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Everything posted by Bigdog

  1. There was no scoreboard on the bond issue.
  2. Is it just me or are we running out of discussion topics??
  3. I have never said Ned is one of the elite programs. Brenham has been to the State finals, the semifinals twice and regional semis twice in the last 7 years. So yes, it was a big win on a big stage.
  4. I remember that you won one game and acted like it was your superbowl and then didn't win but one other.
  5. Vidor will be prepared for the game. They will be definitely be up for us too. Just don't bring up history. 8)
  6. OK, in 64 years, you've won 8 games. What was your point?
  7. Actually three state final games. 1-2 overall. Yeah titan , I guess the refs from Austin area are against pa : I thought you didn't make excuses?
  8. I am willing to bet that thier fans will be plenty loud when they come to Ned. As far as the playcalling goes, we've already had a long discussion about the HC.
  9. Umm, maybe we don't play them because we don't worry about a different classification, unlike you. Oh, yeah, 8 points is a beating, unlike a 30 + point beating.
  10. I guess if you are already down 55-12 its not too intimidating. Ned had a 20 game home winning streak until '03 where they had two losses. (LM, PNG) Since then, in the last 4 years we have two losses at home. (WOS, Central). So basically 4 home losses in 8 years.
  11. Ok, what is the definition of a sub-tropical storm vs a tropical storm?
  12. It sounds like png is having trouble getting people to stand up for cherokee. I would say Ned, wos, and maybe lcm, (their bear growl is annoying)
  13. We gave waller heck last week. Ask them how many false starts/offsides they had because of the noise.
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