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Everything posted by Bigdog

  1. I thought it was, but I wasn't sure.  Even better!!
  2. Lol.  Just beat them in their house , that will be all the smack you need. :)
  3. How long until someone kicks a 70 yard or 80 yard??  I mean wow.
  4. [quote name="robanadana" post="1303585" timestamp="1350583862"] [quote author=NDNation link=topic=104788.msg1303070#msg1303070 date=1350511952] [quote author=dustoff03 link=topic=104788.msg1303066#msg1303066 date=1350511759] i just went through the last 6 threads that involved nederland and rob hasn't poster on any of them besides this one, which he started, not even the official MCM thread. hmmmmmmmmm. either you are exagerating on his posts or you are using your mod powers to delete them. [/quote] Vidor has teed off all of Mid-County...LMBO [/quote] I am really, really starting to doubt the education systems of mid-county much less their football teams. I WAS ASKED TO START THIS THREAD BECAUSE YOU GUYS DON'T SHOW UP TO ANY OF THE SETXSPORTS SHOWS! DDDDDUUUUUUHHHHH!!! AND EVERYBODY, EVERYBODY KNOWS I CAN GET UNDER Y'ALLS SKIN. And, to answer your questions, the moderator who deletes my post is from your neck of woods...I am definitely not afraid to voice my opinion on your junk. [/quote] Hey Rob,  isn't it time for your Closet Bulldogs Fan Anonymous meeting?
  5. Back on topic,  lets break this down : 1. The game is sold out, there will be 13 K + fans in the stands, not to mention the thousands listening on the radio and internet (Legacysports- shameless plug). 2. People camp out over night for tickets every year, not everyone actually gets a ticket 3.  People come into town from all over the country just to see this game. There aren't too many[u] high school[/u] rivalries that can say that. 4.  This occurs every year, no matter what the records are for the two teams. 5. This rivalry is going on almost 90 years. I also appreciate everything the WOS Grad, AAW, Legacy Sports and HD do,  and I don't have an answer to why no one showed up.  I do know that it is not indicative of the state of the rivalry.
  6. [quote name="dustoff03" post="1303422" timestamp="1350569065"] [quote author=Mr. Buddy Garrity link=topic=104788.msg1303241#msg1303241 date=1350525801] [quote author=dustoff03 link=topic=104788.msg1303238#msg1303238 date=1350525620] uhoh! i'm in north mississippi right now and we just went under a tornado warning. guess i better start watching the news. later. [/quote]get in a safe place, 3 twisters on the ground there right now. [/quote] power went out, tornado alarms still worked, you'd think after 1 hour of that noise, everyone would have the message. had winds of 80+ but the tornados were about 20 miles north. 5 people injured and no deaths last i heard. [/quote] Glad your safe.  I lived in Arkansas for 2 1/2 years, we had some scary moments as well.
  7. I guess first grade math isn't your strong suit robanadana can't take that vidor lost to Ned [b][u]AGAIN[/u][/b] + He posts on every thread about Ned = He starts this thread.
  8. We're through with vidor and have been for two weeks now.  robanadana obviously can't let that go.
  9. [quote name="rykerx144" post="1303036" timestamp="1350510031"] [quote author=bigdog link=topic=104788.msg1303033#msg1303033 date=1350509901] robanadana, go find your own rivalry,  maybe Lumberton will take yall. [/quote] this has nothing to do with robanadana, vidor, or any rivalary vidor is a part of!  Ok thats it!  someone get me the crayons! [/quote] Yet he feels the need to post on every Nederland thread or threads that mention Nederland.  You do the math!!  I think I can find a 1st grade math book for ya!
  10. robanadana, go find your own rivalry,  maybe Lumberton will take yall.
  11. [quote name="Gusher" post="1302989" timestamp="1350507514"] On the first day of school a first grade teacher explains to her class that she is an Indian fan. She asks her students to raise their hands if they, too, are Indian fans. Wanting to impress their teacher, everyone in the class raises their hand except one little girl. The teacher looks at the girl with surprise, 'Janie, why didn't you raise your hand?' Because I'm not an Indian fan,' she replied. The teacher, still shocked, asked, 'Well, if you are not a Indian fan, then who are you a fan of?' 'I am a Bulldog fan, and proud of it,' Janie replied. The teacher could not believe her ears. 'Janie please tell us why you are a Bulldog fan?' "Because my mom is a Bulldog fan, and my dad is a Bulldog fan, so I'm a Bulldog fan too!" "Well," said the teacher in a obviously annoyed tone, 'that is no reason for you to be a Bulldog fan. You don't have to be just like your parents all of the time. What if your mom was an idiot and your dad was a moron, what would you be then?' "Then," Janie smiled, 'I'd be an Indian fan.' [/quote] ;D ;D ;D 8) 8) 8)
  12. Question AAW,  are the thresholds different for mods?
  13. The amount of posts that you make determines what your status. I think.
  14. big surprise.  ::)  they want everyone in the playoffs.  Wouldn't be surprised if they give you a state championship for winning your district if this keeps up!
  15. Big difference in playing one or two games against 4a teams and playing a full schedule. 
  16. And this is BH's worst nightmare: [url=[Hidden Content]]
  17. I want to show up to at least one show, if I can ever get over there early one day.
  18. don't know.  I would have come but I'm in Katy and worked until 6.
  19. [size=3][b]Custer's revenge !!!![/b][/size] The second Battle of the Bighorn occured Friday night, on the shores of the Neches River.  The Bulldog cavalry soundly defeated the purple neches indians, and their "record crowds"  and drove them out of the stands by the third quarter. [size=2]Overcoming the incessant beating of a drum , a weird looking dancing indian and the stench of the refinery,  the Dog's Cavalry owned the field from end to end.  After taking the prize and causing the indians to save some power by quickly shutting off the scoreboard, the Cavalry let the indians have their reservation back, for now. Some of the "record" indian crowd could be heard muttering " well, we had more people than they did".[/size]
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