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Everything posted by Bigdog

  1. [quote name="td" post="785174" timestamp="1270150384"] [quote author=bigdog link=topic=67848.msg785167#msg785167 date=1270149944] 77:  that is the way I read the article too. I don't think that the new position necessarily puts him next in line for AD. I could be wrong though. [/quote] I am very familar with school district politics, and I have seen things that seemed obvious go a completly different direction than everyone thought.  Thats why I am not sure that this is a slam dunk. bigdog, you are wrong. It's a process at this point. Read between the lines. [/quote]
  2. 77:  that is the way I read the article too. I don't think that the new position necessarily puts him next in line for AD. I could be wrong though.
  3. [quote name="Bucof2010" post="783212" timestamp="1269744933"] Weren't you one of the one's who supported coach Wise? Idc that Nederland ran the score up congrats on a win but I don't understand why its proposterous for Yates to do it and not Nederland vidor slc Ozen or any other team in any other sport [/quote] Man, your predictable.  One game is different than multiple games of intentionally trying to run up the score.  Basketball doesn't have a mercy rule, (maybe they should have the Yates rule), but baseball does.  It is not a full game that goes into the books until they play 5 inn.  It was 15-0 in the second I believe and Robbins pulled the starters but not the pitcher because a no-no is uncommon, and he needed the work anyway.  As opposed to a coach that keeps his foot on the gas (even with the backups) for absolutly no reason.
  4. Ok, since this thread is out of control, let's tone it down a bunch!!
  5. They didn't beat Ned twice, the first game was 1-0 Ned.
  6. [quote name="CoachL" post="764929" timestamp="1266960209"] I also went to check what records I have found and please keep in mind I am missing results from several years (1989-1992, 1997-1999, 2001, 2002, and 2004) **Not even sure if they played maybe Bon Mot can help me update my records**. The years I do have (1993-1996, 2000, 2003, 2005-2009) show Lumberton holding a 9-8-1 record vs Nederland. Like I said that is missing a few years which I have been unable to update. [/quote] I'm not too sure about that and I have a question:  According to your signature, Lum won 11 district championships.  In what district??  FYI Ned had 15 or 16 consecutive DCs (National Record) from 88-04 I think. And have won a few after the streak.
  7. Don't annoit png yet. If Ned doesn't look like a M*A*S*H unit by the third game, we will be in the middle of the race.
  8. Not much tougher than any other time :). They do seem to play tougher at home than away though.
  9. Nederland has 1 and lost another one by 3 points! :(
  10. '97 Wos 16 Dayton 13 '98 Nederland 31, Dayton 0 99 PA Lincoln 14, Dayton 10 '05 Nederland 49 , Dayton 14 '06 Ozen 14 , Dayton 13 5 first round losses to 20-4a in the playoffs. 20-4a has lost twice to dayton in that span of "dominance"
  11. Talk about revisonist history, "dayton dominated 20-4a for years". :) A whole two years, and one playoff game.
  12. A lame attempt at spin control. Ned recievers beat the safties deep in the first half too. The better team won, and maybe the coach thought the Dogs were going to rollover, but 280yds passing shows that we can move the ball when the QB had time to throw. And no the backups were not in.
  13. Off topic, does anyone know what the attendance number was for WOS that was turned in for realignment?
  14. My advice is go outside the district.  Ned and PNG have had more success going outside the district than hiring from within.  Don't use the good ole boy network.
  15. [quote name="B.M.F." post="706932" timestamp="1258172875"] Hold up there ace....all we heard all year long is how 20-4a is the greatest thing since sliced bread.  When in reality they're average....at best. [/quote] So far they are 2-0 better than 19-4a..
  16. [quote name="B.M.F." post="706839" timestamp="1258171838"] Yeah...7-0 was a truly dominating performance Jags ::) ::) [/quote] Tell me again who is sitting at home?
  17. Ouch! Gotta hate those one point beatdowns! :) :)
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