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Everything posted by Bigdog

  1. No, you don't like the answers so you won't accept it. So who's the woman? :'( :'( Like I said on the other thread, Ned has led the district in passing for 4 out of the last 6 years and was #2 or #3 the other two. We expect that out of our QBs. As far as D Johnson goes, he's not playing for pa so just deal with it. ;D
  2. Thanks man, maybe you can catch a non-district game? Maybe at Reliant?
  3. Thats been the comment every year for I don't know how long. Ned will be nothing without... (insert name here). Be it Mosley,Butler,or whoever we just keep chugging along.
  4. I went back and did some research of top passers in the District. 2001- William Delage- Ned 2002- Kirk Dean- Ned 2003- Gilley-Lum , 2nd Hood,-Nederland 2004- Hood- Ned 2005- Moshier- Ned 2006- Dejohn-Lum,2nd- Green-Dayton,3rd- Moshier-Ned Maybe some insight into why we expect alot out of our QB's, and aren't just homers. Especially going to a spread offense. As far as the O-line goes, it gets rebuilt every 2 years or so and you see the results above.
  5. See the qb thread for my answer, Ned is always one of the top teams in district passing, so why wouldn't we be optimistic about our QB?
  6. Whatever 85 I think alot of the optimism for Sampere is that Ned usually produces good QB's. Ned is usually leading or very close to the top of the district passing yards almost every year. Moshier was right behind Green and Dejohn and that was with a 2000+ yard rusher, something no other team had.
  7. : Ned vs Dayton and Ned vs Central will be for the top spot.
  8. Better I hope. I want to see us go about 5 or 6 rounds deep. ;D
  9. The stadium itself is not in bad shape. The stands are sound and the track is only a few years old. We just need to redo the fencing, turf and someother things to get it up to par.
  10. I have the drawings online now. They are in PDF format, so you will need Adobe. [Hidden Content]
  11. Not yet. If the bond comes up like I think it will, turf will probably be part of that.
  12. I started out with a 30-30, but I shoot a 30-06 now. I shot a 10-point perfect with a 30-30 at 100 yards, and I found him two weeks later. I brought three other people out there with me to track that deer and there was almost no blood trail. I switched after that.
  13. It is kind of hard on the eyes. Thats ok, yall are getting some pretty good upgrades to your stadium too. When is all that slated to start?
  14. Thanks ETBU. I hope we are able to get some additional improvements later on.
  15. Well, it would be more than just the stadium. I wouldn't mind 75 mil for a staduim though.
  16. I wouldn't be surprised if it was more, it depends on how many schools they replace.
  17. I'm willing to bet a bond issue is in the near future. We will probably see turf and a new press box and maybe some other upgrades then.
  18. Sponsorships from local business. The sales team did a good job beating the bushes for sponsors. Here is a link from a Mid-County Chronicle article from a couple of months ago. [Hidden Content]
  19. Yeah, according to the drawings, the screen itself will be 14'2" by 17' . The rest of it will be the scoreboard and sponsers. I think it will also have instant replay capability.
  20. Found out today that the new jumbotron for Bulldog stadium is a go!! ;D ;D The screen which will cost about $1 million, will be in place for the first home game this season!! I have concept drawings that I will try to get uploaded, and I will take pictures as they build it. No cost to the taxpayers!!
  21. I didn't get to go either , the wife wanted a vacation. : I think PNG keeps it close, but LM gets a td at the end to seal the win. Ned should give Brenham a good game if the D improves. BTW png92, like the avatar.
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