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Everything posted by Bigdog

  1. [quote name="stevieray" post="1044044" timestamp="1314642001"] the kid from sville blocked the field goal and the refs called "roughing the kicker" on the same kid that blocked it.....moved the ball up and the same kid blocked it again! [/quote] sounds familar ::)
  2. [quote name="hondo1" post="1044480" timestamp="1314673758"] [quote author=bigdog link=topic=87285.msg1043734#msg1043734 date=1314596897] [quote author=hondo1 link=topic=87285.msg1043694#msg1043694 date=1314588341] Nederland hasn`t won a championship of any kind in football since 1960, and if it werent for 2nd, 3rd, 4th, & 5th place teams going to the platoffs they wouldn`t have gone to the playoffs since 1960. Ned & PNG are the only teams in the area that gets to play with 16 players, their 11 plus the five referees. hooks had a reason for not using local referees when he played them. thompson is too conservative, every coach at every level that plays "not to lose" but doesn`t play to win, always ends up losing. Go  watch the U on ESPN, Jimmy Johnson shows how the game is supposed to be played [/quote] Get over yourself.  WOS has benefited from 2nd or 3rd on a couple of playoff appearances also.  Ned didn't quit and they beat you. [/quote] first of all, everyone can quit singing the praises of nederland for "not quitting" how many teams do you know of that quits` playing before the game is over, of course they didn`t quit, neither did their other 5 players, the referees, quit! so until nederland wins a championship of some sort, quit trying to brag on how many times they have been to the playoffs ect... when all they have been is 2nd, 3dr or 4th best. history is not written about the second best`s of the world [/quote] Nederland has one less championship than WOS.  As far as calls go, they go both ways and believe me WOS has benefited from favorable calls plenty.
  3. [quote name="tvc184" post="1044408" timestamp="1314669087"] It means that Nederland is 1-0 and needs to make some improvements if they are going to make a run at the playoffs. Good job in the comeback but a season it doesn't make. [/quote] Agreed.  I have seen a season go both ways after a big non-district win.  There are still quite a bit of things to work on.  The heart shown by Ned is something to build on along with some other pluses.
  4. [quote name="skipper" post="1043859" timestamp="1314628053"] dang i am so glad this game is over now we can get ready for the next game.ok nederland fans i must say this to all of you  your kids played there hearts out and showed alot of class this mustang fan wishes you the best this year.PS i like playing at lamar  almost 9,000people at that game i just love that [/quote] Thanks Skipper.  Good luck to you too.  I forgot to add to my list that Lamar has a pretty sweet stadium, that was my first time being in it since it was rebuilt.
  5. [quote name="hondo1" post="1043694" timestamp="1314588341"] Nederland hasn`t won a championship of any kind in football since 1960, and if it werent for 2nd, 3rd, 4th, & 5th place teams going to the platoffs they wouldn`t have gone to the playoffs since 1960. Ned & PNG are the only teams in the area that gets to play with 16 players, their 11 plus the five referees. hooks had a reason for not using local referees when he played them. thompson is too conservative, every coach at every level that plays "not to lose" but doesn`t play to win, always ends up losing. Go  watch the U on ESPN, Jimmy Johnson shows how the game is supposed to be played [/quote] Get over yourself.  WOS has benefited from 2nd or 3rd on a couple of playoff appearances also.  Ned didn't quit and they beat you. 
  6. Posting on both threads: Ok, my take on the game: Ned is still having problems containing the edges of the LOS against fast teams. - The DBs need to get off of the blocks and close down. WOS' defense is still as tough as usual. Ned need to work on the punt game . WOS needs to bring Kicker out of retirement for PATs.  Although the guy did well on kickoffs. Ned showed alot of heart in not giving up when the game looked like it was out of hand. If WOS cleans up the penalties they will be fine.  BTW, it looked like the DB pushed the WR out of bounds on that catch.  It would still be a reception in that case. Lindsey(Sp?) for WOS is a slippery little RB and disappears behind the line.
  7. Ok, my take on the game: Ned is still having problems containing the edges of the LOS against fast teams. - The DBs need to get off of the blocks and close down. WOS' defense is still as tough as usual. Ned need to work on the punt game . WOS needs to bring Kicker out of retirement for PATs.  Although the guy did well on kickoffs. Ned showed alot of heart in not giving up when the game looked like it was out of hand. If WOS cleans up the penalties they will be fine.  BTW, it looked like the DB pushed the WR out of bounds on that catch.  It would still be a reception in that case. Lindsey(Sp?) for WOS is a slippery little RB and disappears behind the line.
