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Everything posted by Bigdog

  1. More info: if you want me to send out more detailed updates for you team let me know and I will add your account as one that I follow. Then I can relay the updates to everyone!
  2. Could be. I have been hearing that the defense is improving, only time will tell.
  3. Thanks for the input. I hope that I will be able to do every game, so everyone that "follows" my page will be up to date at least every quarter for non-Nederland games! Unfortunately I will maybe make one game this year
  4. Its not too hard. Sign up for an account, link your phone under devices and you will get text msg updates. You can also link other programs such as Yahoo, AOL IM , facebook, etc. I figured this would be good for all the people in the stands saying " I wonder what the score is at the " (insert team name here) game?" Everyone will be up to date on the whole district, and can follow the dogs if they can't get to the internet or the radio.
  5. I will be "tweeting" updates for Nederland games for all of you who are unable to get to the internet or radio, or are sitting in a stadium somewhere. (by text message) ;D I have decided that play by play would be too much so for Ned games, i will probably update after each scoring drive. As a bonus, I will also give quarterly updates for the 20-4a district as I get them , and other "games of interest as well. I might try to split people up if they don't want the scoring drive updates from Nederland but just the updates for the rest of the district, so let me know what you want! Just sign up as a follower on this address: [Hidden Content]
  6. Seems like we went deeper than the l-caboose last year
  7. If Neds defense improves it wl be a much closer game. We were able to throw against WOS, just couldn't stop their "O". We had that problem all season.
  8. Well we had snow the second week of April here, that would make for some interesting games! The trainers would be griping about frostbite!
  9. I believe Ned BR plays on the Ned HS field..
  10. Dang scooter I though I was on here a lot! Lol
  11. I agree with the comment about having to take something for everything. I am the opposite, I only take meds if I absolutely have to!
  12. Come on Gungho, you don't want them to hire Skipper?
  13. Maybe Hooks should hire you if you have the keys to success Skipper.
  14. They use thier majic 8-ball to make predictions most of the time. : No, really they just go by the number of starters coming back. Thats it.
  15. Everyone has to start somewhere. Look at Neumann, this is his first HC job.
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