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Everything posted by Bigdog

  1. Soulja, I'm not sure the LM scrimmage will be a good gauge of your team, they are not the team that they were a few years ago,contrary to what all the Lum people think.
  2. I was at that game Soulja and I will say that it wasn't sarcasm, we were congratulating them on breaking the scorless streak.
  3. LOL like they need a hole in the head. He's popular because of his dad but is no where close to his ability.
  4. I guess to clarify, is he worried about the football program going up or down?
  5. Neither are we. We have layed or share of spankings on them as liltex said.
  6. Ned has a couple of RBs coming up, we should be ok, along with most of the OL coming back. We need to throw to the TE more..
  7. Depends on the defense. We were able to throw against them, just couldn't stop the running game.
  8. I agree, that has been the sticking point for a couple of years now..
  9. Remember, the UIL uses a two year average to get their numbers for realignment.
  10. Anything to end this pointless thread..
  11. Well that pile has been all over your team for the last couple of years..
  12. They could split it up: Dayton Lee Sterling GC Memorial BH CE King In the other : Crosby Humble Summmer Creek NF Kingwoood Park
  13. Answering your question, yes the current position coaches have something to do with our problems. The coaches that left had another level of intensity that spread to the players. And I agree with Badndn about the TOP with spread teams wearing out the D. It doesn't matter if you play one way if you are on the field all night. I saw several games, including the Lum game where the defense was pretty tight in the first half and just ran out of steam in the second. Especially in close games.
  14. Ned had defense problems before we switched to the spread, (lost some good position coaches) so much for your proof.
  15. I'm trying to reel you in Soulja. You would be a good source for Central updates, being a Super Fan that you are.
  16. Hopefully Ned will be Most Improved. That was the biggest thing that has been missing the last few years.
  17. All of you Ned people that can't make games come sign up! Or even the ones that can and want updates on other scores.
  18. The bear and the principal did apologize at PNG. That part is true. I think I was still in school when that happened.
  19. Ozen was in the old 19-4A for the first for years I think, which was a weak district. They had a lot of trouble when they got to 20-4A at first but they have had a couple of goods years in this district.
  20. It generates excitement about the new year that's all. I remember when we switched to our current color, lots of excitement!
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