  8. [quote name="BRONX ROX" post="1037361" timestamp="1313723342"] [quote author=Hawkeye link=topic=86839.msg1037355#msg1037355 date=1313722937] [quote author=jayhawk link=topic=86839.msg1037352#msg1037352 date=1313722810] #15 Mcbride RB for Dayton was injured and had to be carried off the field by a couple of spectators ( maybe one was his dad ) - [/quote] Yea, forgot to mention that. Hope the kid's okay. Looked like maybe an ankle. Not real sure. [/quote] Talked to Pappa McBride and DA PONY just rolled his ankle a bit. A little ice and a couple of days rest he will be fine ;) [/quote] Good to hear that it is not serious.
  9. [quote name="BRONX ROX" post="1037345" timestamp="1313722158"] NED did what u have to do to DA BRONX.........Keep the ball away from the O. NED did a good job of burning the clock and had good play calling. DAY did not look interested from about the middle of the 2nd qrt on. I dont put alot of stock in scrimmages but DAY better wake up and show some intensity come next Friday or its not gonna be nice. IMO ;D [/quote] Neither do I ,  as long as they continue to impove from week to week.
  10. I am glad the O was burning the clock.  Thats something that we have had a lot of problems with in previous years.  Any ideas how many yards Dayton got?
  11. Its been down for a few months now.  I don't know what happened.
  12. Nederland and PNG.  Both towns shut down on Friday nights, especially during the playoffs!
  13. [quote name="rykerx144" post="1031612" timestamp="1312494269"] [quote author=Kville_Kats link=topic=86279.msg1031610#msg1031610 date=1312494146] [quote author=rykerx144 link=topic=86279.msg1031604#msg1031604 date=1312493242] [quote author=kville68 link=topic=86279.msg1031591#msg1031591 date=1312492113] Page 1297, Paragraph 9, line 4 clearly states: All sleds, and pads, srews nuts or bolts to before mention sleds and or any miselaneous parts thereof shall be completely removed from the district from which further use shall be made so that no cry baby of the first part shall offend pot stirrers of the second part in any way shape, form or fashion. Hey! The sleds are off the practice field and are untouched. The closest anyone has come to them has been someone looking for shade under the same tree they are under. Not being used, not on the field. May be Coach can start a new strength and conditioning camp for people that want to jump to conclusions, stretch the truth and pull their panties out of a wad. [/quote] im starting to like this guy! [/quote] I in all sincerity think that ole Country Boy is accomplishing  his mission..He's getting attention..Well I have no more fuel to add to his fire ...If you want a fire to go out,remove the fuel.. ;) [/quote] not yet, he lit the fire!  Im still curious as to why?  I know there is hate connection to Kville somewhere but I cant find it. [/quote] Obviously.   CountryBoy, unless you have real proof of a violation all you are doing is starting a unsubstantiated rumor mill.  When and [b][size=12pt]IF[/size][/b] you bring real proof of a violation, then you can post it and bring it to the UIL.  Until then,  drop it.
  14. A couple of people ahead of me pretty much made my point.  We have played teams from all of Texas throughout the years of playoff runs.  I don't think there is anything out there that is that "new".   It all comes down to scouting and preparing for your opponents.  Neumann and company are pretty good at that.  As far as gadget plays,  you dont see Neumann run them that often because he knows that probably 80% of the time they don't work and can result in a turnover.
  15. You haven't been watching too closely Bandkid, Neumann has changed up his offense several times over the years to reflect his personnel.  (Spread, I, Pro, Wilddog last year).  So I don't think you will see the same thing this year from what I have heard but there are only so many ways to run an offense, and I am sure they have all been done in the last 100 years of football.  Nothing is really groundbreaking.  I do agree that all bets are off for the rivalry.  I took a friend to a MCM a few years ago and was telling him how close the games were and how tight the rivalry is and the game ended 42-10.  The next year it was 22-19. So you never know.
  16. [quote name="PN-G bandkid" post="1031650" timestamp="1312501956"] [quote author=ForeverADog link=topic=86221.msg1031648#msg1031648 date=1312501588] I think we are 8-3 in the last 11 years vs. PNG :o [/quote] That's changing. The teams are tied 2-2 since I've been in high school. But if we're going to go back eleven games, we might as well go back all 87 games in which case PN-G is ahead 48-32-7 with a nineteen game streak of no losses to Nederland, not to mention an eight game shutout streak against Nederland before that. ;D [/quote] Hasn't changed a whole lot since Neumann got there, 12-6 in the last 18 years and 8-3 in the last 11 as ForeverADog stated.  we have put a dent in that overall lead in lately.
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