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Everything posted by Bigdog

  1. LCm is starting to sound like vidor...
  2. 87, do you know Ned's home record for the last 20? I know they went about 4 years straight without a loss.
  3. I assume you are referring to png...
  4. Do you mind if I put a link to these on our board?
  5. New pic as of today...
  6. I know that they were rotating three centers to see who will start. Hopefully that will take care of some of the bad snaps.
  7. The foghorn is to honor a player who passed away a few years ago.
  8. You think we will have enought sun to dry the fields out a little?
  9. Ch 6. reported Ned losing to Mobile as the 16 year old semi-final game instead of the the 15 year old pool play.
  10. I thought your scoreboard was ok? Yeah, all you would have to do is reskin the board.
  11. No, it will be coming down. They might move it to Prather field or sell it to another district.
  12. adminbaberuth, are you at the game or are you listening to it?
  13. So they are in MC's seventh? Don't they only play seven innings?
  14. Yeah, considering that the old board is about 30ft closer in the foreground. I haven't heard what will happen to the old one.
  15. My wife saw the guy in the background on the Ch 6. Story tonight. He had a towel around his neck.
  16. LOL. No I think she informed him that the baby was a future Bulldog!! ;D Actually future Bulldog cheerleader unless they start taking girls on the team.
  17. I was wondering if you are tight with the Central coaches. One of them helped my wife out at Sam's a couple of days ago. She can't lift anything heavy, (almost eight months pregnant) and he helped her load the heavy stuff.
  18. OK... : I will post more pics when I get a chance.
  19. For what? It will be done before the first game. If you are referring to png's board, you just got a new one.
  20. "Get up, your killing my grass." Some of the old Ned players might recognize that one.
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