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Everything posted by Bigdog

  1. LOL, how did you take care of us this year? We were in the playoffs while you were sitting at home.
  2. Yes, I think. I don't know if he will be a RB or a WR you would have to ask one of the Dayton posters thats in the know.
  3. Hey idiot, the question was his total yards tops in the triangle. It was answered with the person who does have the most yards. If you don't like the answer, don't ask the question.
  4. Roy -Nederland if he's on varsity. I believe Dugat graduates this year. His brother is a reciever.
  5. and Micah Mosley and D Johnson of Nederland! Also all local players on the list.
  6. He was a freshman last year. We'll findout if Neumann puts him on Varsity or leaves him on JV for seasoning.
  7. I'm in the same boat with you, I haven't seen him play either. From what I hear from people that have seen him is blazin speed and good control. We'll have to see if he plays JV this year or Varsity. Some are saying he's as good as Micah or better. We'll see.
  8. Sorry, that was your one time in 25 years. Not in our house. I hate to break it to you, but I don't see Matthews leaving. Unfornately for you he is the best coach you have had in a while.
  9. Ned will be okay. We will have to rebuild the o-line, but have Sampere at qb, Gutierrez at FB and another phenom at HB, Roy. Most of the Defense is coming back. It will probably be Dayton,Central,Ned, and possibly Ozen and/or PNG fighting for the three spots.
  10. Hey you could have a picture of Rosie O on there.
  11. Hey jsmity, your comparing a kid from high school to a player that has already graduated. We'll see what Micah will do in the future. As far as high school, Micah ended up with as many yards if not more than Charles. Different running styles but in some ways comparable.
  12. Aw, come on Diva, the first lady is part of his campaign platform!! ;D
  13. First of all, you brought it up, not us. Second there were many winners in other categories.
  14. You are only eligble for one award, He's at the top of the list. ;D
  15. Sorry. Back on topic, does anyone else remember the Bridge City game I was talking about?
  16. You didn't make it through district so where does that put you? ;D No, we are satisfied when we make all the way. We started on that goal as soon as the last game ended this year.
  17. Lol is that the best you can up with. ??? Our goal every year is the state championships, which cannot be accomplished without making the playoffs. (I guess you wouldn't understand that)
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