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Everything posted by Bigdog

  1. Yeah, I know. They are supposed to get a bigger server sometime soon.
  2. Yeah, as much as they have talked this year they better get ready for some crow.
  3. We'll see how many admit that they just got beat, like you are doing or come on here and whine about the refs, the turf, or that the sun was in thier eyes.
  4. Ned's defense stepped up and stopped thier running game. We just didn't step up against lumberton.
  5. Probably depends on the situation. Riley has the arm, I don't know about running ability. If they want to change it up, can you imagine Phillips and Micah in the backfield??
  6. can you say "University of Texas"? Its pretty sad when fans of a team that has had a little bit of sucess think that they are entitled to trash other teams players.
  7. Dumb comment. He already signed with Texas after his junior year. Obviously they saw something in him. Not to mention that teams ran away from him alot this year because he had already made a name for himself.
  8. Good job raiders!! Waller up next. Shut down thier running game and you got them.
  9. I am assuming you are still in AK scooter. Don't tell my wife, she already wants to go back.
  10. does it matter? no. We went as far or farther in the playoffs than the DC every year. How many times has dayton been past the first or second round?
  11. does it matter? no. We went as far or farther in the playoffs than the DC every year. How many times has dayton been past the first or second round?
  12. No. it sounded like they played all the way through.
  13. You need to remember that over half your team graduates this year. Ned has most of thier team returning, and we wont forget what was said here. Ask vidor about that.
  14. Good game, Lumberton, you were ready to play. As far as the playoffs go, if they get through the first round they would be facing Texas City in the second, that will be tough.
  15. I have said all season that we needed a running game to go with the spread. We have some good rbs, but have made very half-hearted attempts to run.
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