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Everything posted by Bigdog

  1. Its not up to any Human to decide what is sin and what is not, nor is up to any human to pass judgment.
  2. Bigdog


    BISD response to TEA report:   [Hidden Content]
  3.     Now that's an apples to oranges comparison and you know it.   Big difference between catching someone in bed with your daughter (who she at first claimed she didn't know) and catching her kissing her boyfriend on the porch.   The guy was trespassing at 2:30 in the morning, in the girls room and she claimed she didn't know him.  As far as the Dad is concerned this guy broke in and is assaulting his daughter.  I would see it as reasonable to at least go get a gun at that point.  After that the kid supposedly made a wrong move and got shot.  That is only the real point of contention as far as I'm concerned.
  4. Ok,  but why would Christians have an opinion on it (other than zealots).  Because it's based in another religion?
  5. Who knows how long a day is for God?  Six days for Him could be millions of years for us.
  6.   Not unless the daughter testifies.  But if he had waited and the kid did come up with a weapon, then what?
  7.   Pretty much along cultural lines.  But they are part of the Ukraine.  It would be the same as if Hispanics in south Texas voted to join Mexico.  Not legal as Texas is part of the US.
  8.     Different situation.  Crimea and all of the old/new states were occupied and absorbed into the old USSR after WWII.  Hawaii chose by a vote to join the US.   [Hidden Content]  
  9.     How can you prove that it doesn't relate??
  10. The daughter is coming back now and saying that she let him in.  I agree with 5gallon,  If I find a boy in my daughter's room he's either going to get an serious butt whoopin' or if he's reaching for something,  a bullet.
  11.   Huh??  You have anything to back that up?
  12. I used to have a much stronger opinion (against) this,  now I am of the thought, "  Let them live their lives as they see fit."
  13.   Exactly.  This is not 1945 or 1981 even 2000.   No one else in Europe has the stones to stand up to him, and neither does this president.  This is a far different and worse situation than before.  1939 all over again.
  14. We should have boycotted the Olympics, but too late for that.  For now , strong economic sanctions and put the NATO countries on alert.   Cut off their oil and resources and make it hurt.  No sending Kerry over there to shake a finger at them and say "Bad Boy"! Same as with Hitler, the longer you wait the worse its going to get. Some people saw this coming when Putin was "elected".  I mean he's former KGB for goodness sake!   [Hidden Content]   This is not the old USSR (yet).  They are lot more dependent on the outside world for resources than before.  They lost allot of their natural resources when the country broke up, which is most likely one of the reasons for the power grab now, so sanctions would hurt them bad if they are strong enough.
  15.   The old saying " Those who do not learn from the past are condemned to repeat it "  comes to mind.  If Putin is not confronted here, ( I don't necessarily mean militarily )then where?  You think he's going to stop at the Ukraine if no one does anything about this?  Hitler and Stalin also come to mind.
  16. Well , the old U.S.S.R.  is making a come back ,  and someone is asleep at the wheel as usual.  Rodent, yes we need to react to this or the old Cold War will be back again.
  17. Bigdog


    More info on the Moody's bond rating for BISD:   [Hidden Content]
  18. Bigdog


    More info.  TEA is withholding accreditation for BISD:       [Hidden Content]
  19. Bigdog


    This one also,  I will give BISD credit for immediately firing the teacher, but that person should also be in jail.   [Hidden Content]
  20. Bigdog


    A couple of more..   [Hidden Content]   [Hidden Content]
  21. Bigdog


    More information coming in about BISD:   [Hidden Content]   [Hidden Content]   [Hidden Content]   [Hidden Content]
  22.   Oh, and what are you basing that on?  the makeup of the jury?
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