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Everything posted by Bigdog

  1. Yep,  pretty quick verdict too.   [Hidden Content]
  2.   What duties?  Trying to protect her bosses (the Super and majority voting block board members) from media reports that they didn't want to get out? (but did anyway).  Or the fact that she drummed up false accusations so she could sit on her butt for a year and still collect her pay?  Or her duty to block one of voting minority board members and her boss ( but she would never admit that )  from entering a meeting again because he doesn't agree with what the Super and the rest of the board is doing?  Should I go on?
  3.   Watch all you want.  She has no business working for any school district.
  4. She might keep her job even if convicted, figures.  Unless the TEA cleans house when they come in.   [Hidden Content]
  5.   Question- since this is a six person jury, does the vote have to be unanimous to convict ?
  6.   I wouldn't call him some funny name.  I probably wouldn't call him Dr. either.
  7.   Did he earn his doctorate? Yes.  But he hasn't put it to good use as far as BISD is concerned.  I do know someone else who is now the Super of  Abilene ISD who did all of the work and has done an outstanding job for that District and for Angleton previously. He has earned my respect especially for being able to go through everything else that went on in his life at that time.   As far as the Nederland Super,  I don't know him and can't comment.  He came on after the previous super that I worked for.
  8.   Exactly.  I already discussed this.  Respect is earned, not given.  I don't refer to a title if the person hasn't earned it by their actions.
  9.   So he wrote a thesis that gives him a doctorate.  Good for him.  Its what you do with the doctorate that counts.  We are just starting to get the picture of what he did with his.  If we are going to be accurate we might as well call him "Dr. Doom".
  10. Another $1.5 mil they will have to give back:     [Hidden Content]
  11. The hits keep on coming, another $1.5 million they will have to give back to the state:   [Hidden Content]
  12.     Not an excuse for his actions, but I don't doubt it.
  13.   Correct,  thats why they have to be tested first and the vet has to write the script.   It does seem like a little bit of a racket, but heartworms is a nasty way to die for an animal.  But it can be treated now.
  14. That , and also the animal needs to be tested first. It could be harmful if it already has heart worms and is treated with the medicine.
  15. Cowboys need at least a couple of DBs, LB and D-Linemen.
  16.   Beginning?  He is all the way senile.  Lol.
  17. I'm ok with this pick, they need someone to protect Romo. Although I would rather see some safeties taken. Maybe they can get a good deal in the later rounds.
  18.   They were payed for the two weeks they missed.
  19. Here's how hard the sequestration hit the government,  one layoff !   [Hidden Content]
  20. Wow , just throw a bunch of crap against the wall and hope it sticks.  LOL.
  21.   911 is mostly funded at the state and local levels, with some funding coming from the government.
  22.   Exactly.  We are still under the last sequestration as far as I know and everything is still turning.
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