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Everything posted by Bigdog

  1. Anyone have any info on the the local 5A or 6A districts ??
  2. Please specify the district number in the title so there isn't any confusion.
  3. Any idea of who they will interview?
  4. That would make sense assuming they 1. Get the interviews done quickly or 2. Already know who they are going to hire as implied by some folks on this board.
  5. And you are still off topic. Last warning.
  6. I would think it would be filled pretty quickly after the application window closes but I could be wrong.
  7. There is getting slightly off topic for a couple of posts and then there is getting way off topic for a page and a half. It is up to the mods/admins discretion as to how far off before we reel it back in. Its time to reel this one back in to the topic. Start your own thread ( which is already there by the way) if you want a different topic.
  8. The rules are posted at the top of every forum. You should read them.
  9. Yeah, back on topic please.
  10. I guess he figured it was time to move up a level. Any idea how old he is? I am asking because I'm wondering if he is planning on moving to one of the bigger schools later on as a HC.
  11. Reminds me of the Motley Crue song, "Don't go away mad ...."
  12. Yep. Not much time for a new coach to get assistants hired if needed, get up to speed on the players and possibly install a new system.
  13. whoever Vidor hires, they better do it pretty quick. They are running out of offseason. If it is someone who is going to run the same system then its not that big of a problem. But if its someone changing it up then that's more of an issue.
  14. To be clear the job has to be posted for 10 days on the school site whether they know who they are going to hire or not. I don’t think there is any requirement to post in other places. Although that is usually a good idea.
  15. Your probably right, my memory isn't as good as it used to be. LCM might have been in 20-4a with Ned,PNG, WOS , etc
  16. They played in the "Northern" 4A district for the first couple of years. Ozen, Lumberton, Silsbee, Jasper and LCM I think. They met Ned in the playoffs I think one of those years and went out in the first round. They moved to the old 20-4a and were playing Ned, PNG, WOS, TJ and Lincoln (I think they were still in 4a then) and I think Ozen had moved to 20-4a as well.
  17. They are in a growing area with a big influx of people. Also, winning is bringing transfers. If jobs pickup in this area, you will see more move ins.
  18. Nederland's schedules Varsity: [Hidden Content] Baseball.pdf JV/Soph: [Hidden Content] %26 Soph Baseball.pdf
  19. Football is a team game, there are multiple factors in winning. Especially winning a SC. The coach is only one of the factors and another is a little bit of luck as far as bracket and timing.
  20. Ok, I have an example, Odessa Permian. They won 6 championships over 4 decades, only one coach got 2 (Wilkens). Gary Gaines coached when they won in '89 his fourth year. He left and returned back in 2009, and didn't even get to the third round in any of the seasons '09 - 2012. He went 23-21 during that period. Did he suddenly forget how to coach? I mean he is an "elite " coach by Reagans standards for the first 'chip but then just fell off?? Or was it that the population shifted in that area due to the fall off of jobs in the oil patch?
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