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Everything posted by Bigdog

  1. This thread is hearsay at best. If you don't know what that is look it up. It usually is not allowed in court, and it not helping anything here. Lets wait and see what is determined by the LCM admin. I will lock this thread if it continues.
  2. I agree. I think this thread has gone just about as far as it Should go until the tape is reviewed and the LCM admins render a decsion.
  3. Ok, I think we are talking about two different districts. PNGbandkid said something about roof leaks, as far as I know, the repairs in Nederland held after Rita and I don't think they had alot of damage after IKE. As far as the budget goes, I am not sure what it is but it is probably posted on the NISD site under Board meetings.
  4. The repairs had to be done. Would you rather had waited and see if we passed the bond? Also, brand new buildings will reduce the maintenance costs and stress on the crews. Its a lot easier to maintain a new building than try to patch together 50 year old buildings.
  5. I'm sorry Dawgnut, can you ever forgive me???
  6. So what exactly is the point of this post?
  7. Again, read the bond. It is on the NISD website. I provided the link further back in this thread.
  8. You might need to get your facts straight before you spout off. (shakes head) nevermind, forgot who I was talking to. I haven't denied anything, just gave you facts about what happened instead of going off on misinformed tirades. So what that they did both bonds? I explained why Gulf Coast did the upgrades. So do you actually have a point or enjoy talking in circles? The bond is online , why don't you read it before you come on here and attack it, and don't say you did because I would hope that you wouldn't have come on here and made some of the statements that you did. Maybe man up and go to a meeting and ask hard questions , instead of coming on a message board and asking them.
  9. I got your kool-aid, smitty. The upgrades at Central from Gulf Coast were due to a electrical FIRE, thats F I R E from a transformer burning up. The upgrades had to be done to accomodate the new transformer. BTW, LanWalton got a percentage of PNG's bond cost too, you might think about where your own taxes are going. I could care less what you were charged, maybe , heres a thought go to a Board meeting and ask your questions instead of trying to tie up the admin staff with your crap. Nevermind, that would require cohonas.
  10. Yes, I know that this is phase 1 . Phase 2 will replace the high school and stadium, and maybe build another elementary. Smitty is prob from PNG, and doesn't want Ned to have a nicer stadium than them. Kinda obvious isn't it?
  11. Updated info from Super's Bond talk for April 9- [Hidden Content],%202009.doc?sessionid=986347ca3a83710e9f4f39580396375a
  12. So smitty, what district do you live in?
  13. I agree about the schools could never afford "to do it right". As for asking an extra referee to sit in the press box and be expected to see things that officials on the field can't . . . man I'm not real sure what kind of eagle-eyed official would qualify for that. Some of the AA and AAA stadiums with pressboxes only twenty rows up aren't too far away. What about the larger 4A and 5A schools with pressboxes where falcons nest? Even an extra official on sidelines would probably be too far away see something that is happening right in front of a field ref. Everyone seen the Central "fumble" photos yet? Those two or three photo frames are probably being shot from a pro camera shooting 4-6 frames a second. Way less than a 1/4 of a second between being down and a loose football. That is too much to close for any official on the spot to call, much less someone 100, 200 or 300 feet away. That's taking into consideration the ref even had the right angle to see the play. Just because a photog with a 200mm lens and a 12 meg camera had the angle doesn't mean anyone else was able to view it the same. My humble opinion. . . no high school replay for several reasons ( $, $, $, and more $ ) and the refs are doing the best they can and a fine job at that. See ya on the field OT , Hey VG, you doin all of the Ned games this year?
  14. The study included renovations vs rebuilding. Go to the NISD website and look at: [Hidden Content]
  15. I thought they were playing at the high school on one of the practice fields???
  16. They knocked off LSU at the end of the season, but lost several others big. I think the qb got into some trouble in the offseason, so we'll have to see. I have to make one game, I only live 15 min away from Fayetteville.
  17. cool, I want to make a couple of games, if I have time.
  18. I guess I will get to see him this year if he doesn't red-shirt.
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