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Everything posted by Bigdog

  1. Right. and they lost by 10. Thats why I think they were the closest. WOS got beat pretty well by Ennis, and by 20+ by Wimberly.
  2. We have seen how hard it is to make it all the way. Dayton found out last night. So who has actually been the closest to winning a state title but didn't win it? My vote is for PNG versus Stephenville. Newton is not in poll because they have won one recently.
  3. Its just two or three steel beams mounted in concrete. They can pick up with a crane and put on a flatbed and move it. I see bigger stuff going down the highway all the time.
  4. Well don't feel bad, I'm closer to 65 than you are. ...According to the preliminary reports, a stadium will be on the bond. The final list probably won't be out until March or April.
  5. Only 30 years Aki? Getting up there hmmm. ;D Thats what I said. Over 65 , Disabled vets, etc. taxes are frozen at a certain level, whatever is set by the appraisal district. Others get a homestead exemption.
  6. I'm ready to see the full list of whats on the bond.
  7. Pretty much the same. Over 65, Disabled Vets, etc. thier taxes are pretty much frozen. Other home owners get a homestead exemption.
  8. Yep. I have family that works in the high school and co wilson. CO got rid of the mold for a while after Rita, but its back thanks to those wonderful flat roofs that schools were built with back then. The High Schools design was flawed from the start.
  9. I agree Purple. It works out to $35 a month increase for a 100K house. Not too bad, but I understand that it would have more of an impact on people with a fixed income.
  10. This might be the wrong forum, if it is Coop please move it. I just wanted to get everyones take on what they are proposing so far for this bond. [Hidden Content] [Hidden Content]
  11. Bellows, Asa and most of the rest of the offense will be back.
  12. Do you really want to pull out the Ned-lum record? You won this year and have had one good year. Time will tell if they do something with that. There was all kind of talk of how lum was going to dominate last year and you won one game. So I'm not bitter , just realistic.
  13. Almost all of Ned's team is coming back, ready to start another streak!! We were very young this year.
  14. Yeah, lets see if they come on here to take thier medicine. One good year does not make a program....
  15. Ummm.... if that is aimed at me, "blown off" could be alot of things, not just explosives. 42-14 is a "blowout", as in football terminology. As far as me and the military, my grandfather spent the last two years of WWII in prison camp, and almost all of my family has been in a branch. I have nothing but respect for the military.
  16. It is for them. : We'll probably have to hear about it till next year, then we'll see. :-X
  17. Lets be realistic, they talked a bunch of crap all year. They have had one good year out of 42. Lets see how they do in the future. Thats the difference between a program and a one-shot wonder.
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