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Everything posted by Bigdog

  1. I think someone should go ahead and start a PNG-Central thread and keep the discussion here to PNG-Lum.
  2. Then direct your anger at the media outlet, not this site. Its public knowledge and posting it or not posting in a thread is not going to make it any different.
  3. Its going to come down to field position and turnovers, too close to call.
  4. costly fumbles early in the game and we can't tackle, or close off the running around the ends. I knew it was going to be a long night when its 14-0 in the first, but we seemed to get the offense on track in the 2nd and 3rd qtr.
  5. No reason to permantly injure yourself for the rest of your life, believe me back injuries are no fun.
  6. Hey RC, there is a caps lock key on your keyboard, turn it off.
  7. We did much better against the rush, now just need to stop the pass.
  8. I will say that I liked the play calling for the most part. Neumann did what he said, he threw the kitchen sink at them! Also, seems the D played much better 1st half and ran out of gas in the second. Not a real smart call on the fake punt though, and we have to get the snap to QB and knock off the fumbles!!!
  9. Too short handed also, they ran out of gas in the 2nd half
  10. To the people whining about the publicity MCM gets, when you play a team for 86 years and sell out the stadium every year, not to mention have as many barn burner games then maybe the publicity will pick up. That's not even mentioning all the back stories of this rivalry.
  11. Soulja, you don't have a twitter account?? I am updating all local games every week
  12. Indianforever: Go to www.twitter.com/NedDogs and sign up. I will be updating all local games.
  13. The season isn't over yet. Win this one Dogs and we are right back in the mix. There will have to be some changes in the defense though.
  14. The fat lady hasn't sung yet. If the 3rd string QB can gets some reps in , we still might make one of the four spots.
  15. I heard the throwing hand and he might be done for the season.
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