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Everything posted by Bigdog

  1. Did you watch the game? Do you really think that we are ready for district? The answer is probably not yet. If you read my post I said we had a lot of potential on Offense. There are a few kinks that need to be worked out.
  2. This offense has potential but a few things need to happen. 1. The o-line was decent on pass blocking, but needs work on run plays. 2. Bellow needs to get his timing down. He was holding the ball too long. 3 The WR need to catch the d*** ball when it hits them in the hands. 4. The Offense plays need to stretch the field more. We stayed at 5 yards from LOS or less most of the night. 5. The O needs to show up before the last drive of the game.
  3. Its working fine. The mural is just torn up. They will probably have that fixed by next week.
  4. I have half of my electricity. One leg is still down, not enough juice to run the A/C >
  5. The scoreboard works fine. The back mural got messed up a little. They are already working on it.
  6. We took some damage on the board, just to the back it looks like. We should be okay for Friday. They are working on it now (11:00 am)
  7. It looks like most of NISD has power. I know the high school, both junior highs and at least one of the elementary schools have power as of 6:00 am.
  8. The eye went directly over Nederland. Weird how it completly drops off. Power is coming back online around town.
  9. I think Kirby Bellow, Ned. 119 yards and 4 tds in his first ever varsity start. As a sophomore!
  10. I think he has a laptop under the desk and is talking on the board while the show is going on.
  11. Brenham only had 160 total yards until our qb went out and the D had to defend a short field the rest of the night. FB had three first downs all night. This is not the same D as last year, which was bad.
  12. Yeah, and I watched Ned beat ya'll 35-0, 42-6 too. Neumann has made it a lot more interesting to play you. Maybe Hooks will put us back on the schedule.
  13. Congrats on never living up to the hype that you get every year. Start out ranked and go out in the same round as everyone else . Boo. Oh and the two times that you did get to the finals or semis getting destroyed.
  14. Kinda of like your excuses after going out in the first round in 3A, after you thought you would come in and dominate. :
  15. Well, you won't get to see it this year. Maybe after the realignment.
  16. No excuses. Go back and look at the games since '93.
  17. I'm referring to 3 wins ahead. Neumann is 5-8 against hooks. You might need to look at some scores, 2 point wins are not whoopins.
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