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Everything posted by Bigdog

  1. That's great! Hopefully there won't be any long-term after effects.
  2. Lol. Y’all are just going to have to live with the bad spelling for the rest of the season.
  3. Fixed it, but that’s the last one. I’m not spending the whole season correcting bad spelling in thread titles! 😳😡😀
  4. Alright ! I fixed the title for all of you spell check fanatics!!!
  5. Nederland isn't going anywhere, Ned and PNG's numbers have been steady or slightly decreasing the last few realignments . They have been in the middle of the 5a numbers for years. There are still new housing additions and houses going up in both towns.
  6. Lol. Different story when a judge or the police are involved. That would be their sentence if I were the judge.
  7. When did that happen? I don't remember seeing an article about it. Of course that doesn't mean anything..
  8. Sounds like those guys need to be sent out there with a shovel and a load of dirt and start fixing what they messed up. Preferably during the noon-4pm hours. 😈
  9. Yep, as long as they continue to improve in the non-district games I’m fine. They usually have everything lined out by district. Just have to keep everyone healthy.
  10. I merged the two threads since they were duplicates.
  11. I saw one RB break a couple of good runs, but like I said , I didn't see much of the scrimmage and have no idea if it was starters or backups.
  12. I only caught the last half of the live quarter for the Ned game. Offense looked pretty good, there were a few mistakes (overthrown or underthrown balls, possible wrong routes run.) The D-line and O-line looked good, big boys on both sides. The D will be tough, they get to the QB and swarm the ball, they recovered at least one fumble that I saw. The secondary needs some work, but I am not sure if it was first team still playing or if it was backups when I was there.
  13. You see the same thing with some rookie NFL, NBA players signing big deals on hype alone. I would think there would be clauses in the contract that would reduce the payout or end the contract in the case of lack of playing time due to losing a starting job or just washing out completely . Maybe not for injury though unless it was a career-ending injury. If not, then that is the companies fault for not protecting themselves.
  14. I would think the answer to that question would be if he can't play the NIL stuff would be moot. If he ends up being a backup or third string player (unlikely) I doubt he would be getting much NIL money.
  15. No, Soulja wasn't one of the reasons, and I don't think BG was much of a problem. There are a few that are on this site that were part of the issues.
  16. coming from a team that has made it to regionals twice in 50 years, that's funny right there.
  17. 😄 Nah, Crosby will be in you guys district probably by the next realignment.
  18. Lol. My only question was why the thread was still going. Not an attack on Crosby. But let me know when you actually win something, not get to the game and get donkey stomped again. I enjoyed watching Ned beat Crosby again to knock them out of first place, even though it helped y'all out with squeaking by several of the teams on the way.
  19. Nederland has announced that Sheffield Productions will stream all games this season. [Hidden Content]
  20. why is this thread still active seven months later?
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