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Everything posted by Bigdog

  1. I don't think the Ned coaches are all smiles, they know that the WOS layers will be more fired up than usual for next week!
  2. If anyone is still having problems registering please let me know. I can probably just approve your membership. Thanks
  3. Wos missed the playoffs the last two years they were in 4A. On the flip side, 20-4a has knocked Dayton out of the playoffs severa" time since Stewart took over. So I would say Newton for football.
  4. I like how you said "yet" about the recievers Bru. we always seem to have one step up. So I'm guessing that Kemps dad is Jason?? If so he will lay the licks on like his dad did back in the day.
  5. Hitman, don't post rumors that you can't substantiate. We don't need that stuff here.
  6. They have one with them too, although I don't think it is as intense as the one with TC. MCM used to be real intense, burning letters in the field, TP, rocks in windshields, totem poles cut down, etc. It is still intense now but not in the same way. A lot of the silly stuff has stopped.
  7. Till we at least play a scrimmage its hard to tell. We've learned that talk is cheap on the messageboards, but we'll know more after the Jasper game. Offensively well be ok I think, we always have people step up. Defensively let's wait and see.
  8. Has anyone been following Sanches this year? I hope I didn't just jinx him , but hes 3-1 with a 1.07 ERA out of 33 IP in long relief so far with the Marlins. He didn't give up a run in July and has only 1 ER this month. Good job Brian!
  9. Yep. IMO they are a second-half team because of the scheduling. It just works out that they play several series against the weakest teams and make a "run" at the division title. Not to mention that the Central is not very strong anyway. This month they have: Arizona twice (17 games out of first) Chicago going into Sept. (depends on what team shows up) September: Pitt ( last in the central 17 games out) Cincy twice (13 games out) Mil (sub 500) With several good teams sprinkled throughout the schedule. They will make a "run" through the weak teams and fall apart in the end.
  10. Couple of close ones for Ned in '56 and '61! Would have been nice to have those too!
  11. And Nederland should be rank ahead of us? I am not asking because I am upset about Nederland's ranking, I don't put much stock in rankings and niether does Neumann. The Dogs do the talking on the field. But, since you brought it up as far as the regional rankings go, yes. Vidor and PNG are two teams that we beat consistently over multiple seasons, not just last year. PNG has a new coach and is unproven. Vidor has the same team and coach as last year and missed the playoffs for the eighth straight year. I think until proven otherwise, the pre-season rankings should reflect that.
  12. Yep, wouldn't mind having a few more that size. Anyone have a cloning machine??
  13. You still haven't explained the rankings. Why do you think PNG rates as #29?
  14. Were not usually yhe biggest, but always have some pretty strong guys up there.
  15. I have to carry one when I'm on call. They get reception sometimes where a cell doesn't.
  16. You could sign up an account and send one to your self, or sign up to follow my page and I will send one out.
  17. Ok, last warning. Knock it off or the thread is locked.
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