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Everything posted by Bigdog

  1. I live in Katy, so  yes I have.  But you can't charge Houston prices for food in Port Neches unless the food and atmosphere are worth the price.  I haven't been so I don't know if they can or not.
  2. I heard it was a little expensive?
  3. Welp, its going to cost the district $50K for the retainer and $375 and hour to appeal.   [Hidden Content]
  4. More charges probably coming.   [Hidden Content]
  5. Weird.  Which one is the side chick, the girl in the blue dress?
  6. Remember what I said about RICO charges a couple of weeks ago.  I wouldn't be surprised if we see some of those charges come down.
  7.   You are correct.  Lets get this thread back on topic please.
  8.   I still refer to coaches that I had in school who have since retired as  "Coach ___ " when I see them.  Because they have earned that respect not through a title or degree that was conferred upon them by a school  but by their actions.  A degree alone does not entitle you to respect, even medical doctors are interns for years before they earn the right to work by themselves.
  9.   You can play some of the games online at www.atari.com.  Although the graphics are a heck of a lot better than the original 8-bit Atari's!
  10.   Yep.  She's got some serious leverage on you!
  11.   Doubtful.  No reason to penalize the players or coaches.  They will probably do what they did to Marge Shott, Ban him from being at any games or the offices until the team is sold.
  12. Yeah, I have been hearing that story for years. Didn't think it was true.  I actually was one of the people who owned the game and it was pretty bad!
  13.   Yeah, he will have a real hard time finding coaches or players or any other staff for that matter that will work for him.  Not to mention fans not going to the games.  Plus any lawsuits for discrimination that will probably come up.
  14.   No, but maybe he could find some decent players for the defense.
  15. I bet you will never live that one down, Bigcam.
  16. Silver can't really do much other than sanction him, it will be up to the other NBA owners...
  17. The mystery of what happened to all of the old E.T. Atari games (which has been blamed for the fall of Atari) has been solved.  The myth has been confirmed.  :)   [Hidden Content]
  18.   Exactly.  Or Mr. 12-gauge.   :)   I want to start doing this when she gets old enough,  when the boy come over the first time have him introduce himself and then pull out a 12-gauge shell and write his name on it.  Then put it on the mantle.  What do you think?
  19.   Yeah.  She's a good kid, just not looking forward to all the little boys coming around.    :angry:
  20.   Me too.  Haven't touched the stuff since either.  Never tried Everclear, you might as well be drinking moonshine!
  21.   Yep another 7 years.  But a teenage girl in the house will be a lot of drama.  We get drama from her already!
  22.   I am not looking forward to the teenage years for mine...  
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