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Everything posted by Bigdog

  1. [quote name="Critter" post="986323" timestamp="1300730459"] [quote author=bigdog link=topic=82025.msg986315#msg986315 date=1300729695] The loss to unranked Liv hurt them in the rankings IMO. [/quote] At the end of it I still thinks LCM, NED, and PNG will still be 3 of the top teams in the area. [/quote] I agree
  2. Agreed, but they had Vidor down 4-0 until the wheels came off in one inning and all of PNG's runs were off of errors. Pitching will only carry you so far.   I am not getting down on the kids, i am only saying that if they get the E's cleaned up the team can make a deep run.
  3. The loss to unranked Liv hurt them in the rankings IMO.
  4. I would say three teams, but if Ned doesn't clean up the E problems they won't go very far.
  5. [quote name="samsung" post="985390" timestamp="1300500563"] [quote author=bigdog link=topic=81687.msg985362#msg985362 date=1300499467] I will disagree with you on NISD being behind in technology, Bon Mot. They have computers in every classroom in the district, some classes have multiple pcs.  There are 7 labs at the highschool, 2 each at the middles schools and 2 each at the elementry schools of 30+ pcs.   They have voice over ip phones, wireless access at most schools and a mobile lab at the high school.  In addition, the infrastructure behind all of this is upgraded in a 3 year cycle.  I would say for the triangle area, and probably most of SE Texas Ned is head and shoulders ahead. [/quote] Careful now bigdog.  That ain't following the company line. [/quote] :) I don't dispute that we need a bond, as you can probably tell I worked for the district at one time.  I was only disagreeing with Bon_Mot's assesment on the technology front.   No, Bon we probably don't stack up that well with the some districts in Texas, but we can't put the $$ up that a Dallas or Houston ISD could, but I think we do well for a medium-sized 4a district.  I have seen some other school's technology programs in the area.
  6. who are you referring to?  And what team do you back?
  7. Close game as usual.  It looks like we still need to cut down on the errors tho.
  8. [quote name="tvc184" post="985155" timestamp="1300486800"] [quote author=KFDM KERRY COOPER link=topic=81893.msg985017#msg985017 date=1300476819] They BETTER make the right one this time!! [/quote] I'm thinking Bobby August. [/quote] Your not funny.   ::)
  9. I will disagree with you on NISD being behind in technology, Bon Mot. They have computers in every classroom in the district, some classes have multiple pcs.  There are 7 labs at the highschool, 2 each at the middles schools and 2 each at the elementry schools of 30+ pcs.   They have voice over ip phones, wireless access at most schools and a mobile lab at the high school.  In addition, the infrastructure behind all of this is upgraded in a 3 year cycle.  I would say for the triangle area, and probably most of SE Texas Ned is head and shoulders ahead.
  10. I think he is referring to voting out board members.
  11. You know Grad I was about to same the exact same thing, especially about the admins decisions. I do think they have to post the job though even if they have made up their mind to promote from within. I think it is State law, and I know NISD does this from previous experience.
  12. I would think June 1. That's usually how the contracts run for ISDs
  13. Good luck to Coach Hooks. Now to the big question, who will be the replacement? Isn't the heir apparent coaching at LCM? Or am I thinking of the DC?
  14. Long way to go. I wouldn't write off either team yet.
  15. You really ought to do some research before you post.  I know you are threatened by Nederland potentially building a better stadium than png.  There is no stadium proposed for this bond, only replacing the restrooms.  Straight from the NISD boards minutes: [Hidden Content]
  16. Don't know what happened.  I am trying to contact the owner and find out.
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