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Everything posted by Bigdog

  1. Probably not, but it does make sense in some ways.  If Manziel falls to the second round it wouldn't be a bad to have a backup to Romo for not as much money.  Especially coming off back surgery.  Give him some time to mature and learn.
  2. I was listening to 97.5 and they called it right when they called Harden the Tin Man.
  3.   I doubt that most parents know (they may suspect) what all goes on after prom.   I am glad my mom didn't know what I did after prom!  :) .   I agree with Hippy, if I found out my daughter did something like this it would be handled at home.   :angry:
  4. The Board has no skin in the game other than potentially not allowing them to go to prom, since it didn't occur on school property. As far as the kids go, can they be cited after the fact ?
  5.   Doubtful.  The Feds don't give freebies.  They rolled on someone for the reduced sentence and we will see some more indictments/raids come down.  How high will it go?  I guess we will see.
  6.     There are at least 4 million reasons.
  7.   I don't know,  seeing that video is pretty powerful and seeing it for real would probably wake some of them up.  Same thing with the scared straight program where they bring in at-risk teens and show them what jail is really like.
  8. I think all kids in High School should see this, it is a mock DUI situation that is put on at schools across the area to illustrate the effects of drinking and driving as part of the Shattered Dreams Program.  This one is put on at Hardin Jefferson High School , with participation by local fire, EMS and Sheriff's departments.  Strong stuff.  Here is the link to the video and article.     [Hidden Content]     [Hidden Content]
  9. Calvin still trying to get his money...   [Hidden Content]
  10. Interesting article regarding paying a coach that is already gone..   [Hidden Content]
  11. It will link you to a Bisd page. ;)
  12.   Wait till you buy a house,  you don't even want to know what the Katy ISD taxes are!   :o
  13. Info on conservators and board of managers with link to TEA site:   [Hidden Content]
  14. [Hidden Content] Conservator or Management Team (TEC § 39.111)  The commissioner shall clearly define the powers and duties of a conservator or  management team appointed to oversee the operations of the district. At least every 90  days, the commissioner shall review the need for the conservator or management team and  shall remove the conservator or management team unless the commissioner determines that  continued appointment is necessary for effective governance of the district or delivery of  instructional services.    A conservator or management team, if directed by the commissioner, shall prepare a plan  for the implementation of action under Section 39.102(a) (9) or (10). The conservator or  management team:  (1) may direct an action to be taken by the principal of a campus, the  superintendent of the district, or the board of trustees of the district;  (2) may approve or disapprove any action of the principal of a campus, the  superintendent of the district, or the board of trustees of the district;  (3) may not take any action concerning a district election, including ordering  or canceling an election or altering the date of or the polling places for an  election;  (4) may not change the number of or method of selecting the board of trustees;  (5) may not set a tax rate for the district; and  (6) may not adopt a budget for the district that provides for spending a  different amount, exclusive of required debt service, from that previously  adopted by the board of trustees. Board of Managers (TEC § 39.112)  A board of managers may exercise all of the powers and duties assigned to a board of  trustees of a school district by law, rule, or regulation. If the commissioner appoints a  board of managers to govern a district, the powers of the board of trustees of the district are  suspended for the period of the appointment and the commissioner shall appoint a district  superintendent. The board of managers may amend the budget of the district.    If the commissioner appoints a board of managers to govern a campus, the powers of the  board of trustees of the district in relation to the campus are suspended for the period of the  appointment and the commissioner shall appoint a campus principal. The board of  .  .  .   .   .  16 . Accountability .    Texas Education Agency - Resource Guide January 2010  managers may submit to the commissioner for approval amendments to the budget of the  district for the benefit of the campus. If the commissioner approves the amendments, the  board of trustees of the district shall adopt the amendments.    A conservator or a member of a management team appointed to serve on a board of  managers may continue to be compensated as determined by the commissioner.    At the direction of the commissioner but not later than the second anniversary of the date  the board of managers of a district was appointed, the board of managers shall order an  election of members of the district board of trustees. The election must be held on a  uniform election date on which an election of district trustees may be held under Section  41.001, Election Code, that is at least 180 days after the date the election was ordered. On  qualification of members for office, the board of trustees assumes all of the powers and  duties assigned to a board of trustees by law, rule, or regulation. 
  15.   Exactly.  The board is not the final authority on anything now.  The conservator has veto authority on any decisions.   [Hidden Content]   [Hidden Content]
  16.   Probably thought she could avoid prosecution.  Wont work though.
  17.   No, their not.  The conservator is in control now, and they will be unemployed very soon.  The board of managers and new super will be in place by June 15th. 
  18. copy of the letter sent to the board by Williams:   [Hidden Content]
  19.   Keep on hoping,  I guess.   :rolleyes:
  20. First two taking a plea deal,  waiting to see who they rolled on to get the deal....   [Hidden Content]
  21.   Oh good, a quote from a guy who got caught with his hand in the cookie jar.   LOL
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