. :rolleyes:  :rolleyes:  :rolleyes:  :rolleyes:  :rolleyes:
  7.   The Northridge , CA bank robbery.  Yeah, the cops were outgunned and had to break into a gun shop to get heavy enough rifles to stop the robbers.  The bad guys had full body armor and AK-47s.
  8.   Me either.  But I understand the anger of your friend and his opinion of what happened.
  9.   Do you not understand the warning??  Knock it off!
  10.   Exactly.  A general warning to all in this forum.
  11. Bump.  And also, knock off the name calling!  If you can't have a respectful conversation, don't post!!!
  12.   Wasn't my speed, I thought it was really depressing.  It was ironic though.
  13.   Yep,  I watched his Weapons of Self-Destruction stand up routine last night because I couldn't sleep.  (Ironic, I  know).  I think that is the best way to honor him, by remembering how dang funny he was!
  14. OK,  I can't sleep because this is bothering me.   I want everyone to think about what it means to be free.  Free to express your opinions without retribution.  Free to engage in petty arguments accusing someone of being a Democrat or Republican or a Liberal or Conservative or anything else.  Because many people in the world do not have that freedom, and are treated to sub-human conditions if they are even suspected of not towing the line that some ego-maniac psychopathic dictator is spouting.     Because this stuff is happening NOW, not in the dark ages, not 70 years ago but NOW.  Please read these and think about this when engaging people on this board or anywhere else.  Because there is alot happening in the world that is way bigger than our individual differences in opinion or thought.  But at least we are free to express them.   NORTH KOREA:   [Hidden Content]   [Hidden Content]   [Hidden Content]   Russia and old USSR:   [Hidden Content]   [Hidden Content]   [Hidden Content]   Iran:   [Hidden Content]   [Hidden Content]   [Hidden Content]      
  15. OK,  I can't sleep because this is bothering me.   I want everyone to think about what it means to be free.  Free to express your opinions without retribution.  Free to engage in petty arguments accusing someone of being a Democrat or Republican or a Liberal or Conservative or anything else.  Because many people in the world do not have that freedom, and are treated to sub-human conditions if they are even suspected of not towing the line that some ego-maniac psychopathic dictator is spouting.     Because this stuff is happening NOW, not in the dark ages, not 70 years ago but NOW.  Please read these and think about this when engaging people on this board or anywhere else.  Because there is alot happening in the world that is way bigger than our individual differences in opinion or thought.  But at least we are free to express them.   NORTH KOREA:   [Hidden Content]   [Hidden Content]   [Hidden Content]   Russia and old USSR:   [Hidden Content]   [Hidden Content]   [Hidden Content]   Iran:   [Hidden Content]   [Hidden Content]   [Hidden Content]        
  16. Not my cup of tea , but my wife and daughter are roller coaster fanatics.  They watch videos of coasters online and want to try one in China!  LOL.    I told them they would have to go alone.       [Hidden Content]
  17. Yep, I had a chance to go through FPU while at one of my old jobs.  It has definitely helped me out.  
  18. [Hidden Content]   When was the last bond?  When they built Memorial High?
  19.   Watching them now,  looks like the same old Dallas Defense to me.
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