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Everything posted by Bigdog

  1. That's a good point, Hooks has been here for 28 years and people know what to expect. I've always felt that the LCM community will have to give themselves, body AND mind to a coach before they will ever get one they feel is worth his salt. I'm not saying that Moody could have been that coach. By his actions last week, I have to feel he probably isn't. However, that program will never be where it needs to be if the parents and community don't relinquish some control. JMO That takes some time Gas. It goes with the saying that respect is earned not given. Not everyone was on board with Neumann in the beginning either, and some still aren't. But getting back to the playoffs in the first year went a long way to getting to that point. My point is that Moody will have to earn the respect of the players first, have some sucess and then the parents will follow.
  2. Um what schedule are you looking at? We haven't played Kelly in probably 5 years at least. As far as Ned goes, if our running game kicks in and we can control the clock, the Defense will have the help they need. They were on the field way too long last year and against WOS.
  3. Wow! I sure hope you are right. That would be great news. However, I am concerned. If we don't improve our rushing attack and learn to tackle then we are probably in for a repeat of last season. I am cautiously optimistic though that this team will improve quite a bit throughout the course of the season. The rushing game is the key IMO. The tackling was improved in the first half of the game, with a couple of exceptions, but the D was tired out by the second half especially the fourth quarter because they were on the field too much. We need to eat up more clock.
  4. He had all last week ...they were open.You can't tell me they did not practice for wo-s. My .02. A friend of mine is a assistant for LCM, I talked to him at halftime of the NED/WOS game. They were there scouting, so they have had at least a 3 or 4 days!
  5. True. I think the only think that has stopped MCM in the last 80 years was WWII and the post-war recovery!!
  6. My thoughts: I agree with most of the analaysis. The offense needs to grind it out more to keep the D off the field so much. Our D played them well in the first half with a few exceptions. They were worn out in the second half and that made for more poor tackling. That #20 doesn't need much of a seam to be gone, he's small and fast. Some of those things should change once we get a couple of people back. The O line protected better for the most part. Still needs some work. Also, why were we trying to run around the ends?? They are too fast for that and we had some sucess running between the tackles. Should have thrown to Asa all night until they stopped us. He burned that corner most of the night.
  7. Yeah, one flew over my house last time while I was mowing grass after the storm, scared the crud out of me!!
  8. I wonder if they will fly the big Air Force transports in again??
  9. I have reservations in Tyler already, from Saturday till next Sunday. I'll send the wife and kiddo up then, I might come up Sunday.
  10. see my post under the Ned-Wos thread. I walked out there on the field and other than around the benches, it will be fine. No rain the rest of the week will dry it out.
  11. LOL, you worry about your own hose, not mine. Anyway, I walked out on the field today, and its damp, but not unplayable. I don't know how someone defines torn up, because it really wasn't all that bad, I mean there aren't any potholes that you might lose a player in or anything. If it stays dry the rest of the week the field will be just fine, unless of course, someone goes out there with a hose.
  12. I don't think he is Nederland, either dayton or lumberton. Besides, scrimmages have no bering on the regular season.
  13. The same can't be said for Nederland's field. It is a mess. I don't see it being in good shape for Friday night's game. We didn't play very well last year on LCM's messy field, so maybe that's what they were thinking. Or maybe it was just that LCM played really good. If you go by how both teams played the rest of the season I would say it was a little of both. If anyone sees me on the field Thursday night with a water hose, ITS YOUR IMAGINATION I REALLY WAS NOT THERE...
  14. hopefully we can get Phase II by 2015.
  15. Here is the link to the bond issue. The only stadium items on it are turf and a new pressbox. Phase II will come in a few years and build a brand new stadium. Click on the link and then click on Master Plan. [Hidden Content]
  16. You need to read up about the bond. Very little of the money is going to the stadium. They want to build three new schools and do major upgrades on the others. Thats where all the money is going.
  17. Coop, can you get your hands on a complete breakdown of the bond? I haven't seen one yet.
  18. Read the post !! I know yall are a little distraught because yalls Indian neighbors have the BEST stadium in Southeasttexas , but dont be mad at us..look at it like this..yall had the best scoreboard atleast for one year and now yalls thunder is gone.. man that turf looks good over there..I bet yall can hear the construction going on in the background while yall practice everyday!!! Nederland's bond comes up this winter. Care to compare stadiums now pirate?? bigdog, this isnt intended to be sarcasm but what part of the bond is for the football stadium? Last I heard Nederland originally wanted to build a totally new stadium around the HS, then it was to just totally upgrade the current Bulldog Stadium, the latest talk was a new pressbox and turf. Whats really in the bond and whats not...just curious. Good point 92'..Interested in hearing your answer Bigpup... In the meantime those big heavy machines,and construction continues to build the nicest stadium in southeasttexas..While them ol' bull pups still laying around in that ol' dog house..The Indians are dancing on there new turf, chanting,doing cherokee and smoking there pipes on the reservation!!! While them ol' puppies can't get off that porch and has to stay in the old dog house.chewing on that same bone they been chewing on,and listening to all the construction..Stay off the carpet bulldogs you arent potty trained yet!! ;D ;D Read the post !! I know yall are a little distraught because yalls Indian neighbors have the BEST stadium in Southeasttexas , but dont be mad at us..look at it like this..yall had the best scoreboard atleast for one year and now yalls thunder is gone.. man that turf looks good over there..I bet yall can hear the construction going on in the background while yall practice everyday!!! Nederland's bond comes up this winter. Care to compare stadiums now pirate?? bigdog, this isnt intended to be sarcasm but what part of the bond is for the football stadium? Last I heard Nederland originally wanted to build a totally new stadium around the HS, then it was to just totally upgrade the current Bulldog Stadium, the latest talk was a new pressbox and turf. Whats really in the bond and whats not...just curious. It hasn't been official brought to the voters yet, but some of the things are turf, pressbox, some additonal seating and maybe some other things, we'll have to wait until the official version comes out, which should be Monday. We really don't need much more, other than maybe a field house. The second phase of the bond in a few years will build a completly new stadium at the high school .
  19. Kinda of like copying the Houston Oilers is original?? Not exactly the team I would want to emulate.
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