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Everything posted by Bigdog

  1. You beat the fourth place team from our district . Congrats. I would love to reschedule wos. You are only three games up on Neumann since he got here.
  2. Bellows sounds like he's making some good throws, just out of reach for recievers.
  3. Are we overloading the server? It keeps losing connection.
  4. DJ stripped the ball. Defense is giving great opportunities
  5. He just had surgery to repair the breaks. He has to take off 12 days of rest before starting to rehab it.
  6. LOL, all this Ned vs vidor stuff started when vidor decided we were their "rivals". When Nederland explained that PNG is our rivals, that started all of this.
  7. No prob. I was reminding Bigbulldog4life that we need to take it one game at a time.
  8. Yeah except that was the only win you talked about. Too bad you superbowl didn't get you anywhere.
  9. I think so. They didn't really have too many bad snaps against Brenham.
  10. Yep, if we got that TD Sampere probably would have been taken out of the game anyway.
  11. Well you missed that by a little didn't you. ;D
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