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Everything posted by Bigdog

  1. Those shoes sooooo don't go with your outfit! 
  2. Here you go.  Christians are told to not practice their faith in front of others, but we have to respect the Muslims.   [Hidden Content]
  3.   It pays to have a long memory.  Glad someone didn't let it slide under the rug like the previous regime.  The BE article states that he admitted to altering invoices as part of his tax fraud plea deal.  So they have him on record.
  4. BISD will rebid his contract , this came out before the indictment.   [Hidden Content]
  5. Depends on the voters in a couple of years.
  6. Lots of news from BISD BOM meeting last night.   Chargois and Haynes are out, RIF will only be 6 or 7 teachers.   [Hidden Content]   [Hidden Content]   [Hidden Content]
  7.   Ask the Democrats, since they were the ones supporting slavery.
  8.   They are not there for the children, they are there to stop the drug cartels and potential terrorists from sneaking through while the BP is tied up with the kids.  And yes, Perry has the authority as the head of the Texas National Guard unless the federal government orders them to deploy elsewhere.
  9.   By law, the BOM can only be in place for 2.  After that we will see if the district moves on or votes the same group of jokers back in again.  If that happens the TEA will be back in a few years.
  10. Amazing what a board who are all on the same page ( the proper running of a school district) can accomplish in one night.   [Hidden Content]
  11. And the Russians have shot down a Malaysian airliner.  Real safe !    [Hidden Content]
  12. My mouth is watering,  I am going to have to try out some of these recipes!
  13. Doesn't matter, they are gone as of next Monday. :)
  14.   Ok, now I'm hungry.  What time is dinner? :)
  15. Hey, you always can eat the leftovers the next day!
  16.   Doesn't take long, they are accessories to the people pulling the strings.  Do you think a drug kingpin is the one hauling the dope or taking the money?  No, he insulates himself from the transactions as protection from prosecution until someone gives him up.  Same way that the mob works. Which is why I brought up RICO charges way back in this thread.
  17.   People get caught doing that all the time.  So don't act like it doesn't happen.  They have caught two , and will follow the money to the rest.
  18. I guess Chargois decided since he couldn't get his golden parachute he would stick around..   [Hidden Content]
  19.   Yeah they had a gun show in Ark. a couple of years back and you could pay to fire some of the stuff.  I would have love to put some .50 rounds down range..   [Hidden Content]
  20. Truck:  2500 HD - Chevy   SUV: Honda Pilot   Car: '69 Camaro SS.  :)
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