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Everything posted by Bigdog

  1. Yep , we were pretty rowdy at the games, to the opposing team and the zebras. The dome was a tough place to play in back then.
  2. If they go with this our travel would be a lot less and Central's alot worse.
  3. Probably not, but the salary hike for the position does. Just wondering if this might have something to do with PNG now wanting their new AD to have a master's? ( Keeping up with the Jones?) KDOSullivan, you amaze me! You must have a lot of free time to think these things up. PNG requiring a masters has nothing to do with Neumann having his masters. I believe more and more schools are now requiring it because the position has changed from just being a Head Coach to an AD as well. The AD is an administrative postition, thus, the candidate will be required to have his masters in order to meet the requirements. Of course, I feel you will spin this any way you wont, so probably no use in trying to explain it to you. PNG>>>>>>Honor.....Pride......Tradition......"Priceless"
  4. From what I have heard the plan is to do some improvements on the existing stadium this year, and then have a second phase of the bond in 6 or 7 years and build a new stadium at the high school, probably in the pasture between Canal and the practice fields.
  5. Rykerx, lets get this back on topic and leave the school bashing out. You too SFA.
  6. Are you referring to you or the school district? If the school district did that then they are violating the TEA rules.
  7. Thats funny. Will Boute be the HC too? or will he interview other canidates?
  8. Its unforunate that these kids don't have a ride. However, the problems that they face are not unique to that district. There are kids in that situation every where in every district, including Ned. The number quoted is not really relevent to the discussion, they bottom line is that the district is attempting to save budget money. The TEA is cracking down on the accountablity of the districts for thier respective budgets, and a certain percentage has to go to the classroom. If the budget shrinks, those percentages have to be brought in line , and outlays like this will get the axe. My suggestion is maybe some boosters or a local church, that may already have a small bus donate thier services to these kids to allow them to participate. The churches already have the liability insurance to cover them. Side note: TD, I understand what you are saying about the sign. The school must go through a bid process and get a ceritain number of bids. If that was the lowest or the only bid, that is the one they have to accept. Some companies will jack up thier bids because they know the school has to take one of them.
  9. Yes, school districts do that all the time. They have to post the job for at least 10 days before they interview. They have to have minimum requirements to post. Many times they already have someone in mind.
  10. They can when they beat the #1 team and Texas beat A&M, not much comparison there..
  11. lol. Not even close. I love how png loves to brag about thier attendance, like all those people were actually png fans.
  12. Maybe Burnett will be on Ned's defensive staff next year .... ;D
  13. Yes. From working in a school district for about 7 years. I could give examples, but i wont.
  14. They dont need to drag their feet on hiring someone. The new coach needs time to get acclimated. When Nederland hired Bobby August, the first time the players met him was the day befor 2-a-days started. MISTAKE! Don't remind me! :
  15. No. School districts do that to give the person a chance to finish out thier contracts.
  16. Grogan- Nederland. 183 yards and a TD vs the "#2" defenses in the district. Plus a sack on D!!
  17. I would have to agree with you there plus great community with the same feel as nederland also they have a pretty nice baseball facility plus the University of Arkansas is only 30 minutes up the road another choice of mine would be Stephenville nice town Tarleton State is there and just a really cool town It seems like it. I haven't moved up there yet. I drove around when I was up there for the job interview and noticed they had pee-wee league games going on and they were packed. Seems like they support thier kids.
  18. Bentonville, AR. Where I'm going. Check out these facilities!! [Hidden Content]
  19. I just watched the video on this site. The camera angle is coming from the Vidor sideline, and you cant really tell. It could have been an acting job because we got the pick. Swain had the inside position anyway. BTW great block from Asa on the Grogan run on the next play. He takes out two Vidor defenders!
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